This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

dahn pushed a commit to branch 4.19
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/4.19 by this push:
     new 09f154796a2 server: Fix host CPU number (#10218)
09f154796a2 is described below

commit 09f154796a2a10f1c74d6f2087d1a3fe86694fb4
Author: Wei Zhou <>
AuthorDate: Wed Jan 22 15:44:54 2025 +0100

    server: Fix host CPU number (#10218)
 .../api/response/     | 431 +--------------------
 .../com/cloud/api/query/dao/   | 121 +-----
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 544 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index 41a0fdc4567..b4de48baec4 100644
@@ -16,449 +16,20 @@
 // under the License.
 package org.apache.cloudstack.api.response;
-import java.util.Date;
-import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiConstants;
-import org.apache.cloudstack.api.BaseResponse;
 import org.apache.cloudstack.api.EntityReference;
 @EntityReference(value = Host.class)
-public class HostForMigrationResponse extends BaseResponse {
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.ID)
-    @Param(description = "the ID of the host")
-    private String id;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.NAME)
-    @Param(description = "the name of the host")
-    private String name;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.STATE)
-    @Param(description = "the state of the host")
-    private Status state;
-    @SerializedName("disconnected")
-    @Param(description = "true if the host is disconnected. False otherwise.")
-    private Date disconnectedOn;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.TYPE)
-    @Param(description = "the host type")
-    private Host.Type hostType;
-    @SerializedName("oscategoryid")
-    @Param(description = "the OS category ID of the host")
-    private String osCategoryId;
-    @SerializedName("oscategoryname")
-    @Param(description = "the OS category name of the host")
-    private String osCategoryName;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.IP_ADDRESS)
-    @Param(description = "the IP address of the host")
-    private String ipAddress;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.ZONE_ID)
-    @Param(description = "the Zone ID of the host")
-    private String zoneId;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.ZONE_NAME)
-    @Param(description = "the Zone name of the host")
-    private String zoneName;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.POD_ID)
-    @Param(description = "the Pod ID of the host")
-    private String podId;
-    @SerializedName("podname")
-    @Param(description = "the Pod name of the host")
-    private String podName;
-    @SerializedName("version")
-    @Param(description = "the host version")
-    private String version;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.HYPERVISOR)
-    @Param(description = "the host hypervisor")
-    private String hypervisor;
-    @SerializedName("cpunumber")
-    @Param(description = "the CPU number of the host")
-    private Integer cpuNumber;
-    @SerializedName("cpuspeed")
-    @Param(description = "the CPU speed of the host")
-    private Long cpuSpeed;
-    @Deprecated
-    @SerializedName("cpuallocated")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated")
-    private String cpuAllocated;
-    @SerializedName("cpuallocatedvalue")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated in 
-    private Long cpuAllocatedValue;
-    @SerializedName("cpuallocatedpercentage")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated in 
-    private String cpuAllocatedPercentage;
-    @SerializedName("cpuallocatedwithoverprovisioning")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's CPU currently allocated 
after applying the cpu.overprovisioning.factor")
-    private String cpuAllocatedWithOverprovisioning;
-    @SerializedName("cpuused")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's CPU currently used")
-    private String cpuUsed;
-    @SerializedName("cpuwithoverprovisioning")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's CPU after applying the 
cpu.overprovisioning.factor ")
-    private String cpuWithOverprovisioning;
-    @Deprecated
-    @SerializedName("memorytotal")
-    @Param(description = "the memory total of the host, this parameter is 
deprecated use memorywithoverprovisioning")
-    private Long memoryTotal;
-    @SerializedName("memorywithoverprovisioning")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's memory after applying the 
mem.overprovisioning.factor ")
-    private String memWithOverprovisioning;
-    @SerializedName("averageload")
-    @Param(description = "the cpu average load on the host")
-    private Long averageLoad;
-    @SerializedName("networkkbsread")
-    @Param(description = "the incoming network traffic on the host")
-    private Long networkKbsRead;
-    @SerializedName("networkkbswrite")
-    @Param(description = "the outgoing network traffic on the host")
-    private Long networkKbsWrite;
-    @Deprecated
-    @SerializedName("memoryallocated")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's memory currently allocated")
-    private String memoryAllocated;
-    @SerializedName("memoryallocatedpercentage")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's memory currently allocated 
in percentage")
-    private String memoryAllocatedPercentage;
-    @SerializedName("memoryallocatedbytes")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's memory currently allocated 
in bytes")
-    private Long memoryAllocatedBytes;
-    @SerializedName("memoryused")
-    @Param(description = "the amount of the host's memory currently used")
-    private Long memoryUsed;
-    @SerializedName("disksizetotal")
-    @Param(description = "the total disk size of the host")
-    private Long diskSizeTotal;
-    @SerializedName("disksizeallocated")
-    @Param(description = "the host's currently allocated disk size")
-    private Long diskSizeAllocated;
-    @SerializedName("capabilities")
-    @Param(description = "capabilities of the host")
-    private String capabilities;
-    @SerializedName("lastpinged")
-    @Param(description = "the date and time the host was last pinged")
-    private Date lastPinged;
-    @SerializedName("managementserverid")
-    @Param(description = "the management server ID of the host")
-    private Long managementServerId;
-    @SerializedName("clusterid")
-    @Param(description = "the cluster ID of the host")
-    private String clusterId;
-    @SerializedName("clustername")
-    @Param(description = "the cluster name of the host")
-    private String clusterName;
-    @SerializedName("clustertype")
-    @Param(description = "the cluster type of the cluster that host belongs 
-    private String clusterType;
-    @SerializedName("islocalstorageactive")
-    @Param(description = "true if local storage is active, false otherwise")
-    private Boolean localStorageActive;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.CREATED)
-    @Param(description = "the date and time the host was created")
-    private Date created;
-    @SerializedName("removed")
-    @Param(description = "the date and time the host was removed")
-    private Date removed;
-    @SerializedName("events")
-    @Param(description = "events available for the host")
-    private String events;
-    @SerializedName("hosttags")
-    @Param(description = "comma-separated list of tags for the host")
-    private String hostTags;
-    @SerializedName("hasenoughcapacity")
-    @Param(description = "true if this host has enough CPU and RAM capacity to 
migrate a VM to it, false otherwise")
-    private Boolean hasEnoughCapacity;
-    @SerializedName("suitableformigration")
-    @Param(description = "true if this host is suitable(has enough capacity 
and satisfies all conditions like hosttags, " +
-        "max guests vm limit etc) to migrate a VM to it , false otherwise")
-    private Boolean suitableForMigration;
+public class HostForMigrationResponse extends HostResponse {
     @Param(description = "true if migrating a vm to this host requires storage 
motion, false otherwise")
     private Boolean requiresStorageMotion;
-    @SerializedName("resourcestate")
-    @Param(description = "the resource state of the host")
-    private String resourceState;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.HYPERVISOR_VERSION)
-    @Param(description = "the hypervisor version")
-    private String hypervisorVersion;
-    @SerializedName(ApiConstants.HA_HOST)
-    @Param(description = "true if the host is Ha host (dedicated to vms 
started by HA process; false otherwise")
-    private Boolean haHost;
-    @Override
-    public String getObjectId() {
-        return getId();
-    }
-    public String getId() {
-        return id;
-    }
-    public void setId(String id) {
- = id;
-    }
-    public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
-    }
-    public void setState(Status state) {
-        this.state = state;
-    }
-    public void setDisconnectedOn(Date disconnectedOn) {
-        this.disconnectedOn = disconnectedOn;
-    }
-    public void setHostType(Host.Type hostType) {
-        this.hostType = hostType;
-    }
-    public void setOsCategoryId(String osCategoryId) {
-        this.osCategoryId = osCategoryId;
-    }
-    public void setOsCategoryName(String osCategoryName) {
-        this.osCategoryName = osCategoryName;
-    }
-    public void setIpAddress(String ipAddress) {
-        this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
-    }
-    public void setZoneId(String zoneId) {
-        this.zoneId = zoneId;
-    }
-    public void setZoneName(String zoneName) {
-        this.zoneName = zoneName;
-    }
-    public void setPodId(String podId) {
-        this.podId = podId;
-    }
-    public void setPodName(String podName) {
-        this.podName = podName;
-    }
-    public void setVersion(String version) {
-        this.version = version;
-    }
-    public void setHypervisor(String hypervisor) {
-        this.hypervisor = hypervisor;
-    }
-    public void setCpuNumber(Integer cpuNumber) {
-        this.cpuNumber = cpuNumber;
-    }
-    public void setCpuSpeed(Long cpuSpeed) {
-        this.cpuSpeed = cpuSpeed;
-    }
-    public String getCpuAllocated() {
-        return cpuAllocated;
-    }
-    public void setCpuAllocated(String cpuAllocated) {
-        this.cpuAllocated = cpuAllocated;
-    }
-    public void setCpuAllocatedValue(Long cpuAllocatedValue) {
-        this.cpuAllocatedValue = cpuAllocatedValue;
-    }
-    public void setCpuAllocatedPercentage(String cpuAllocatedPercentage) {
-        this.cpuAllocatedPercentage = cpuAllocatedPercentage;
-    }
-    public void setCpuAllocatedWithOverprovisioning(String 
cpuAllocatedWithOverprovisioning) {
-        this.cpuAllocatedWithOverprovisioning = 
-    }
-    public void setCpuUsed(String cpuUsed) {
-        this.cpuUsed = cpuUsed;
-    }
-    public void setAverageLoad(Long averageLoad) {
-        this.averageLoad = averageLoad;
-    }
-    public void setNetworkKbsRead(Long networkKbsRead) {
-        this.networkKbsRead = networkKbsRead;
-    }
-    public void setNetworkKbsWrite(Long networkKbsWrite) {
-        this.networkKbsWrite = networkKbsWrite;
-    }
-    public void setMemoryAllocated(String memoryAllocated) {
-        this.memoryAllocated = memoryAllocated;
-    }
-    public void setMemoryAllocatedPercentage(String memoryAllocatedPercentage) 
-        this.memoryAllocatedPercentage = memoryAllocatedPercentage;
-    }
-    public void setMemoryAllocatedBytes(Long memoryAllocatedBytes) {
-        this.memoryAllocatedBytes = memoryAllocatedBytes;
-    }
-    public void setMemoryUsed(Long memoryUsed) {
-        this.memoryUsed = memoryUsed;
-    }
-    public void setDiskSizeTotal(Long diskSizeTotal) {
-        this.diskSizeTotal = diskSizeTotal;
-    }
-    public void setDiskSizeAllocated(Long diskSizeAllocated) {
-        this.diskSizeAllocated = diskSizeAllocated;
-    }
-    public void setCapabilities(String capabilities) {
-        this.capabilities = capabilities;
-    }
-    public void setLastPinged(Date lastPinged) {
-        this.lastPinged = lastPinged;
-    }
-    public void setManagementServerId(Long managementServerId) {
-        this.managementServerId = managementServerId;
-    }
-    public void setClusterId(String clusterId) {
-        this.clusterId = clusterId;
-    }
-    public void setClusterName(String clusterName) {
-        this.clusterName = clusterName;
-    }
-    public void setClusterType(String clusterType) {
-        this.clusterType = clusterType;
-    }
-    public void setLocalStorageActive(Boolean localStorageActive) {
-        this.localStorageActive = localStorageActive;
-    }
-    public void setCreated(Date created) {
-        this.created = created;
-    }
-    public void setRemoved(Date removed) {
-        this.removed = removed;
-    }
-    public void setEvents(String events) {
- = events;
-    }
-    public String getHostTags() {
-        return hostTags;
-    }
-    public void setHostTags(String hostTags) {
-        this.hostTags = hostTags;
-    }
-    public void setHasEnoughCapacity(Boolean hasEnoughCapacity) {
-        this.hasEnoughCapacity = hasEnoughCapacity;
-    }
-    public void setSuitableForMigration(Boolean suitableForMigration) {
-        this.suitableForMigration = suitableForMigration;
-    }
     public void setRequiresStorageMotion(Boolean requiresStorageMotion) {
         this.requiresStorageMotion = requiresStorageMotion;
-    public String getResourceState() {
-        return resourceState;
-    }
-    public void setResourceState(String resourceState) {
-        this.resourceState = resourceState;
-    }
-    public String getCpuWithOverprovisioning() {
-        return cpuWithOverprovisioning;
-    }
-    public void setCpuWithOverprovisioning(String cpuWithOverprovisioning) {
-        this.cpuWithOverprovisioning = cpuWithOverprovisioning;
-    }
-    public void setMemWithOverprovisioning(String memWithOverprovisioning){
-        this.memWithOverprovisioning=memWithOverprovisioning;
-    }
-    public void setHypervisorVersion(String hypervisorVersion) {
-        this.hypervisorVersion = hypervisorVersion;
-    }
-    public Boolean getHaHost() {
-        return haHost;
-    }
-    public void setHaHost(Boolean haHost) {
-        this.haHost = haHost;
-    }
-    public void setMemoryTotal(Long memoryTotal) {
-        this.memoryTotal = memoryTotal;
-    }
diff --git a/server/src/main/java/com/cloud/api/query/dao/ 
index b0b061d78c5..9d361b093e0 100644
--- a/server/src/main/java/com/cloud/api/query/dao/
+++ b/server/src/main/java/com/cloud/api/query/dao/
@@ -115,9 +115,7 @@ public class HostJoinDaoImpl extends 
GenericDaoBase<HostJoinVO, Long> implements
         return result;
-    @Override
-    public HostResponse newHostResponse(HostJoinVO host, EnumSet<HostDetails> 
details) {
-        HostResponse hostResponse = new HostResponse();
+    private void setNewHostResponseBase(HostJoinVO host, EnumSet<HostDetails> 
details, HostResponse hostResponse) {
@@ -189,7 +187,6 @@ public class HostJoinDaoImpl extends 
GenericDaoBase<HostJoinVO, Long> implements
         DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
         if (host.getType() == Host.Type.Routing) {
             float cpuOverprovisioningFactor = 
-            hostResponse.setCpuNumber((int)(host.getCpus() * 
             if (details.contains(HostDetails.all) || 
details.contains(HostDetails.capacity)) {
                 // set allocated capacities
                 Long mem = host.getMemReservedCapacity() + 
@@ -295,123 +292,19 @@ public class HostJoinDaoImpl extends 
GenericDaoBase<HostJoinVO, Long> implements
+    }
+    @Override
+    public HostResponse newHostResponse(HostJoinVO host, EnumSet<HostDetails> 
details) {
+        HostResponse hostResponse = new HostResponse();
+        setNewHostResponseBase(host, details, hostResponse);
         return hostResponse;
     public HostForMigrationResponse newHostForMigrationResponse(HostJoinVO 
host, EnumSet<HostDetails> details) {
         HostForMigrationResponse hostResponse = new HostForMigrationResponse();
-        hostResponse.setId(host.getUuid());
-        hostResponse.setCapabilities(host.getCapabilities());
-        hostResponse.setClusterId(host.getClusterUuid());
-        hostResponse.setCpuNumber(host.getCpus());
-        hostResponse.setZoneId(host.getZoneUuid());
-        hostResponse.setDisconnectedOn(host.getDisconnectedOn());
-        hostResponse.setHostType(host.getType());
-        hostResponse.setLastPinged(new Date(host.getLastPinged()));
-        hostResponse.setManagementServerId(host.getManagementServerId());
-        hostResponse.setName(host.getName());
-        hostResponse.setPodId(host.getPodUuid());
-        hostResponse.setRemoved(host.getRemoved());
-        hostResponse.setCpuSpeed(host.getSpeed());
-        hostResponse.setState(host.getStatus());
-        hostResponse.setIpAddress(host.getPrivateIpAddress());
-        hostResponse.setVersion(host.getVersion());
-        hostResponse.setCreated(host.getCreated());
-        if (details.contains(HostDetails.all) || 
details.contains(HostDetails.capacity) || details.contains(HostDetails.stats) 
|| details.contains( {
-            hostResponse.setOsCategoryId(host.getOsCategoryUuid());
-            hostResponse.setOsCategoryName(host.getOsCategoryName());
-            hostResponse.setZoneName(host.getZoneName());
-            hostResponse.setPodName(host.getPodName());
-            if (host.getClusterId() > 0) {
-                hostResponse.setClusterName(host.getClusterName());
-                hostResponse.setClusterType(host.getClusterType().toString());
-            }
-        }
-        DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
-        if (host.getType() == Host.Type.Routing) {
-            if (details.contains(HostDetails.all) || 
details.contains(HostDetails.capacity)) {
-                // set allocated capacities
-                Long mem = host.getMemReservedCapacity() + 
-                Long cpu = host.getCpuReservedCapacity() + 
-                hostResponse.setMemoryTotal(host.getTotalMemory());
-                Float memWithOverprovisioning = host.getTotalMemory() * 
-                String memoryAllocatedPercentage = 
decimalFormat.format((float) mem / memWithOverprovisioning * 100.0f) +"%";
-                hostResponse.setMemoryAllocated(memoryAllocatedPercentage);
-                hostResponse.setMemoryAllocatedBytes(mem);
-                String hostTags = host.getTag();
-                hostResponse.setHostTags(hostTags);
-                hostResponse.setHaHost(containsHostHATag(hostTags));
-                hostResponse.setHypervisorVersion(host.getHypervisorVersion());
-                hostResponse.setCpuAllocatedValue(cpu);
-                String cpuAlloc = decimalFormat.format(((float)cpu / 
(float)(host.getCpus() * host.getSpeed())) * 100f) + "%";
-                hostResponse.setCpuAllocated(cpuAlloc);
-                hostResponse.setCpuAllocatedPercentage(cpuAlloc);
-                float cpuWithOverprovisioning = host.getCpus() * 
host.getSpeed() * ApiDBUtils.getCpuOverprovisioningFactor(host.getClusterId());
-            }
-            if (details.contains(HostDetails.all) || 
details.contains(HostDetails.stats)) {
-                // set CPU/RAM/Network stats
-                String cpuUsed = null;
-                HostStats hostStats = 
-                if (hostStats != null) {
-                    float cpuUtil = (float)hostStats.getCpuUtilization();
-                    cpuUsed = decimalFormat.format(cpuUtil) + "%";
-                    hostResponse.setCpuUsed(cpuUsed);
-                    hostResponse.setMemoryUsed((new 
-                    hostResponse.setNetworkKbsRead((new 
-                    hostResponse.setNetworkKbsWrite((new 
-                }
-            }
-        } else if (host.getType() == Host.Type.SecondaryStorage) {
-            StorageStats secStorageStats = 
-            if (secStorageStats != null) {
-            }
-        }
-        if (details.contains(HostDetails.all) || 
details.contains( {
-            Set<> possibleEvents = 
-            if ((possibleEvents != null) && !possibleEvents.isEmpty()) {
-                String events = "";
-                Iterator<> iter = 
-                while (iter.hasNext()) {
-           event =;
-                    events += event.toString();
-                    if (iter.hasNext()) {
-                        events += "; ";
-                    }
-                }
-                hostResponse.setEvents(events);
-            }
-        }
-        hostResponse.setResourceState(host.getResourceState().toString());
-        // set async job
-        hostResponse.setJobId(host.getJobUuid());
-        hostResponse.setJobStatus(host.getJobStatus());
-        hostResponse.setObjectName("host");
+        setNewHostResponseBase(host, details, hostResponse);
         return hostResponse;

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