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vishesh pushed a change to branch 4.19
in repository

    from a9587bfd2e3 kvm-storage: provide isVMMigrate information to storage 
plugins (#10093)
     add 0944fa1c9cf set ulimit for server according to redhat spec (#10040)

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 packaging/centos7/cloud.spec                                        | 3 +++
 .../centos7/filelimit.conf                                          | 6 +++---
 packaging/centos8/cloud.spec                                        | 3 +++
 .../centos8/filelimit.conf                                          | 6 +++---
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 copy agent/bindir/ => 
packaging/centos7/filelimit.conf (88%)
 copy agent/bindir/ => 
packaging/centos8/filelimit.conf (88%)

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