Closes #2: fixed images links, tables, toctree

Signed-off-by: Sebastien Goasguen <>


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 08b01f0d623c47f63bd3ee4cc88b61c9bb891177
Parents: 947ff05
Author: Pierre-Luc Dion <>
Authored: Wed Mar 19 21:29:33 2014 -0400
Committer: Sebastien Goasguen <>
Committed: Thu Mar 20 04:07:52 2014 -0400

 source/accounts.rst          |  30 +-
 source/administration.rst    |   2 +-
 source/api.rst               |  18 +-
 source/               |   2 +-
 source/events.rst            |  27 +-
 source/hosts.rst             |  75 ++--
 source/management.rst        |  26 +-
 source/networking.rst        | 159 ++------
 source/networking2.rst       | 762 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 source/projects.rst          |  36 +-
 source/reliability.rst       |  63 +---
 source/service_offerings.rst |  84 ++---
 source/storage.rst           | 226 +++++------
 source/systemvm.rst          |  44 ++-
 source/templates.rst         | 135 ++++---
 source/tuning.rst            |  10 +-
 source/ui.rst                |  11 +-
 source/usage.rst             |  28 +-
 source/virtual_machines.rst  | 178 ++++-----
 19 files changed, 899 insertions(+), 1017 deletions(-)
diff --git a/source/accounts.rst b/source/accounts.rst
index ebe3d49..41e6524 100644
--- a/source/accounts.rst
+++ b/source/accounts.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Managing Accounts, Users and Domains
 Accounts, Users, and Domains
@@ -60,21 +60,21 @@ or delete other administrators, and change the password for 
any user in
 the system.
 Domain Administrators
 Domain administrators can perform administrative operations for users
 who belong to that domain. Domain administrators do not have visibility
 into physical servers or other domains.
 Root Administrator
 Root administrators have complete access to the system, including
 managing templates, service offerings, customer care administrators, and
 Resource Ownership
 Resources belong to the account, not individual users in that account.
 For example, billing, resource limits, and so on are maintained by the
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ administrator can do the same for VMs within the domain from 
one account
 to any other account in the domain or any of its sub-domains.
 Dedicating Resources to Accounts and Domains
 The root administrator can dedicate resources to a specific domain or
 account that needs private infrastructure for additional security or
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ with system VMs or virtual routers can be used for 
preferred implicit
 Using an LDAP Server for User Authentication
 You can use an external LDAP server such as Microsoft Active Directory
 or ApacheDS to authenticate CloudStack end-users. Just map CloudStack
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ command ldapConfig and provide the following:
    SSL keystore and password, if SSL is used
 Example LDAP Configuration Commands
 To understand the examples in this section, you need to know the basic
 concepts behind calling the CloudStack API, which are explained in the
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ The next few sections explain some of the concepts you will 
need to know
 when filling out the ldapConfig parameters.
 Search Base
 An LDAP query is relative to a given node of the LDAP directory tree,
 called the search base. The search base is the distinguished name (DN)
@@ -268,13 +268,15 @@ you are using. A full discussion of distinguished names 
is outside the
 scope of our documentation. The following table shows some examples of
 search bases to find users in the testing department..
+================  =======================
 LDAP Server       Example Search Base DN
 ================  =======================
 ApacheDS          OU=testing, O=project
 Active Directory  OU=testing, DC=company
+================  =======================
 Query Filter
 The query filter is used to find a mapped user in the external LDAP
 server. The query filter should uniquely map the CloudStack user to LDAP
@@ -283,11 +285,13 @@ filter syntax, consult the documentation for your LDAP 
 The CloudStack query filter wildcards are:
+=====================  ====================
 Query Filter Wildcard  Description
 =====================  ====================
 %u                     User name
 %e                     Email address
 %n                     First and last name
+=====================  ====================
 The following examples assume you are using Active Directory, and refer
 to user attributes from the Active Directory schema.
@@ -311,7 +315,7 @@ To find a user by email address:
 Search User Bind DN
 The bind DN is the user on the external LDAP server permitted to search
 the LDAP directory within the defined search base. When the DN is
@@ -320,13 +324,16 @@ CloudStack user with an LDAP bind. A full discussion of 
bind DNs is
 outside the scope of our documentation. The following table shows some
 examples of bind DNs.
+================  =================================================
 LDAP Server       Example Bind DN
 ================  =================================================
 ApacheDS          CN=Administrator,DC=testing,OU=project,OU=org
 Active Directory  CN=Administrator, OU=testing, DC=company, DC=com
+================  =================================================
 SSL Keystore Path and Password
 If the LDAP server requires SSL, you need to enable it in the ldapConfig
 command by setting the parameters ssl, truststore, and truststorepass.
@@ -334,4 +341,5 @@ Before enabling SSL for ldapConfig, you need to get the 
 which the LDAP server is using and add it to a trusted keystore. You
 will need to know the path to the keystore and the password.
 .. |button to dedicate a zone, pod,cluster, or host| image:: 
diff --git a/source/administration.rst b/source/administration.rst
index eede610..7c81173 100644
--- a/source/administration.rst
+++ b/source/administration.rst
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ your organization, or just friends who are sharing your cloud 
– you can
 still keep track of what services they use and how much of them.
 Service Offerings, Disk Offerings, Network Offerings, and Templates
 A user creating a new instance can make a variety of choices about its
 characteristics and capabilities. CloudStack provides several ways to
diff --git a/source/api.rst b/source/api.rst
index fee2159..1ba27bb 100644
--- a/source/api.rst
+++ b/source/api.rst
@@ -28,13 +28,11 @@ some indication of their state.
 The API has a REST-like query basis and returns results in XML or JSON.
-See `the Developer’s
-and `the API
+See `the Developer’s Guide 
+and `the API Reference <>`__.
 Provisioning and Authentication API
 CloudStack expects that a customer will have their own user provisioning
 infrastructure. It provides APIs to integrate with these existing
@@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ possible as well. For example, see Using an LDAP Server for 
 User Data and Meta Data
 CloudStack provides API access to attach up to 32KB of user data to a
 deployed VM. Deployed VMs also have access to instance metadata via the
@@ -57,17 +55,13 @@ User data can be accessed once the IP address of the 
virtual router is
 known. Once the IP address is known, use the following steps to access
 the user data:
-   Run the following command to find the virtual router.
+#. Run the following command to find the virtual router.
    .. code:: bash
        # cat /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-eth0.leases | grep 
dhcp-server-identifier | tail -1
-   Access user data by running the following command using the result of
+#. Access user data by running the following command using the result of
    the above command
    .. code:: bash
diff --git a/source/ b/source/
index 4c7b170..1e3a98f 100644
--- a/source/
+++ b/source/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ master_doc = 'index'
 # General information about the project.
 project = u'CloudStack Administration Documentation'
-copyright = u'2014, Apache Software Foundation'
+#copyright = u'2014, Apache Software Foundation'
 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
 # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
diff --git a/source/events.rst b/source/events.rst
index 22d9ee0..29d927d 100644
--- a/source/events.rst
+++ b/source/events.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 Event Notification
 An event is essentially a significant or meaningful change in the state
 of both virtual and physical resources associated with a cloud
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ state change of virtual or physical resources, an action 
performed by an
 user (action events), or policy based events (alerts).
 Event Logs
 There are two types of events logged in the CloudStack Event Log.
 Standard events log the success or failure of an event and can be used
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ changes can control the behaviour.
    Restart the Management Server.
 Standard Events
 The events log records three types of standard events.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ The events log records three types of standard events.
    successfully performed
 Long Running Job Events
 The events log records three types of standard events.
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ The events log records three types of standard events.
    successfully performed
 Event Log Queries
 Database logs can be queried from the user interface. The list of events
 captured by the system includes:
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ captured by the system includes:
    User login and logout
 Deleting and Archiving Events and Alerts
 CloudStack provides you the ability to delete or archive the existing
 alerts and events that you no longer want to implement. You can
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ API. They are maintained in the database for auditing or 
 Consider the following:
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ See the export procedure in the "Secondary Storage" section 
of the
 CloudStack Installation Guide
 Recovering a Lost Virtual Router
@@ -444,11 +444,10 @@ cleanup=false parameter. For more information about 
redundant router
 setup, see Creating a New Network Offering.
 For more information about the API syntax, see the API Reference at
 Maintenance mode not working on vCenter
@@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ Use vCenter to place the host in maintenance mode.
 Unable to deploy VMs from uploaded vSphere template
@@ -488,7 +487,7 @@ Solution
 Remove the ISO and re-upload the template.
 Unable to power on virtual machine on VMware
@@ -525,7 +524,7 @@ See the following:
 Load balancer rules fail after changing network offering
diff --git a/source/hosts.rst b/source/hosts.rst
index ae73057..d63555c 100644
--- a/source/hosts.rst
+++ b/source/hosts.rst
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ Working with Hosts
 Adding Hosts
 Additional hosts can be added at any time to provide more capacity for
 guest VMs. For requirements and instructions, see `Section 7.6, “Adding
 a Host” <#host-add>`__.
 Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts
 You can place a host into maintenance mode. When maintenance mode is
 activated, the host becomes unavailable to receive new guest VMs, and
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ another host not in maintenance mode. This migration uses 
live migration
 technology and does not interrupt the execution of the guest.
 vCenter and Maintenance Mode
 To enter maintenance mode on a vCenter host, both vCenter and CloudStack
 must be used in concert. CloudStack and vCenter have separate
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ maintenance modes that work closely together.
       it may be migrated back to it manually and new VMs can be added.
 XenServer and Maintenance Mode
 For XenServer, you can take a server offline temporarily by using the
 Maintenance Mode feature in XenCenter. When you place a server into
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ have been successfully migrated off the server.
    Click Exit Maintenance Mode.
 Disabling and Enabling Zones, Pods, and Clusters
 You can enable or disable a zone, pod, or cluster without permanently
 removing it from the cloud. This is useful for maintenance or when there
@@ -163,8 +163,7 @@ To disable and enable a zone, pod, or cluster:
    If you are disabling or enabling a zone, find the name of the zone in
-   the list, and click the Enable/Disable button. |enable-disable.png:
-   button to enable or disable zone, pod, or cluster.|
+   the list, and click the Enable/Disable button. |enable-disable.png|
@@ -185,16 +184,16 @@ To disable and enable a zone, pod, or cluster:
-   Click the Enable/Disable button. |image32|
+   Click the Enable/Disable button. |enable-disable.png|
 Removing Hosts
 Hosts can be removed from the cloud as needed. The procedure to remove a
 host depends on the hypervisor type.
 Removing XenServer and KVM Hosts
 A node cannot be removed from a cluster until it has been placed in
 maintenance mode. This will ensure that all of the VMs on it have been
@@ -204,8 +203,8 @@ migrated to other Hosts. To remove a Host from the cloud:
    Place the node in maintenance mode.
-   See `Section 11.2, “Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for
-   Hosts” <#scheduled-maintenance-maintenance-mode-hosts>`__.
+   See `“Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for
+   Hosts” <#scheduled-maintenance-and-maintenance-mode-for-hosts>`__.
@@ -219,24 +218,24 @@ migrated to other Hosts. To remove a Host from the cloud:
    it, etc
 Removing vSphere Hosts
 To remove this type of host, first place it in maintenance mode, as
-described in `Section 11.2, “Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode
-for Hosts” <#scheduled-maintenance-maintenance-mode-hosts>`__. Then use
+described in `“Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode
+for Hosts” <#scheduled-maintenance-and-maintenance-mode-for-hosts>`_. Then 
 CloudStack to remove the host. CloudStack will not direct commands to a
 host that has been removed using CloudStack. However, the host may still
 exist in the vCenter cluster.
 Re-Installing Hosts
 You can re-install a host after placing it in maintenance mode and then
 removing it. If a host is down and cannot be placed in maintenance mode,
 it should still be removed before the re-install.
 Maintaining Hypervisors on Hosts
 When running hypervisor software on hosts, be sure all the hotfixes
 provided by the hypervisor vendor are applied. Track the release of
@@ -247,14 +246,15 @@ essential that your hosts are completely up to date with 
the provided
 hypervisor patches. The hypervisor vendor is likely to refuse to support
 any system that is not up to date with patches.
-.. note:: The lack of up-do-date hotfixes can lead to data corruption and lost 
+.. note:: 
+   The lack of up-do-date hotfixes can lead to data corruption and lost VMs.
 (XenServer) For more information, see `Highly Recommended Hotfixes for
 XenServer in the CloudStack Knowledge
 Changing Host Password
 The password for a XenServer Node, KVM Node, or vSphere Node may be
 changed in the database. Note that all Nodes in a Cluster must have the
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ To change a Node's password:
        mysql> update set password='password' where id=5 or id=10 or 
 Over-Provisioning and Service Offering Limits
 (Supported for XenServer, KVM, and VMware)
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ the host is actually suitable for the level of 
over-provisioning which
 has been set.
 Limitations on Over-Provisioning in XenServer and KVM
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Limitations on Over-Provisioning in XenServer and KVM
    limits based on the memory contention.
 Requirements for Over-Provisioning
 Several prerequisites are required in order for over-provisioning to
 function properly. The feature is dependent on the OS type, hypervisor
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ administrator must set CONFIG\_VIRTIO\_BALLOON=y in the 
 Hypervisor capabilities
 The hypervisor must be capable of using the memory ballooning.
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ VMware, KVM
 Memory ballooning is supported by default.
 Setting Over-Provisioning Ratios
 There are two ways the root admin can set CPU and RAM over-provisioning
 ratios. First, the global configuration settings
@@ -435,7 +435,8 @@ done, CloudStack recalculates or scales the used and 
reserved capacities
 based on the new over-provisioning ratios, to ensure that CloudStack is
 correctly tracking the amount of free capacity.
-.. note:: It is safer not to deploy additional new VMs while the capacity 
recalculation is underway, in case the new values for available capacity are 
not high enough to accommodate the new VMs. Just wait for the new 
used/available values to become available, to be sure there is room for all the 
new VMs you want.
+.. note:: 
+   It is safer not to deploy additional new VMs while the capacity 
recalculation is underway, in case the new values for available capacity are 
not high enough to accommodate the new VMs. Just wait for the new 
used/available values to become available, to be sure there is room for all the 
new VMs you want.
 To change the over-provisioning ratios for an existing cluster:
@@ -462,10 +463,11 @@ To change the over-provisioning ratios for an existing 
    intially shown in these fields is the default value inherited from
    the global configuration settings.
-   .. note:: In XenServer, due to a constraint of this hypervisor, you can not 
use an over-provisioning factor greater than 4.
+   .. note:: 
+      In XenServer, due to a constraint of this hypervisor, you can not use an 
over-provisioning factor greater than 4.
 Service Offering Limits and Over-Provisioning
 Service offering limits (e.g. 1 GHz, 1 core) are strictly enforced for
 core count. For example, a guest with a service offering of one core
@@ -485,7 +487,7 @@ will receive twice the CPU allocation as a guest created 
from a 1 GHz
 service offering. CloudStack does not perform memory over-provisioning.
 VLAN Provisioning
 CloudStack automatically creates and destroys interfaces bridged to
 VLANs on the hosts. In general the administrator does not need to manage
@@ -514,11 +516,12 @@ set of IPs for different customers, each one with their 
own routers and
 the guest networks on different physical NICs.
 VLAN Allocation Example
 VLANs are required for public and guest traffic. The following is an
 example of a VLAN allocation scheme:
+=================   =============================   
 VLAN IDs            Traffic type                    Scope
 =================   =============================   
 less than 500       Management traffic.             Reserved for 
administrative purposes.  CloudStack software can access this, hypervisors, 
system VMs.
@@ -527,9 +530,10 @@ less than 500       Management traffic.             
Reserved for administrative
 800-899             VLANs carrying guest traffic.   CloudStack accounts. 
Account-specific VLAN chosen by CloudStack admin to assign to that account.
 900-999             VLAN carrying guest traffic     CloudStack accounts. Can 
be scoped by project, domain, or all accounts.
 greater than 1000   Reserved for future use
+=================   =============================   
 Adding Non Contiguous VLAN Ranges
 CloudStack provides you with the flexibility to add non contiguous VLAN
 ranges to your network. The administrator can either update an existing
@@ -564,7 +568,7 @@ range.
-   Click Edit |edit-icon.png: button to edit the VLAN range.|
+   Click Edit |edit-icon.png|.
    The VLAN Ranges field now is editable.
@@ -580,7 +584,7 @@ range.
    Click Apply.
 Assigning VLANs to Isolated Networks
 CloudStack provides you the ability to control VLAN assignment to
 Isolated networks. As a Root admin, you can assign a VLAN ID when a
@@ -628,5 +632,10 @@ To enable you to assign VLANs to Isolated networks,
    network and the state is changed to Setup. In this state, the network
    will not be garbage collected.
-.. note:: You cannot change a VLAN once it's assigned to the network. The VLAN 
remains with the network for its entire life cycle.
+.. note:: 
+   You cannot change a VLAN once it's assigned to the network. The VLAN 
remains with the network for its entire life cycle.
+.. |enable-disable.png| image:: _static/images/enable-disable.png
+   :alt: button to enable or disable zone, pod, or cluster.
+.. |edit-icon.png| image:: _static/images/edit-icon.png
+   :alt: button to edit the VLAN range.
diff --git a/source/management.rst b/source/management.rst
index 4385605..9b90659 100644
--- a/source/management.rst
+++ b/source/management.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Managing the Cloud
 Using Tags to Organize Resources in the Cloud
 A tag is a key-value pair that stores metadata about a resource in the
 cloud. Tags are useful for categorizing resources. For example, you can
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ number of hosts and sockets used for each host type.
 Changing the Database Configuration
 The CloudStack Management Server stores database configuration
 information (e.g., hostname, port, credentials) in the file
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ information (e.g., hostname, port, credentials) in the file
 this file on each Management Server, then restart the Management Server.
 Changing the Database Password
 You may need to change the password for the MySQL account used by
 CloudStack. If so, you'll need to change the password in MySQL, and then
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ add the encrypted password to
                # service cloud-usage start
 Administrator Alerts
 The system provides alerts and events to help with the management of the
 cloud. Alerts are notices to an administrator, generally delivered by
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Emails will be sent to administrators under the following 
    The Host cluster runs low on CPU, memory, or storage resources
 Sending Alerts to External SNMP and Syslog Managers
 In addition to showing administrator alerts on the Dashboard in the
 CloudStack UI and sending them in email, CloudStack can also send the
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ be found by calling listAlerts.
 You can also display the most up to date list by calling the API command 
 SNMP Alert Details
 The supported protocol is SNMP version 2.
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ Each SNMP trap contains the following information: message, 
 dataCenterId, clusterId, and generationTime.
 Syslog Alert Details
 CloudStack generates a syslog message for every alert. Each syslog
 message incudes the fields alertType, message, podId, dataCenterId, and
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ For example:
     Mar  4 10:13:47    WARN    localhost    alertType:: managementNode 
message:: Management server node is up
 Configuring SNMP and Syslog Managers
 To configure one or more SNMP managers or Syslog managers to receive
 alerts from CloudStack:
@@ -480,14 +480,14 @@ log4j-cloud.xml. Check to be sure that the format and 
settings are
 Deleting an SNMP or Syslog Manager
 To remove an external SNMP manager or Syslog manager so that it no
 longer receives alerts from CloudStack, remove the corresponding entry
 from the file ``/etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml``.
 Customizing the Network Domain Name
 The root administrator can optionally assign a custom DNS suffix at the
 level of a network, account, domain, zone, or entire CloudStack
@@ -577,9 +577,3 @@ To start the Management Server:
     # service cloudstack-management start
-To stop the Management Server:
-.. code:: bash
-    # service cloudstack-management stop
diff --git a/source/networking.rst b/source/networking.rst
index 583ed70..0ec0fcf 100644
--- a/source/networking.rst
+++ b/source/networking.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Setting Up Networking for Users
 Overview of Setting Up Networking for Users
 People using cloud infrastructure have a variety of needs and
 preferences when it comes to the networking services provided by the
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ account. Isolated networks have the following properties.
    entire network
 For more information, see `Section 15.5.1, “Configure Guest Traffic in
-an Advanced Zone” <#configure-guest-traffic-in-advanced-zone>`__.
+an Advanced Zone” <#configure-guest-traffic-in-advanced-zone>`_.
 Shared Networks
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Basic zones in CloudStack 3.0.3 and later versions.
    is supported.
 For information, see `Section 15.5.3, “Configuring a Shared Guest
-Network” <#creating-shared-network>`__.
+Network” <#creating-shared-network>`_.
 Runtime Allocation of Virtual Network Resources
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ helps to conserve network resources.
 Network Service Providers
-.. note:: For the most up-to-date list of supported network service providers, 
see the CloudStack UI or call `listNetworkServiceProviders`.
+.. note:: 
+   For the most up-to-date list of supported network service providers, see 
the CloudStack UI or call `listNetworkServiceProviders`.
 A service provider (also called a network element) is hardware or
 virtual appliance that makes a network service possible; for example, a
@@ -181,7 +182,8 @@ offering.
 Network Offerings
-.. note:: For the most up-to-date list of supported network services, see the 
CloudStack UI or call listNetworkServices.
+.. note:: 
+   For the most up-to-date list of supported network services, see the 
CloudStack UI or call listNetworkServices.
 A network offering is a named set of network services, such as:
@@ -240,7 +242,8 @@ running a web server farm and require a scalable firewall 
solution, load
 balancing solution, and alternate networks for accessing the database
-.. note:: If you create load balancing rules while using a network service 
offering that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and 
later change the network service offering to one that uses the CloudStack 
virtual router, you must create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each 
of your existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function.
+.. note:: 
+   If you create load balancing rules while using a network service offering 
that includes an external load balancer device such as NetScaler, and later 
change the network service offering to one that uses the CloudStack virtual 
router, you must create a firewall rule on the virtual router for each of your 
existing load balancing rules so that they continue to function.
 When creating a new virtual network, the CloudStack administrator
 chooses which network offering to enable for that network. Each virtual
@@ -253,7 +256,7 @@ system VMs. These network offerings are not visible to 
users but can be
 modified by administrators.
 Creating a New Network Offering
 To create a network offering:
@@ -336,115 +339,34 @@ To create a network offering:
       Based on the guest network type selected, you can see the
       following supported services:
-      Supported Services
+      =================== 
============= =============
+      Supported Services  Description                                          
                    Isolated     Shared   
+      =================== 
============= =============
+      DHCP                For more information, see `Section 15.24, “DNS 
and DHCP” <#dns-dhcp>`_. Supported     Supported
+      DNS                 For more information, see `Section 15.24, “DNS 
and DHCP” <#dns-dhcp>`_. Supported     Supported
+      Load Balancer       If you select Load Balancer, you can choose the 
CloudStack virtual      Supported     Supported
+                          router or any other load balancers that have been 
configured in
+                          the cloud.
+      Firewall            For more information, see the Administration Guide.  
                   Supported     Supported
+      Source NAT          If you select Source NAT, you can choose the 
CloudStack virtual         Supported     Supported
+                          router or any other Source NAT providers that have 
been configured
+                          in the cloud.
+      Static NAT          If you select Static NAT, you can choose the 
CloudStack virtual         Supported     Supported
+                          router or any other Static NAT providers that have 
been configured
+                          in the cloud.
+      Port Forwarding     If you select Port Forwarding, you can choose the 
CloudStack            Supported     Not Supported
+                          virtual router or any other Port Forwarding 
providers that have
+                          been configured in the cloud.
+      VPN                 For more information, see `Section 15.25, “Remote 
Access                Supported     Not Supported
+                          VPN” <#vpn>`__.
+      User Data           For more information, see `Section 20.2, “User 
Data and Meta            Not Supported Supported
+                          Data” <#user-data-and-meta-data>`_.
+      Network ACL         For more information, see `Section 15.27.4, 
“Configuring Network        Supported     Not Supported
+                          Access Control List” <#configure-acl>`_.
+      Security Groups     For more information, see `Section 15.15.2, 
“Adding a Security          Not Supported Supported
+                          Group” <#add-security-group>`__.
+      =================== 
============= =============
-      Description
-      Isolated
-      Shared
-      DHCP
-      For more information, see `Section 15.24, “DNS and
-      DHCP” <#dns-dhcp>`__.
-      Supported
-      Supported
-      DNS
-      For more information, see `Section 15.24, “DNS and
-      DHCP” <#dns-dhcp>`__.
-      Supported
-      Supported
-      Load Balancer
-      If you select Load Balancer, you can choose the CloudStack virtual
-      router or any other load balancers that have been configured in
-      the cloud.
-      Supported
-      Supported
-      Firewall
-      For more information, see the Administration Guide.
-      Supported
-      Supported
-      Source NAT
-      If you select Source NAT, you can choose the CloudStack virtual
-      router or any other Source NAT providers that have been configured
-      in the cloud.
-      Supported
-      Supported
-      Static NAT
-      If you select Static NAT, you can choose the CloudStack virtual
-      router or any other Static NAT providers that have been configured
-      in the cloud.
-      Supported
-      Supported
-      Port Forwarding
-      If you select Port Forwarding, you can choose the CloudStack
-      virtual router or any other Port Forwarding providers that have
-      been configured in the cloud.
-      Supported
-      Not Supported
-      VPN
-      For more information, see `Section 15.25, “Remote Access
-      VPN” <#vpn>`__.
-      Supported
-      Not Supported
-      User Data
-      For more information, see `Section 20.2, “User Data and Meta
-      Data” <#user-data-and-meta-data>`__.
-      Not Supported
-      Supported
-      Network ACL
-      For more information, see `Section 15.27.4, “Configuring Network
-      Access Control List” <#configure-acl>`__.
-      Supported
-      Not Supported
-      Security Groups
-      For more information, see `Section 15.15.2, “Adding a Security
-      Group” <#add-security-group>`__.
-      Not Supported
-      Supported
@@ -459,7 +381,7 @@ To create a network offering:
       that have been defined by the CloudStack root administrator.
       For more information, see `Section 8.2, “System Service
-      Offerings” <#system-service-offerings>`__.
+      Offerings” <#system-service-offerings>`_.
@@ -518,7 +440,7 @@ To create a network offering:
          Elastic IP is enabled.
       For information on Elastic IP, see `Section 15.11, “About Elastic
-      IP” <#elastic-ip>`__.
+      IP” <#elastic-ip>`_.
@@ -544,7 +466,8 @@ To create a network offering:
       the conserve mode is on, you can define more than one service on
       the same public IP.
-      .. note:: If StaticNAT is enabled, irrespective of the status of the 
conserve mode, no port forwarding or load balancing rule can be created for the 
IP. However, you can add the firewall rules by using the createFirewallRule 
+      .. note:: 
+        If StaticNAT is enabled, irrespective of the status of the conserve 
mode, no port forwarding or load balancing rule can be created for the IP. 
However, you can add the firewall rules by using the createFirewallRule command.

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