bernardodemarco commented on PR #9188:

   I took a look at the marvin logs and, although the tests 
`test_DeployVmAffinityGroup`, `test_01_non_strict_host_anti_affinity` and 
`test_02_non_strict_host_affinity` are related to affinity groups, they do not 
seem to be related to the PR's changes. Apparently they're related to an 
incorrect SQL syntax. Here is the `test_DeployVmAffinityGroup` exception log:
   2024-09-02 20:21:08,522 - CRITICAL - EXCEPTION: test_DeployVmAffinityGroup: 
['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/", line 60, in testPartExecutor\n    
yield\n', '  File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/", line 622, in run\n   
 testMethod()\n', '  File "/marvin/tests/smoke/", line 
183, in test_DeployVmAffinityGroup\n    
affinitygroupnames=[]\n', '  File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/marvin/lib/", line 691, in 
create\n    virtual_machine = apiclient.deployVirtualMachine(cmd, 
method=method)\n', '  File 
 line 4051, in deployVirtualMachine\n    response = 
self.connection.marvinRequest(command, response_type=response, 
method=method)\n', '  File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/marvin/", line 
381, in marvinRequest\n    raise e\n', '  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/
 site-packages/marvin/", line 376, in marvinRequest\n    
raise self.__lastError\n', '  File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/marvin/", line 
105, in __poll\n    % async_response)\n', 'Exception: Job failed: {accountid : 
\'c6541c8f-6961-11ef-9f55-1e009f0003bc\', account : \'admin\', domainid : 
\'8da7e16b-6961-11ef-9f55-1e009f0003bc\', domainpath : \'ROOT\', userid : 
\'c654e153-6961-11ef-9f55-1e009f0003bc\', cmd : 
\'org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.vm.DeployVMCmdByAdmin\', jobstatus : 
2, jobprocstatus : 0, jobresultcode : 530, jobresulttype : \'object\', 
jobresult : {errorcode : 530, errortext : "Unable to find on DB, due to: You 
have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your 
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \')  FOR UPDATE\' at line 
1"}, jobinstancetype : \'VirtualMachine\', jobinstanceid : 
\'76c4bd4b-5624-4b0f-837f-015948b82189\', created : 
\'2024-09-02T20:21:07+0000\', comple
 ted : \'2024-09-02T20:21:07+0000\', jobid : 
   These same erros also appeared on 
Furthermore, the pipeline was run previously 
( and 
the errors were different.
   Given that, @DaanHoogland could we run the CI again?

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