DaanHoogland commented on code in PR #8197: URL: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pull/8197#discussion_r1617168284
########## .github/linters/codespell.txt: ########## @@ -0,0 +1,649 @@ +accouns +acess +acheived +acount +activ +actuall +acuiring +acumulate +addes +additionals +addreess +addresse +addtion +adminstrator +adres +adress +adresse +adresses +afer +afrer +afterall +againt +ags +aktion +aktive +algoritm +alle +allo +alloacate +allocted +alocation +alogrithm +alpha-numeric +als +alue +ammended +ammount +ans +anull +apche +aplication +apllication +applicatio +apporpriate +appropritate +aqcuire +aqcuired +aquire +aquiring +archiv +asign +assiciate +assigne +assoication +assosiate +asssert +astroid +asynchroniously +asyncronous +atleast +atomation +attache +attch +attches +authenciation +authenitcation +authenitication +autor +autorisation +auxiliar +availiability +bais +beacause +beacuse +becase +becasue +becaues +beginn +behviour +birdge +bject +boardcast +bootstraper +bord +bu +cant +capabilites +capablity +capcity +caracter +caracteres +carrefully +cavaet +certificat +chaing +checkd +childs +choosen +chould +claus +clenup +cliente +clinet +cna +collison +comando +comandos +coment +comman +commited +communicatie +comparision +comparisions +compleet +complet +complient +componentes +concious +conectix +confg +configruation +configuable +connexion +considere +constrait +constraits +containg +contener +conter +contex +continuesly +contro +controler +controles +controll +convienient +convinience +copie +coputer +copyied +correcponding +correspoding +correspondant +correspoonds +cosole +coudl +couldnt +craete +craeted +crate +crated +createa +createing +credentail +cros +crresponding +curren +currentl +dashbord +datas +deamon +decalared +declatory +decocdes +decypher +defalut +defaut +defered +definiton +deleteable +delt +delte +dependancy +dependant +dependend +deployement +deply +deplying +dervied +descktop +descrption +deserialzed +desination +detination +detroy +detroying +dettach +dettached +dettaching +diabling +diasbled +dictonary +didnt +differnet +differnt +direcotry +directroy +disale +disbale +discrepency +disover +dissapper +dissassociated +divice +doen +doesn' +doesnot +doesnt +donn +dont' +doubleclick +dows +eanbled +earch +ect +editer +elemnt +eles +elments +emmited +enble +encryted +ende +enebled +enmpty +entires +enviornment +environmnet +environnements +equivalant +erro +erronous +erros +espace +everthing +everytime +excetion +excption +excute +execept +execption +execut +executeable +exeeded +exemple +exisitng +exisits +existin +existsing +exite +exitting +expcted +expection +explaination +explicitely +faield +faild +failes +falied +fasion +feild +filenname +fillled +findout +fisrt +fo +followin +folowing +fonctions +forr +fowarding +frist +fro +frontent +fuctionality +genarate +generallly +gernerate +get's +gir +gloabal +gorry +gracefull +gradiant +groupe +groupes +handeling +hanling +happend +hasing +hasnt +hda +hel +hostanme +hould +hsould +hte +identifers +identifyer +identifyers +igoring +immediatley +implememented +implementor +implementors +implemnt +implict +implmeneted +implmentation +incase +includeing +incosistency +indecates +indien +infor +informations +informaton +infrastrcuture +ingore +inital +initalize +initalized +initator +initilization +inspite +instace +instal +instanciate +instnace +intefaces +intepret +intereface +interfer +interm +interpretted +intialize +intializes +intializing +invlaid +invokation +isnt +ist +itens +klunky +lable +langage +lates +lenght +leve +libell +lief +lik +limite +linke +listner +lokal +lokale +lokales +maintainence +maintenace +maintenence +maks +mamagement +mambers +manaully +manuel +manuell +marge +maxium +meger +mehtod +ment +mergable +mesage +messge +metatdata +methode +meus +milisecond +minumum +mis +modell +modifers +momento +mor +mot +mulitply +multipl +multple +mutliple +nast +nd +neccessary +necesary +ned +netowrk +nin +nodel +noe +nome +noone +nowe +numbe +numer +occured +occurence +occuring +oder +offfering +ofthe +omited +onother +opeation +optin +orginal +otherwse +outter +overriden +overwritting +paramater +paramemeter +paramenter +paramete +parametere +parametrs +pararmeter +parms +parralels +particualr +passiv +passord +passowrd +passsed +perfromed +permissble +persistant +physcial +plugable +pluging +polcies +policys +poluting +possibile +possiblity +potenial +prefered +preffered +pressenter +previleges +primay +pris +priviledged +proces +processus +procuct +programatically +progres +projet +projets +properites +propertie +propertys +propogate +provison +prozess +psudo +pyhsical +quitt +readabilty +readd +reccuring +recevied +recieved +recursivelly +redunant +reduntant +refference +regio +registrer +releease +relese +remaning +remore +remvoing +renabling +repeatly +reponse +reqest +reqiured +requiere +requieres +requried +reserv +reserverd +reseted +reseting +resorce +resposne +ressource +ressources +restauration +resturns +retreive +retreiving +retrive +retrived +retriving +retrun +retuned +returing +re-use +rever +rocessor +runing +runnign +rute +samle +sate +scalled +scipt +scirpt +scrip +seconadry +seconday +secund +seesion +sepcified +sepcify +seprated +ser +servies +serwer +seting +settig +sevices +shoul +shoule +sie +signle +singature +sist +skiping +snaphsot +snpashot +som +specied +specifed +specifiy +splitted +spped +standy +stap +startet +statics +stickness +stickyness +stil +stip +stopp +storeage +strat +streched +strutural +succesfull +successfull +suceessful +suces +sucessfully +suiteable +suppots +suppport +suppposed +supression +syncronous +syste +tabel +tage +te +tempdate +testng +tha +thats +ther +therefor +theres +theses +thi +thorugh +throught +ths +tipically +topologie +trafic +transfert +tring +trough +tutoriel +tyoe +ue +ues +unavailibility +uncommited +uncompressible +underfined +uneccessarily +unexepected +unexpect +unknow +unkonw +unkown +unneccessary +unparseable +unrecoginized +unsupport +unxpected +updat +uptodate +usera +usign +usin +utilis +utiliza +utlization +vai +vaidate +valiate +valide +valule +valus +varibles +vas +verfy +verfying +verifi Review Comment: I doubt it :) ########## .github/linters/codespell.txt: ########## @@ -0,0 +1,649 @@ +accouns +acess +acheived +acount +activ +actuall +acuiring +acumulate +addes +additionals +addreess +addresse +addtion +adminstrator +adres +adress +adresse +adresses +afer +afrer +afterall +againt +ags +aktion +aktive +algoritm +alle +allo +alloacate +allocted +alocation +alogrithm +alpha-numeric +als +alue +ammended +ammount +ans +anull +apche +aplication +apllication +applicatio +apporpriate +appropritate +aqcuire +aqcuired +aquire +aquiring +archiv +asign +assiciate +assigne +assoication +assosiate +asssert +astroid +asynchroniously +asyncronous +atleast +atomation +attache +attch +attches +authenciation +authenitcation +authenitication +autor +autorisation +auxiliar +availiability +bais +beacause +beacuse +becase +becasue +becaues +beginn +behviour +birdge +bject +boardcast +bootstraper +bord +bu +cant +capabilites +capablity +capcity +caracter +caracteres +carrefully +cavaet +certificat +chaing +checkd +childs +choosen +chould +claus +clenup +cliente +clinet +cna +collison +comando +comandos +coment +comman +commited +communicatie +comparision +comparisions +compleet +complet +complient +componentes +concious +conectix +confg +configruation +configuable +connexion +considere +constrait +constraits +containg +contener +conter +contex +continuesly +contro +controler +controles +controll +convienient +convinience +copie +coputer +copyied +correcponding +correspoding +correspondant +correspoonds +cosole +coudl +couldnt +craete +craeted +crate +crated +createa +createing +credentail +cros +crresponding +curren +currentl +dashbord +datas +deamon +decalared +declatory +decocdes +decypher +defalut +defaut +defered +definiton +deleteable +delt +delte +dependancy +dependant +dependend +deployement +deply +deplying +dervied +descktop +descrption +deserialzed +desination +detination +detroy +detroying +dettach +dettached +dettaching +diabling +diasbled +dictonary +didnt +differnet +differnt +direcotry +directroy +disale +disbale +discrepency +disover +dissapper +dissassociated +divice +doen +doesn' +doesnot +doesnt +donn +dont' +doubleclick +dows +eanbled +earch +ect +editer +elemnt +eles +elments +emmited +enble +encryted +ende +enebled +enmpty +entires +enviornment +environmnet +environnements +equivalant +erro +erronous +erros +espace +everthing +everytime +excetion +excption +excute +execept +execption +execut +executeable +exeeded +exemple +exisitng +exisits +existin +existsing +exite +exitting +expcted +expection +explaination +explicitely +faield +faild +failes +falied +fasion +feild +filenname +fillled +findout +fisrt +fo +followin +folowing +fonctions +forr +fowarding +frist +fro +frontent +fuctionality +genarate +generallly +gernerate +get's +gir +gloabal +gorry +gracefull +gradiant +groupe +groupes +handeling +hanling +happend +hasing +hasnt +hda +hel +hostanme +hould +hsould +hte +identifers +identifyer +identifyers +igoring +immediatley +implememented +implementor +implementors +implemnt +implict +implmeneted +implmentation +incase +includeing +incosistency +indecates +indien +infor +informations +informaton +infrastrcuture +ingore +inital +initalize +initalized +initator +initilization +inspite +instace +instal +instanciate +instnace +intefaces +intepret +intereface +interfer +interm +interpretted +intialize +intializes +intializing +invlaid +invokation +isnt +ist +itens +klunky +lable +langage +lates +lenght +leve +libell +lief +lik +limite +linke +listner +lokal +lokale +lokales +maintainence +maintenace +maintenence +maks +mamagement +mambers +manaully +manuel +manuell +marge +maxium +meger +mehtod +ment +mergable +mesage +messge +metatdata +methode +meus +milisecond +minumum +mis +modell +modifers +momento +mor +mot +mulitply +multipl +multple +mutliple +nast +nd +neccessary +necesary +ned +netowrk +nin +nodel +noe +nome +noone +nowe +numbe +numer +occured +occurence +occuring +oder +offfering +ofthe +omited +onother +opeation +optin +orginal +otherwse +outter +overriden +overwritting +paramater +paramemeter +paramenter +paramete +parametere +parametrs +pararmeter +parms +parralels +particualr +passiv +passord +passowrd +passsed +perfromed +permissble +persistant +physcial +plugable +pluging +polcies +policys +poluting +possibile +possiblity +potenial +prefered +preffered +pressenter +previleges +primay +pris +priviledged +proces +processus +procuct +programatically +progres +projet +projets +properites +propertie +propertys +propogate +provison +prozess +psudo +pyhsical +quitt +readabilty +readd +reccuring +recevied +recieved +recursivelly +redunant +reduntant +refference +regio +registrer +releease +relese +remaning +remore +remvoing +renabling +repeatly +reponse +reqest +reqiured +requiere +requieres +requried +reserv +reserverd +reseted +reseting +resorce +resposne +ressource +ressources +restauration +resturns +retreive +retreiving +retrive +retrived +retriving +retrun +retuned +returing +re-use +rever +rocessor +runing +runnign +rute +samle +sate +scalled +scipt +scirpt +scrip +seconadry +seconday +secund +seesion +sepcified +sepcify +seprated +ser +servies +serwer +seting +settig +sevices +shoul +shoule +sie +signle +singature +sist +skiping +snaphsot +snpashot +som +specied +specifed +specifiy +splitted +spped +standy +stap +startet +statics +stickness +stickyness +stil +stip +stopp +storeage +strat +streched +strutural +succesfull +successfull +suceessful +suces +sucessfully +suiteable +suppots +suppport +suppposed +supression +syncronous +syste +tabel +tage +te +tempdate +testng +tha +thats +ther +therefor +theres +theses +thi +thorugh +throught +ths +tipically +topologie +trafic +transfert +tring +trough +tutoriel +tyoe +ue +ues +unavailibility +uncommited +uncompressible +underfined +uneccessarily +unexepected +unexpect +unknow +unkonw +unkown +unneccessary +unparseable +unrecoginized +unsupport +unxpected +updat +uptodate +usera +usign +usin +utilis +utiliza +utlization +vai +vaidate +valiate +valide +valule +valus +varibles +vas +verfy +verfying +verifi +verifing +vew Review Comment: why is this in here? -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. 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