Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/marvin e6b93b0a6 -> c1d34369a

diff --git a/tools/marvin/marvin/marvinPlugin.py 
index 3a97404..f36bca8 100644
--- a/tools/marvin/marvin/marvinPlugin.py
+++ b/tools/marvin/marvin/marvinPlugin.py
@@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
 import marvin
-from sys import stdout, exit
+import sys
 import logging
-import time
-import os
 import nose.core
 from marvin.cloudstackTestCase import cloudstackTestCase
 from marvin.marvinInit import MarvinInit
@@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ from marvin.codes import (SUCCESS,
 from marvin.cloudstackException import GetDetailExceptionInfo
+import time
+import os
 class MarvinPlugin(Plugin):
@@ -37,28 +38,32 @@ class MarvinPlugin(Plugin):
     name = "marvin"
     def __init__(self):
-        self.__identifier = None
-        self.__testClient = None
-        self.__parsedConfig = None
+        self.identifier = None
+        self.testClient = None
+        self.parsedConfig = None
         Contains Config File
         self.__configFile = None
+        Signifies the flag whether to load new API Information
+        '''
+        self.__loadNewApiFlag = None
+        '''
         Signifies the Zone against which all tests will be Run
         self.__zoneForTests = None
         Signifies the flag whether to deploy the New DC or Not
-        self.__deployDcFlag = None
+        self.__deployDcFlag
         self.conf = None
-        self.__debugStream = stdout
-        self.__testRunner = None
-        self.__testResult = SUCCESS
-        self.__startTime = None
-        self.__testName = None
-        self.__tcRunLogger = None
+        self.debugStream = sys.stdout
+        self.testRunner = None
+        self.testResult = SUCCESS
+        self.startTime = None
+        self.testName = None
+        self.tcRunLogger = None
     def configure(self, options, conf):
@@ -73,13 +78,12 @@ class MarvinPlugin(Plugin):
                 self.enabled = True
-        self.__configFile = options.configFile
+        self.__configFile = options.config_file
+        self.__loadNewApiFlag = options.loadNewApiFlag
         self.__deployDcFlag = options.deployDc
         self.__zoneForTests = options.zone
         self.conf = conf
-        if self.startMarvin() == FAILED:
-            print "\nExiting Marvin. Please Check"
-            exit(1)
     def options(self, parser, env):
@@ -88,20 +92,32 @@ class MarvinPlugin(Plugin):
         parser.add_option("--marvin-config", action="store",
-                          dest="configFile",
+                          dest="config_file",
                           help="Marvin's configuration file is required."
                                "The config file containing the datacenter and "
                                "other management server "
                                "information is specified")
-        parser.add_option("--deploy", action="store_true",
+        parser.add_option("--deploy-dc", action="store_true",
                           help="Deploys the DC with Given Configuration."
                                "Requires only when DC needs to be deployed")
-        parser.add_option("--zone", action="store_true",
+        parser.add_option("--zone", action="zone_tests",
                           help="Runs all tests against this specified zone")
+        parser.add_option("--load-new-apis", action="store_true",
+                          default=False,
+                          dest="loadNewApiFlag",
+                          help="Loads the New Apis with Given Api Xml File."
+                               "Creates the new Api's from commands.xml File")
+        '''
+        Check if the configuration file is not valid,print and exit
+        '''
+        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+        if options.config_file is None:
+            parser.print_usage()
+            sys.exit(1)
         Plugin.options(self, parser, env)
     def wantClass(self, cls):
@@ -111,149 +127,112 @@ class MarvinPlugin(Plugin):
             return True
         return None
+    def prepareTest(self, test):
+        '''
+        @Desc : Initializes the marvin with required settings
+        '''
+        test_module_name = test.__str__()
+        if self.startMarvin(test_module_name) == FAILED:
+            print "Starting Marvin FAILED. Please Check Config and " \
+                  "Arguments Supplied"
     def __checkImport(self, filename):
-        @Name : __checkImport
-        @Desc : Verifies to run the available test module for any Import
-                Errors before running and check
+        @Desc : Verifies to Import the test Module before running and check
                 whether if it is importable.
                 This will check for test modules which has some issues to be
                 getting imported.
                 Returns False or True based upon the result.
-            if os.path.isfile(filename):
-                ret = os.path.splitext(filename)
-                if ret[1] == ".py":
-                    os.system("python " + filename)
-                    return True
-            return False
+            __import__(filename)
+            return True
         except ImportError, e:
-            print "FileName :%s : Error : %s" % \
-                  (filename, GetDetailExceptionInfo(e))
+            self.tcRunLogger.exception("Module : %s Import "
+                                       "Failed Reason :%s"
+                                       % (filename, GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)))
             return False
     def wantFile(self, filename):
         @Desc : Only python files will be used as test modules
-        return self.__checkImport(filename)
+        if filename is None or filename == '':
+            return False
+        parts = filename.split(os.path.sep)
+        base, ext = os.path.splitext(parts[-1])
+        if ext != '.py':
+            return False
+        else:
+            return self.__checkImport(filename)
     def loadTestsFromTestCase(self, cls):
         if cls.__name__ != 'cloudstackTestCase':
-            self.__identifier = cls.__name__
+            self.identifier = cls.__name__
     def beforeTest(self, test):
-        self.__testName = test.__str__().split()[0]
-        self.__testClient.identifier = '-'.\
-            join([self.__identifier, self.__testName])
-        if self.__tcRunLogger:
-            self.__tcRunLogger.name = test.__str__()
+        self.testName = test.__str__().split()[0]
+        self.testClient.identifier = '-'.join([self.identifier, self.testName])
+        self.tcRunLogger.name = test.__str__()
+    def prepareTestRunner(self, runner):
+        return self.testRunner
     def startTest(self, test):
         Currently used to record start time for tests
         Dump Start Msg of TestCase to Log
-        if self.__tcRunLogger:
-            self.__tcRunLogger.debug("\n\n::::::::::::STARTED : TC: " +
-                                     str(self.__testName) + " :::::::::::")
-        self.__startTime = time.time()
+        self.tcRunLogger.debug("\n\n::::::::::::STARTED : TC: " +
+                               str(self.testName) + " :::::::::::")
+        self.startTime = time.time()
     def handleError(self, test, err):
         Adds Exception throwing test cases and information to log.
-        if self.__tcRunLogger:
-            self.__tcRunLogger.\
-                fatal("%s: %s: %s" % (EXCEPTION,
-                                      self.__testName,
-                                      GetDetailExceptionInfo(err)))
-        self.__testResult = EXCEPTION
-    def prepareTestRunner(self, runner):
-        if self.__testRunner:
-            return self.__testRunner
+        err_msg = GetDetailExceptionInfo(err)
+        self.tcRunLogger.fatal("%s: %s: %s" %
+                               (EXCEPTION, self.testName, err_msg))
+        self.testResult = EXCEPTION
     def handleFailure(self, test, err):
         Adds Failing test cases and information to log.
-        if self.__tcRunLogger:
-            self.__tcRunLogger.\
-                fatal("%s: %s: %s" %
-                      (FAILED, self.__testName, GetDetailExceptionInfo(err)))
-        self.__testResult = FAILED
-    def __getModName(self, inp, type='file'):
-        '''
-        @Desc : Returns the module name from the path
-        @Output: trimmed down module name, used for logging
-        @Input: type:Whether the type is file or dir
-                inp:input element
-        '''
-        if type == 'file':
-            temp = os.path.splitext(inp)[0]
-            return os.path.split(temp)[-1]
-        if type == 'dir':
-            return os.path.split(inp)[-1]
-    def __runSuite(self, test_suite=None):
-        try:
-            if test_suite:
-                if self.wantFile(test_suite) is True:
-                    test_mod_name = self.__getModName(test_suite)
-                    temp_obj = MarvinInit(self.__configFile,
-                                          None, test_mod_name,
-                                          self.__zoneForTests)
-                    if temp_obj and temp_obj.init() == SUCCESS:
-                        print "\nMarvin Initialization Successful." \
-                              "Test Suite:%s" % str(test_suite)
-                        self.__testClient = temp_obj.getTestClient()
-                        self.__tcRunLogger = temp_obj.getLogger()
-                        self.__parsedConfig = temp_obj.getParsedConfig()
-                        self.__debugStream = temp_obj.getResultFile()
-                        self.__testRunner = nose.core.\
-                            TextTestRunner(stream=self.__debugStream,
-                                           descriptions=True,
-                                           verbosity=2)
-                        return SUCCESS
-            return FAILED
-        except Exception, e:
-            print "\n Exception Occurred when running suite :%s Error : %s" \
-                % (test_suite, GetDetailExceptionInfo(e))
-            return FAILED
+        err_msg = GetDetailExceptionInfo(err)
+        self.tcRunLogger.fatal("%s: %s: %s" %
+                               (FAILED, self.testName, err_msg))
+        self.testResult = FAILED
-    def __runSuites(self, suites):
-        for suite in suites:
-            self.__runSuite(suite)
-    def startMarvin(self):
+    def startMarvin(self, test_module_name):
-        @Name : startMarvin
-        @Desc : Initializes the Marvin
-                creates the test Client
-                creates the runlogger for logging
-                Parses the config and creates a parsedconfig
-                Creates a debugstream for tc debug log
+        Initializes the Marvin
+        creates the test Client
+        creates the runlogger for logging
+        Parses the config and creates a parsedconfig
+        Creates a debugstream for tc debug log
-            if self.__deployDcFlag:
-                print "\nStep1 :Deploy Flag is Enabled, will deployDC"
-                obj_marvininit = MarvinInit(self.__configFile,
-                                            self.__deployDcFlag,
-                                            "DeployDc",
-                                            self.__zoneForTests)
-                if not obj_marvininit or obj_marvininit.init() != SUCCESS:
-                    return FAILED
-            print "\nStep2: Now Start Running Test Suites"
-            for suites in self.conf.testNames:
-                if os.path.isdir(suites):
-                    self.__runSuites(suites)
-                if os.path.isfile(suites):
-                    self.__runSuite(suites)
-            return SUCCESS
+            obj_marvininit = MarvinInit(self.__configFile,
+                                        self.__loadNewApiFlag,
+                                        self.__deployDcFlag,
+                                        test_module_name,
+                                        self.__zoneForoTests)
+            if obj_marvininit.init() == SUCCESS:
+                self.testClient = obj_marvininit.getTestClient()
+                self.tcRunLogger = obj_marvininit.getLogger()
+                self.parsedConfig = obj_marvininit.getParsedConfig()
+                self.debugStream = obj_marvininit.getDebugFile()
+                self.testRunner = nose.core.TextTestRunner(stream=
+                                                           self.debugStream,
+                                                           descriptions=True,
+                                                           verbosity=2,
+                                                           config=self.conf)
+                return SUCCESS
+            else:
+                return FAILED
         except Exception, e:
             print "Exception Occurred under startMarvin: %s" % \
@@ -264,30 +243,28 @@ class MarvinPlugin(Plugin):
         Currently used to record end time for tests
         endTime = time.time()
-        if self.__startTime:
-            totTime = int(endTime - self.__startTime)
-            if self.__tcRunLogger:
-                self.__tcRunLogger.\
-                    debug("TestCaseName: %s; "
-                          "Time Taken: %s Seconds; StartTime: %s; "
-                          "EndTime: %s; Result: %s" %
-                          (self.__testName, str(totTime),
-                           str(time.ctime(self.__startTime)),
-                           str(time.ctime(endTime)),
-                           self.__testResult))
+        if self.startTime is not None:
+            totTime = int(endTime - self.startTime)
+            self.tcRunLogger.debug("TestCaseName: %s; Time Taken: "
+                                   "%s Seconds; "
+                                   "StartTime: %s; EndTime: %s; Result: %s"
+                                   % (self.testName, str(totTime),
+                                      str(time.ctime(self.startTime)),
+                                      str(time.ctime(endTime)),
+                                      self.testResult))
     def _injectClients(self, test):
-        setattr(test, "debug", self.__tcRunLogger.debug)
-        setattr(test, "info", self.__tcRunLogger.info)
-        setattr(test, "warn", self.__tcRunLogger.warning)
-        setattr(test, "error", self.__tcRunLogger.error)
-        setattr(test, "testClient", self.__testClient)
-        setattr(test, "config", self.__parsedConfig)
-        if self.__testClient.identifier is None:
-            self.__testClient.identifier = self.__identifier
-        setattr(test, "clstestclient", self.__testClient)
+        setattr(test, "debug", self.tcRunLogger.debug)
+        setattr(test, "info", self.tcRunLogger.info)
+        setattr(test, "warn", self.tcRunLogger.warning)
+        setattr(test, "error", self.tcRunLogger.error)
+        setattr(test, "testClient", self.testClient)
+        setattr(test, "config", self.parsedConfig)
+        if self.testClient.identifier is None:
+            self.testClient.identifier = self.identifier
+        setattr(test, "clstestclient", self.testClient)
         if hasattr(test, "user"):
             # when the class-level attr applied. all test runs as 'user'
-            self.__testClient.getUserApiClient(test.UserName,
-                                               test.DomainName,
-                                               test.AcctType)
+            self.testClient.getUserApiClient(test.UserName,
+                                             test.DomainName,
+                                             test.AcctType)

diff --git a/tools/marvin/marvin/sshClient.py b/tools/marvin/marvin/sshClient.py
index c24477c..9b5bca2 100644
--- a/tools/marvin/marvin/sshClient.py
+++ b/tools/marvin/marvin/sshClient.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from paramiko import (BadHostKeyException,
 import socket
 import time
-from marvin.cloudstackException import (
+from cloudstackException import (

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