This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

dahn pushed a commit to branch 4.19
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/4.19 by this push:
     new ed579bfeca5 UI: remove duplicated section for backup (#8678)
ed579bfeca5 is described below

commit ed579bfeca523c919064a6c9b113784e865bc209
Author: Wei Zhou <>
AuthorDate: Fri Feb 23 09:00:52 2024 +0100

    UI: remove duplicated section for backup (#8678)
 ui/src/config/section/storage.js | 54 ----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ui/src/config/section/storage.js b/ui/src/config/section/storage.js
index 3493232da45..ff0fd99242d 100644
--- a/ui/src/config/section/storage.js
+++ b/ui/src/config/section/storage.js
@@ -459,60 +459,6 @@ export default {
-    {
-      name: 'backup',
-      title: 'label.backup',
-      icon: 'cloud-upload-outlined',
-      permission: ['listBackups'],
-      columns: [{ name: (record) => { return record.virtualmachinename } }, 
'virtualmachinename', 'status', 'type', 'created', 'account', 'zone'],
-      details: ['virtualmachinename', 'id', 'type', 'externalid', 'size', 
'virtualsize', 'volumes', 'backupofferingname', 'zone', 'account', 'domain', 
-      actions: [
-        {
-          api: 'restoreBackup',
-          icon: 'sync-outlined',
-          docHelp: 'adminguide/virtual_machines.html#restoring-vm-backups',
-          label: 'label.backup.restore',
-          message: 'message.backup.restore',
-          dataView: true,
-          show: (record) => { return record.state !== 'Destroyed' }
-        },
-        {
-          api: 'restoreVolumeFromBackupAndAttachToVM',
-          icon: 'paper-clip-outlined',
-          label: 'label.backup.attach.restore',
-          message: 'message.backup.attach.restore',
-          dataView: true,
-          show: (record) => { return record.state !== 'Destroyed' },
-          popup: true,
-          component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => 
-        },
-        {
-          api: 'removeVirtualMachineFromBackupOffering',
-          icon: 'scissor-outlined',
-          label: 'label.backup.offering.remove',
-          message: 'message.backup.offering.remove',
-          dataView: true,
-          show: (record) => { return record.state !== 'Destroyed' },
-          args: ['forced', 'virtualmachineid'],
-          mapping: {
-            forced: {
-              value: (record) => { return true }
-            },
-            virtualmachineid: {
-              value: (record) => { return record.virtualmachineid }
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          api: 'deleteBackup',
-          icon: 'delete-outlined',
-          label: 'label.delete.backup',
-          message: 'message.delete.backup',
-          dataView: true,
-          show: (record) => { return record.state !== 'Destroyed' }
-        }
-      ]
-    },
       name: 'buckets',
       title: 'label.buckets',

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