Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/4.3 cd1956e40 -> 7bb7c08e1

Including tests for VPC VM Lifecycle on Tagged hosts

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/commit/7bb7c08e
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/tree/7bb7c08e
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/diff/7bb7c08e

Branch: refs/heads/4.3
Commit: 7bb7c08e10894727bcdfa7708170aab69a3aeeea
Parents: cd1956e
Author: Ashutosh K <ashut...@clogeny.com>
Authored: Wed Nov 13 21:54:35 2013 +0530
Committer: Girish Shilamkar <gir...@clogeny.com>
Committed: Wed Nov 13 21:56:20 2013 +0530

 .../component/test_vpc_vm_life_cycle.py         | 953 ++++++++++++++++++-
 tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/base.py     |   8 +
 2 files changed, 959 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/integration/component/test_vpc_vm_life_cycle.py 
index cc65eed..8e79f95 100644
--- a/test/integration/component/test_vpc_vm_life_cycle.py
+++ b/test/integration/component/test_vpc_vm_life_cycle.py
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Services:
                 "cpunumber": 1,
                 "cpuspeed": 100,
                 "memory": 128,
-                "tags": "HOST_TAGS_HERE"
+                "hosttags": "host1"
             "service_offering_2": {
                 "name": "Tiny Instance- tagged host 2",
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Services:
                 "cpunumber": 1,
                 "cpuspeed": 100,
                 "memory": 128,
-                "tags": "HOST_TAGS_HERE"
+                "hosttags": "host2"
             "network_offering": {
                 "name": 'VPC Network offering',
@@ -2717,3 +2717,952 @@ class TestVMLifeCycleStoppedVPCVR(cloudstackTestCase):
+class TestVMLifeCycleDiffHosts(cloudstackTestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        try:
+            cls.api_client = super(
+                               TestVMLifeCycleDiffHosts,
+                               cls
+                               ).getClsTestClient().getApiClient()
+            cls.services = Services().services
+            # Get Zone, Domain and templates
+            cls.domain = get_domain(cls.api_client, cls.services)
+            cls.zone = get_zone(cls.api_client, cls.services)
+            cls.template = get_template(
+                            cls.api_client,
+                            cls.zone.id,
+                            cls.services["ostype"]
+                            )
+            cls.services["virtual_machine"]["zoneid"] = cls.zone.id
+            cls.services["virtual_machine"]["template"] = cls.template.id
+            hosts = list_hosts(cls.api_client)
+            assert isinstance(hosts, list), "list_hosts should return a list 
+                                        instead got %s" % hosts
+            if len(hosts) < 3:
+                raise Exception("Minimum 3 hosts should be available to run 
this test suite")
+            Host.update(cls.api_client, id=hosts[0].id, hosttags="host1")
+            Host.update(cls.api_client, id=hosts[1].id, hosttags="host1")
+            Host.update(cls.api_client, id=hosts[2].id, hosttags="host2")
+            cls.service_offering_1 = ServiceOffering.create(
+                                            cls.api_client,
+                                            cls.services["service_offering_1"]
+                                            )
+            cls.service_offering_2 = ServiceOffering.create(
+                                            cls.api_client,
+                                            cls.services["service_offering_2"]
+                                            )
+            cls.account = Account.create(
+                                     cls.api_client,
+                                     cls.services["account"],
+                                     admin=True,
+                                     domainid=cls.domain.id
+                                     )
+            cls.vpc_off = VpcOffering.create(
+                                     cls.api_client,
+                                     cls.services["vpc_offering"]
+                                     )
+            cls.vpc_off.update(cls.api_client, state='Enabled')
+            cls.services["vpc"]["cidr"] = ''
+            cls.vpc = VPC.create(
+                         cls.api_client,
+                         cls.services["vpc"],
+                         vpcofferingid=cls.vpc_off.id,
+                         zoneid=cls.zone.id,
+                         account=cls.account.name,
+                         domainid=cls.account.domainid
+                         )
+            cls.nw_off = NetworkOffering.create(
+                                            cls.api_client,
+                                            cls.services["network_offering"],
+                                            conservemode=False
+                                            )
+            # Enable Network offering
+            cls.nw_off.update(cls.api_client, state='Enabled')
+            # Creating network using the network offering created
+            cls.network_1 = Network.create(
+                                cls.api_client,
+                                cls.services["network"],
+                                accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                networkofferingid=cls.nw_off.id,
+                                zoneid=cls.zone.id,
+                                gateway='',
+                                vpcid=cls.vpc.id
+                                )
+            cls.nw_off_no_lb = NetworkOffering.create(
+                                    cls.api_client,
+                                    cls.services["network_offering_no_lb"],
+                                    conservemode=False
+                                    )
+            # Enable Network offering
+            cls.nw_off_no_lb.update(cls.api_client, state='Enabled')
+            # Creating network using the network offering created
+            cls.network_2 = Network.create(
+                                cls.api_client,
+                                cls.services["network"],
+                                accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                networkofferingid=cls.nw_off_no_lb.id,
+                                zoneid=cls.zone.id,
+                                gateway='',
+                                vpcid=cls.vpc.id
+                                )
+            # Spawn an instance in that network
+            cls.vm_1 = VirtualMachine.create(
+                                  cls.api_client,
+                                  cls.services["virtual_machine"],
+                                  accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                  domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                  serviceofferingid=cls.service_offering_1.id,
+                                  networkids=[str(cls.network_1.id)]
+                                  )
+            # Spawn an instance in that network
+            cls.vm_2 = VirtualMachine.create(
+                                  cls.api_client,
+                                  cls.services["virtual_machine"],
+                                  accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                  domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                  serviceofferingid=cls.service_offering_1.id,
+                                  networkids=[str(cls.network_1.id)]
+                                  )
+            cls.vm_3 = VirtualMachine.create(
+                                  cls.api_client,
+                                  cls.services["virtual_machine"],
+                                  accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                  domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                  serviceofferingid=cls.service_offering_2.id,
+                                  networkids=[str(cls.network_2.id)]
+                                  )
+            cls.public_ip_static = PublicIPAddress.create(
+                                cls.api_client,
+                                accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                zoneid=cls.zone.id,
+                                domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                vpcid=cls.vpc.id
+                                )
+            StaticNATRule.enable(
+                              cls.api_client,
+                              ipaddressid=cls.public_ip_static.ipaddress.id,
+                              virtualmachineid=cls.vm_1.id,
+                              networkid=cls.network_1.id
+                              )
+            cls.public_ip_1 = PublicIPAddress.create(
+                                cls.api_client,
+                                accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                zoneid=cls.zone.id,
+                                domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                vpcid=cls.vpc.id
+                                )
+            cls.nat_rule = NATRule.create(
+                                  cls.api_client,
+                                  cls.vm_1,
+                                  cls.services["natrule"],
+                                  ipaddressid=cls.public_ip_1.ipaddress.id,
+                                  openfirewall=False,
+                                  networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                  vpcid=cls.vpc.id
+                                  )
+            cls.public_ip_2 = PublicIPAddress.create(
+                                cls.api_client,
+                                accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                zoneid=cls.zone.id,
+                                domainid=cls.account.domainid,
+                                networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                vpcid=cls.vpc.id
+                                )
+            cls.lb_rule = LoadBalancerRule.create(
+                                    cls.api_client,
+                                    cls.services["lbrule"],
+                                    ipaddressid=cls.public_ip_2.ipaddress.id,
+                                    accountid=cls.account.name,
+                                    networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                    vpcid=cls.vpc.id,
+                                    domainid=cls.account.domainid
+                                )
+            cls.lb_rule.assign(cls.api_client, [cls.vm_1, cls.vm_2])
+            # Opening up the ports in VPC
+            cls.nwacl_nat = NetworkACL.create(
+                                         cls.api_client,
+                                         networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                         services=cls.services["natrule"],
+                                         traffictype='Ingress'
+                                    )
+            cls.nwacl_lb = NetworkACL.create(
+                                cls.api_client,
+                                networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                services=cls.services["lbrule"],
+                                traffictype='Ingress'
+                                )
+            cls.nwacl_internet = NetworkACL.create(
+                                        cls.api_client,
+                                        networkid=cls.network_1.id,
+                                        services=cls.services["icmp_rule"],
+                                        traffictype='Egress'
+                                        )
+            cls._cleanup = [
+                        cls.service_offering_1,
+                        cls.service_offering_2,
+                        cls.nw_off,
+                        cls.nw_off_no_lb,
+                        ]
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise Exception("Warning: Exception during setup : %s" % e)
+        return
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        try:
+            cls.account.delete(cls.api_client)
+            wait_for_cleanup(cls.api_client, ["account.cleanup.interval"])
+            #Cleanup resources used
+            cleanup_resources(cls.api_client, cls._cleanup)
+            # Waiting for network cleanup to delete vpc offering
+            wait_for_cleanup(cls.api_client, ["network.gc.wait",
+                                              "network.gc.interval"])
+            cls.vpc_off.delete(cls.api_client)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise Exception("Warning: Exception during cleanup : %s" % e)
+        return
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.apiclient = self.testClient.getApiClient()
+        self.dbclient = self.testClient.getDbConnection()
+        self.cleanup = []
+        return
+    def tearDown(self):
+        try:
+            #Clean up, terminate the created network offerings
+            cleanup_resources(self.apiclient, self.cleanup)
+            wait_for_cleanup(self.apiclient, [
+                                              "network.gc.interval",
+                                              "network.gc.wait"])
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise Exception("Warning: Exception during cleanup : %s" % e)
+        return
+    def validate_vm_deployment(self):
+        """Validates VM deployment on different hosts"""
+        vms = VirtualMachine.list(
+                                  self.apiclient,
+                                  account=self.account.name,
+                                  domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                  networkid=self.network_1.id,
+                                  listall=True
+                                  )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(vms, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List VMs shall return a valid response"
+                         )
+        host_1 = vms[0].hostid
+        self.debug("Host for network 1: %s" % vms[0].hostid)
+        vms = VirtualMachine.list(
+                                  self.apiclient,
+                                  account=self.account.name,
+                                  domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                  networkid=self.network_2.id,
+                                  listall=True
+                                  )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(vms, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List VMs shall return a valid response"
+                         )
+        host_2 = vms[0].hostid
+        self.debug("Host for network 2: %s" % vms[0].hostid)
+        self.assertNotEqual(
+                host_1,
+                host_2,
+                "Both the virtual machines should be deployed on diff hosts "
+                )
+        return
+    def validate_vpc_offering(self, vpc_offering):
+        """Validates the VPC offering"""
+        self.debug("Check if the VPC offering is created successfully?")
+        vpc_offs = VpcOffering.list(
+                                    self.apiclient,
+                                    id=vpc_offering.id
+                                    )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(vpc_offs, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List VPC offerings should return a valid list"
+                         )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                 vpc_offering.name,
+                 vpc_offs[0].name,
+                "Name of the VPC offering should match with listVPCOff data"
+                )
+        self.debug(
+                "VPC offering is created successfully - %s" %
+                                                        vpc_offering.name)
+        return
+    def validate_vpc_network(self, network, state=None):
+        """Validates the VPC network"""
+        self.debug("Check if the VPC network is created successfully?")
+        vpc_networks = VPC.list(
+                                    self.apiclient,
+                                    id=network.id
+                          )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(vpc_networks, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List VPC network should return a valid list"
+                         )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                 network.name,
+                 vpc_networks[0].name,
+                "Name of the VPC network should match with listVPC data"
+                )
+        if state:
+            self.assertEqual(
+                 vpc_networks[0].state,
+                 state,
+                "VPC state should be '%s'" % state
+                )
+        self.debug("VPC network validated - %s" % network.name)
+        return
+    def validate_network_rules(self):
+        """Validates if the network rules work properly or not?"""
+        for ip in [self.public_ip_1.ipaddress.ipaddress, 
+            try:
+                self.debug("Checking if we can SSH into VM_1 through %s?" %
+                        (ip))
+                ssh = self.vm_1.get_ssh_client(
+                                    ipaddress=ip,
+                                    reconnect=True)
+                self.assertNotEqual(ssh, None,
+                                    "SSH client should be returned 
+                self.debug("SSH into VM is successfully")
+                self.debug("Verifying if we can ping to outside world from 
+                # Ping to outsite world
+                res = ssh.execute("ping -c 1 www.google.com")
+                # res = 64 bytes from maa03s17-in-f20.1e100.net 
+                # icmp_req=1 ttl=57 time=25.9 ms
+                # --- www.l.google.com ping statistics ---
+                # 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
+                # rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 25.970/25.970/25.970/0.000 ms
+                result = str(res)
+                self.assertEqual(
+                             result.count("1 received"),
+                             1,
+                             "Ping to outside world from VM should be 
+                             )
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.fail("Failed to SSH into VM - %s, %s" %
+                                        (ip, e))
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_01_deploy_instance_in_network(self):
+        """ Test deploy an instance in VPC networks
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Create a VPC with cidr -
+        # 2. Add network1( and network2( to this VPC.
+        # Steps:
+        # 1. Deploy vm1 and vm2 in network1 and vm3 and vm4 in network2 using
+        #    the default CentOS 6.2 Template
+        self.validate_vm_deployment()
+        self.debug("Check if deployed VMs are in running state?")
+        vms = VirtualMachine.list(
+                                  self.apiclient,
+                                  account=self.account.name,
+                                  domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                  listall=True
+                                  )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(vms, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List VMs should return a valid response"
+                         )
+        for vm in vms:
+            self.debug("VM name: %s, VM state: %s" % (vm.name, vm.state))
+            self.assertEqual(
+                             vm.state,
+                             "Running",
+                             "Vm state should be running for each VM deployed"
+                             )
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_02_stop_instance_in_network(self):
+        """ Test stop an instance in VPC networks
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Stop the virtual machines.
+        # 2. Rules should be still configured on virtual router.
+        self.debug("Stopping the virtual machines in account: %s" %
+                                                self.account.name)
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.stop(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_1.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Stopped',
+                    "VM state should be stopped"
+                    )
+            self.vm_2.stop(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_2.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Stopped',
+                    "VM state should be stopped"
+                    )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to stop the virtual instances, %s" % e)
+        # Check if the network rules still exists after Vm stop
+        self.debug("Checking if NAT rules ")
+        nat_rules = NATRule.list(
+                                 self.apiclient,
+                                 id=self.nat_rule.id,
+                                 listall=True
+                                 )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(nat_rules, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List NAT rules shall return a valid list"
+                         )
+        lb_rules = LoadBalancerRule.list(
+                                         self.apiclient,
+                                         id=self.lb_rule.id,
+                                         listall=True
+                                         )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(lb_rules, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List LB rules shall return a valid list"
+                         )
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_03_start_instance_in_network(self):
+        """ Test start an instance in VPC networks
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Start the virtual machines.
+        # 2. Vm should be started successfully.
+        # 3. Make sure that all the PF,LB and Static NAT rules on this VM
+        #    works as expected.
+        # 3. Make sure that we are able to access google.com from this user Vm
+        self.debug("Starting the virtual machines in account: %s" %
+                                                self.account.name)
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.start(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_1.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Running',
+                    "VM state should be running"
+                    )
+            self.vm_2.start(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_2.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Running',
+                    "VM state should be running"
+                    )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to start the virtual instances, %s" % e)
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_04_reboot_instance_in_network(self):
+        """ Test reboot an instance in VPC networks
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Reboot the virtual machines.
+        # 2. Vm should be started successfully.
+        # 3. Make sure that all the PF,LB and Static NAT rules on this VM
+        #    works as expected.
+        # 3. Make sure that we are able to access google.com from this user Vm
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        self.debug("Starting the virtual machines in account: %s" %
+                                                self.account.name)
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.reboot(self.apiclient)
+            self.vm_2.reboot(self.apiclient)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to reboot the virtual instances, %s" % e)
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_05_destroy_instance_in_network(self):
+        """ Test destroy an instance in VPC networks
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Destory the virtual machines.
+        # 2. Rules should be still configured on virtual router.
+        # 3. Recover the virtual machines.
+        # 4. Vm should be in stopped state. State both the instances
+        # 5. Make sure that all the PF,LB and Static NAT rules on this VM
+        #    works as expected.
+        # 6. Make sure that we are able to access google.com from this user Vm
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        self.debug("Destroying the virtual machines in account: %s" %
+                                                self.account.name)
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.delete(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_1.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Destroyed',
+                    "VM state should be destroyed"
+                    )
+            self.vm_2.delete(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_2.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Destroyed',
+                    "VM state should be destroyed"
+                    )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to stop the virtual instances, %s" % e)
+        # Check if the network rules still exists after Vm stop
+        self.debug("Checking if NAT rules ")
+        nat_rules = NATRule.list(
+                                 self.apiclient,
+                                 id=self.nat_rule.id,
+                                 listall=True
+                                 )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(nat_rules, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List NAT rules shall return a valid list"
+                         )
+        lb_rules = LoadBalancerRule.list(
+                                         self.apiclient,
+                                         id=self.lb_rule.id,
+                                         listall=True
+                                         )
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(lb_rules, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List LB rules shall return a valid list"
+                         )
+        self.debug("Recovering the expunged virtual machines in account: %s" %
+                                                self.account.name)
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.recover(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_1.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Stopped',
+                    "VM state should be stopped"
+                    )
+            self.vm_2.recover(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_2.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Stopped',
+                    "VM state should be stopped"
+                    )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to recover the virtual instances, %s" % e)
+        self.debug("Starting the two instances..")
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.start(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_1.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Running',
+                    "VM state should be running"
+                    )
+            self.vm_2.start(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_2.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Running',
+                    "VM state should be running"
+                    )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to start the instances, %s" % e)
+        # Wait until vms are up
+        time.sleep(120)
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_06_migrate_instance_in_network(self):
+        """ Test migrate an instance in VPC networks
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Migrate the virtual machines to other hosts
+        # 2. Vm should be in stopped state. State both the instances
+        # 3. Make sure that all the PF,LB and Static NAT rules on this VM
+        #    works as expected.
+        # 3. Make sure that we are able to access google.com from this user Vm
+        self.debug("Checking if the host is available for migration?")
+        hosts = Host.listForMigration(
+                          self.apiclient,
+                          virtualmachineid=self.vm_1.id,
+                          )
+        self.debug("Hosts vm can be migrated to are : %s" %(hosts))
+        self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(hosts, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List hosts should return a valid list"
+                         )
+        # Remove the host of current VM from the hosts list
+        hosts[:] = [host for host in hosts if host.id != self.vm_1.hostid]
+        if len(hosts) <= 0:
+            self.skipTest(
+            "No host available for migration. Test requires atleast 2 hosts 
tagged with host1")
+        host = hosts[0]
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        self.debug("Migrating VM-ID: %s to Host: %s" % (
+                                                        self.vm_1.id,
+                                                        host.id
+                                                        ))
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.migrate(self.apiclient, hostid=host.id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to migrate instance, %s" % e)
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_07_user_data(self):
+        """ Test user data in virtual machines
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Create a VPC with cidr -
+        # 2. Add network1( and network2( to this VPC.
+        # 3. Deploy a vm in network1 and a vm in network2 using userdata
+        # Steps
+        # 1.Query for the user data for both the user vms from both networks
+        #   User should be able to query the user data for the vms belonging to
+        #   both the networks from the VR
+        self.debug("Checking if we can SSH into VM_1 through %s" %
+                    (self.public_ip_2.ipaddress.ipaddress))
+        try:
+            ssh = self.vm_1.get_ssh_client(
+                                ipaddress=self.public_ip_2.ipaddress.ipaddress,
+                                reconnect=True)
+            self.assertNotEqual(ssh, None,
+                                "get_ssh_client should return ssh handle")
+            self.debug("SSH into VM is successfully")
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to SSH into instance: %s" % e)
+        self.debug("check the userdata with that of present in router")
+        try:
+            cmds = [
+               "wget http://%s/latest/user-data"; % self.network_1.gateway,
+               "cat user-data",
+               ]
+            for c in cmds:
+                result = ssh.execute(c)
+                self.debug("%s: %s" % (c, result))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to SSH in Virtual machine: %s" % e)
+        res = str(result)
+        self.assertEqual(
+                            res.count(
+                                self.services["virtual_machine"]["userdata"]),
+                            1,
+                            "Verify user data from router"
+                        )
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_08_meta_data(self):
+        """ Test meta data in virtual machines
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Create a VPC with cidr -
+        # 2. Add network1( and network2( to this VPC.
+        # 3. Deploy a vm in network1 and a vm in network2 using userdata
+        # Steps
+        # 1.Query for the meta data for both the user vms from both networks
+        #   User should be able to query the user data for the vms belonging to
+        #   both the networks from the VR
+        self.debug("Checking if we can SSH into VM_1 through %s" %
+                    (self.public_ip_2.ipaddress.ipaddress))
+        try:
+            ssh = self.vm_1.get_ssh_client(
+                                ipaddress=self.public_ip_2.ipaddress.ipaddress,
+                                reconnect=True)
+            self.assertNotEqual(ssh, None,
+                                "get_ssh_client should return ssh handle")
+            self.debug("SSH into VM is successfully")
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to SSH into instance: %s" % e)
+        self.debug("check the metadata with that of present in router")
+        try:
+            cmds = [
+               "wget http://%s/latest/vm-id"; % self.network_1.gateway,
+               "cat vm-id",
+               ]
+            for c in cmds:
+                result = ssh.execute(c)
+                self.debug("%s: %s" % (c, result))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to SSH in Virtual machine: %s" % e)
+        res = str(result)
+        self.assertNotEqual(
+                         res,
+                         None,
+                         "Meta data should be returned from router"
+                        )
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced","multihost", "intervlan"])
+    def test_09_expunge_instance_in_network(self):
+        """ Test expunge an instance in VPC networks
+        """
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Recover the virtual machines.
+        # 2. Vm should be in stopped state. State both the instances
+        # 3. Make sure that all the PF,LB and Static NAT rules on this VM
+        #    works as expected.
+        # 3. Make sure that we are able to access google.com from this user Vm
+        self.debug("Validating if the network rules work properly or not?")
+        self.validate_network_rules()
+        self.debug("Delete virtual machines in account: %s" %
+                                                self.account.name)
+        try:
+            self.vm_1.delete(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_1.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Destroyed',
+                    "VM state should be destroyed"
+                    )
+            self.vm_2.delete(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_2.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Destroyed',
+                    "VM state should be destroyed"
+                    )
+            self.vm_3.delete(self.apiclient)
+            list_vm_response = list_virtual_machines(
+                                                 self.apiclient,
+                                                 id=self.vm_3.id
+                                                 )
+            vm_response = list_vm_response[0]
+            self.assertEqual(
+                    vm_response.state,
+                    'Destroyed',
+                    "VM state should be destroyed"
+                    )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to destroy the virtual instances, %s" % e)
+        self.debug(
+            "Waiting for expunge interval to cleanup the network and VMs")
+        wait_for_cleanup(
+                         self.apiclient,
+                         ["expunge.interval", "expunge.delay"]
+                        )
+        # Check if the network rules still exists after Vm stop
+        self.debug("Checking if NAT rules existed")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            NATRule.list(
+                         self.apiclient,
+                         id=self.nat_rule.id,
+                         listall=True
+                        )
+            LoadBalancerRule.list(
+                                  self.apiclient,
+                                  id=self.lb_rule.id,
+                                  listall=True
+                                 )
+        return

diff --git a/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/base.py 
index 10c636c..a3a5f58 100755
--- a/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/base.py
+++ b/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/base.py
@@ -1860,6 +1860,14 @@ class Host:
         [setattr(cmd, k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
+    @classmethod
+    def update(cls, apiclient, **kwargs):
+        """Update host information"""
+        cmd = updateHost.updateHostCmd()
+        [setattr(cmd, k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]
+        return(apiclient.updateHost(cmd))
 class StoragePool:
     """Manage Storage pools (Primary Storage)"""

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