Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/4.2 b7c8d1910 -> 2ef566e9e

Automation Tests for HA Proxy Stickiness

Reviewed-by: Suresh Sadhu <suresh.sa...@citrix.com>
Signed-off-by: Prasanna Santhanam <t...@apache.org>
(cherry picked from commit 56ccb2835b28c04bbecc3910b20cc5c0b016bda5)

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/commit/8598a2c8
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/tree/8598a2c8
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cloudstack/diff/8598a2c8

Branch: refs/heads/4.2
Commit: 8598a2c8848f41b8228c2e97d3bd5ad6065a91bf
Parents: b7c8d19
Author: Girish Shilamkar <gir...@clogeny.com>
Authored: Thu Oct 10 02:21:47 2013 -0400
Committer: Prasanna Santhanam <t...@apache.org>
Committed: Tue Oct 15 13:24:37 2013 +0530

 test/integration/component/test_haproxy.py | 874 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 874 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/integration/component/test_haproxy.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..799cfa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/component/test_haproxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+""" P1 tests for VPN users
+# Import Local Modules
+from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
+from marvin.cloudstackTestCase import cloudstackTestCase
+from marvin.integration.lib.base import (
+                                        Account,
+                                        ServiceOffering,
+                                        VirtualMachine,
+                                        PublicIPAddress,
+                                        Network,
+                                        LoadBalancerRule,
+                                        Alert,
+                                        Router,
+                                        Vpn,
+                                        NATRule
+                                        )
+from marvin.integration.lib.common import (get_domain,
+                                        get_zone,
+                                        get_template,
+                                        cleanup_resources,
+                                        random_gen
+                                        )
+from marvin.cloudstackAPI import createLBStickinessPolicy
+from marvin.remoteSSHClient import remoteSSHClient
+class Services:
+    """Test VPN users Services
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.services = {
+                        "account": {
+                                    "email": "t...@test.com",
+                                    "firstname": "Test",
+                                    "lastname": "User",
+                                    "username": "test",
+                                    # Random characters are appended for unique
+                                    # username
+                                    "password": "password",
+                         },
+                         "service_offering": {
+                                    "name": "Tiny Instance",
+                                    "displaytext": "Tiny Instance",
+                                    "cpunumber": 1,
+                                    "cpuspeed": 100,    # in MHz
+                                    "memory": 128,    # In MBs
+                        },
+                        "disk_offering": {
+                                    "displaytext": "Small Disk Offering",
+                                    "name": "Small Disk Offering",
+                                    "disksize": 1
+                        },
+                        "virtual_machine": {
+                                    "displayname": "TestVM",
+                                    "username": "root",
+                                    "password": "password",
+                                    "ssh_port": 22,
+                                    "hypervisor": 'XenServer',
+                                    "privateport": 22,
+                                    "publicport": 22,
+                                    "protocol": 'TCP',
+                                },
+                         "vpn_user": {
+                                   "username": "test",
+                                   "password": "test",
+                                },
+                         "natrule": {
+                                   "privateport": 22,
+                                   "publicport": 22,
+                                   "protocol": "TCP",
+                                   "username":"root",
+                                   "password": "password"
+                                },
+                         "network": {
+                                "name": "Test Network",
+                                "displaytext": "Test Network",
+                                "netmask": ''
+                                },
+                         "lbrule": {
+                                    "name": "SSH",
+                                    "alg": "roundrobin",
+                                    # Algorithm used for load balancing
+                                    "privateport": 22,
+                                    "publicport": 2222,
+                                    "openfirewall": False,
+                                    "startport": 22,
+                                    "endport": 2222,
+                                    "protocol": "TCP",
+                                    "cidrlist": '',
+                                },
+                        "ostype": 'CentOS 5.3 (64-bit)',
+                        "sleep": 60,
+                        "timeout": 10,
+                        "mode": 'advanced',
+                        # Networking mode: Advanced, Basic
+                    }
+class TestHAProxyStickyness(cloudstackTestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        cls.api_client = super(TestHAProxyStickyness,
+                               cls).getClsTestClient().getApiClient()
+        cls.services = Services().services
+        # Get Zone, Domain and templates
+        cls.domain = get_domain(cls.api_client, cls.services)
+        cls.zone = get_zone(cls.api_client, cls.services)
+        cls.template = get_template(
+                            cls.api_client,
+                            cls.zone.id,
+                            cls.services["ostype"]
+                            )
+        cls.services["virtual_machine"]["zoneid"] = cls.zone.id
+        cls.service_offering = ServiceOffering.create(
+                                            cls.api_client,
+                                            cls.services["service_offering"]
+                                            )
+        cls._cleanup = [cls.service_offering, ]
+        return
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        try:
+            # Cleanup resources used
+            cleanup_resources(cls.api_client, cls._cleanup)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise Exception("Warning: Exception during cleanup : %s" % e)
+        return
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.apiclient = self.testClient.getApiClient()
+        self.dbclient = self.testClient.getDbConnection()
+        self.account = Account.create(
+                            self.apiclient,
+                            self.services["account"],
+                            domainid=self.domain.id
+                            )
+        self.virtual_machine = VirtualMachine.create(
+                                self.apiclient,
+                                self.services["virtual_machine"],
+                                templateid=self.template.id,
+                                accountid=self.account.name,
+                                domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                serviceofferingid=self.service_offering.id
+                                )
+        self.virtual_machine_2 = VirtualMachine.create(
+                                self.apiclient,
+                                self.services["virtual_machine"],
+                                templateid=self.template.id,
+                                accountid=self.account.name,
+                                domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                serviceofferingid=self.service_offering.id
+                                )
+        self.public_ip = PublicIPAddress.create(
+                                           self.apiclient,
+                                           self.virtual_machine.account,
+                                           self.virtual_machine.zoneid,
+                                           self.virtual_machine.domainid,
+                                           self.services["virtual_machine"]
+                                           )
+        NATRule.create(
+                        self.apiclient,
+                        self.virtual_machine,
+                        self.services["natrule"],
+                        ipaddressid=self.public_ip.ipaddress.id
+                        )
+        self.cleanup = [self.account, ]
+        return
+    def tearDown(self):
+        try:
+            # Clean up, terminate the created instance, volumes and snapshots
+            cleanup_resources(self.apiclient, self.cleanup)
+            pass
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise Exception("Warning: Exception during cleanup : %s" % e)
+        return
+    def get_Network(self, account):
+        """Returns a network for account"""
+        networks = Network.list(
+                                self.apiclient,
+                                account=account.name,
+                                domainid=account.domainid,
+                                listall=True
+                                )
+        self.assertIsInstance(networks,
+                              list,
+                              "List networks should return a valid response")
+        return networks[0]
+    def create_LB_Rule(self, public_ip, network, vmarray, services=None):
+        """Create and validate the load balancing rule"""
+        self.debug("Creating LB rule for IP address: %s" %
+                                        public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress)
+        objservices = None
+        if services:
+            objservices = services
+        else:
+            objservices = self.services["lbrule"]
+        lb_rule = LoadBalancerRule.create(
+                                    self.apiclient,
+                                    objservices,
+                                    ipaddressid=public_ip.ipaddress.id,
+                                    accountid=self.account.name,
+                                    networkid=network.id,
+                                    domainid=self.account.domainid
+                                )
+        self.debug("Adding virtual machines %s to LB rule" % str(vmarray))
+        lb_rule.assign(self.apiclient, vmarray)
+        return lb_rule
+    def configure_Stickiness_Policy(self, lb_rule, method, paramDict=None):
+        """Configure the stickiness policy on lb rule"""
+        try:
+            result = lb_rule.createSticky(
+                             self.apiclient,
+                             methodname=method,
+                             name="-".join([method, random_gen()]),
+                             param=paramDict
+                             )
+            self.debug("Response: %s" % result)
+            return result
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Configure sticky policy failed with exception: %s" % e)
+    def validate_Stickiness_Policy(self, lb_rule, method, publicip):
+        """Validates the stickiness policy"""
+        sticky_policies = lb_rule.listStickyPolicies(self.apiclient,
+                                                     lbruleid=lb_rule.id,
+                                                     listall=True)
+        self.assertIsInstance(sticky_policies,
+                            list,
+                            "List sticky policies should return a valid list")
+        sticky_policy = sticky_policies[0]
+        self.debug("Stickiness policy method: %s" %
+                                sticky_policy.stickinesspolicy[0].methodname)
+        self.assertEqual(sticky_policy.stickinesspolicy[0].methodname,
+                    method,
+                    "Stickiness policy should have method as - %s" % method)
+        hostnames = []
+        hostnames = self.try_ssh(publicip, hostnames)
+        hostnames = self.try_ssh(publicip, hostnames)
+        self.debug("hostnames: %s" % hostnames)
+        self.debug("set(hostnames): %s" % set(hostnames))
+        #For each ssh, host should be the same, else stickiness policy is not 
working properly
+        if len(hostnames) == len(set(hostnames)):
+            raise Exception("Stickyness policy: %s not working properly, got 
hostnames %s"
+                            % (method, hostnames))
+        return
+    def delete_Stickiness_policy(self, policy, lb_rule):
+        """Deletes the stickiness policy"""
+        try:
+            lb_rule.deleteSticky(self.apiclient, id=policy.id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to delete the stickiness policy: %s" % e)
+        sticky_policies = lb_rule.listStickyPolicies(self.apiclient,
+                                                     lbruleid=lb_rule.id,
+                                                     listall=True)
+        self.assertIsInstance(sticky_policies, list,
+                "List stickiness policies shall return a valid response")
+        policy = sticky_policies[0]
+        self.assertEqual(len(policy.stickinesspolicy),
+                         0,
+                         "List stickiness policy should return nothing")
+        return
+    def check_stickiness_supported_methods(self, supportedMethods, value):
+        for i, dic in enumerate(supportedMethods):
+            if dic["methodname"] == value:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def acquire_Public_Ip(self):
+        """Acquires the public IP"""
+        try:
+            self.debug("Acquiring public IP for account: %s" %
+                                                    self.account.name)
+            public_ip = PublicIPAddress.create(
+                                           self.apiclient,
+                                           self.virtual_machine.account,
+                                           self.virtual_machine.zoneid,
+                                           self.virtual_machine.domainid,
+                                           self.services["virtual_machine"]
+                                           )
+            self.debug("Acquired public IP: %s" %
+                                                public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress)
+            self.debug("Configuring NAT rule for the acquired public ip")
+            NATRule.create(
+                        self.apiclient,
+                        self.virtual_machine,
+                        self.services["natrule"],
+                        ipaddressid=public_ip.ipaddress.id
+                        )
+            return public_ip
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to acquire new public IP: %s" % e)
+    def get_router(self, account):
+        """Returns a default router for account"""
+        routers = Router.list(self.apiclient,
+                              account=self.account.name,
+                              domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                              listall=True)
+        self.assertIsInstance(routers, list,
+                              "List routers should return a valid repsonse")
+        return routers[0]
+    def create_VPN(self, public_ip):
+        """Creates VPN for the network"""
+        self.debug("Creating VPN with public IP: %s" % public_ip.ipaddress.id)
+        try:
+            # Assign VPN to Public IP
+            vpn = Vpn.create(self.apiclient,
+                         self.public_ip.ipaddress.id,
+                         account=self.account.name,
+                         domainid=self.account.domainid)
+            self.debug("Verifying the remote VPN access")
+            vpns = Vpn.list(self.apiclient,
+                        publicipid=public_ip.ipaddress.id,
+                        listall=True)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                         isinstance(vpns, list),
+                         True,
+                         "List VPNs shall return a valid response"
+                         )
+            return vpn
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to create remote VPN access: %s" % e)
+    def try_ssh(self, ip_addr, hostnames):
+        try:
+            self.debug(
+                "SSH into NAT Rule (Public IP: %s)" % ip_addr)
+            # If Round Robin Algorithm is chosen,
+            # each ssh command should alternate between VMs
+            ssh_1  = remoteSSHClient(
+                                    ip_addr,
+                                    22,
+                                    self.services["natrule"]["username"],
+                                    self.services["natrule"]["password"]
+                                    )
+            hostnames.append(ssh_1.execute("hostname")[0])
+            self.debug(hostnames)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("%s: SSH failed for VM with IP Address: %s" %
+                                    (e, ip_addr))
+        return hostnames
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    @attr(speed="slow")
+    def test_01_create_sticky_policy_default_values(self):
+        """Test Configure stickiness policies with default values"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Create a LB rule with round robin. listLoadBalancerRules should
+        #    show newly created load balancer rule.
+        # 2. Configure the Source based, app cookie and lb cookie based policy
+        #   listLBStickinessPolicies should show newly created stickiness
+        self.debug("Creating a load balancing rule on IP: %s" %
+                                        self.public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress)
+        lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                            network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                            vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+        methods = ["SourceBased", "AppCookie", "LBCookie"]
+        for method in methods:
+            self.debug("Creating stickiness policy for the LB rule: %s" %
+                                                                lb_rule.id)
+            policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method=method)
+            policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+            self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+            self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+            self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method, 
+            self.debug("Deleting the stickiness policy for lb rule: %s" %
+                                                                lb_rule.name)
+            self.delete_Stickiness_policy(policy, lb_rule)
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    @attr(speed="slow")
+    def test_02_create_sticky_policy_custom_values(self):
+        """Test Configure stickiness policies with custom values"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Create a LB rule with roundrobin, leastconn and source.
+        #    listLoadBalancerRules should show newly created load balancer rule
+        # 2. Configure the Source based, app cookie and lb cookie based policy
+        #    with custom parameters
+        #   listLBStickinessPolicies should show newly created stickiness
+        lb_methods = ["roundrobin", "leastconn", "source"]
+        configs = {"SourceBased": {"tablesize": '100k'},
+                   "AppCookie": {"request-learn": "true"},
+                   "LBCookie": {"nocache": "true"}}
+        for lb_method in lb_methods:
+            self.debug("Creating a load balancing rule on IP %s and algo %s" %
+                            (self.public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress, lb_method))
+            services = self.services["lbrule"]
+            services["alg"] = lb_method
+            lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                            network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                            vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+                            services=services)
+            for method, params in configs.items():
+                self.debug("Creating stickiness policy for the LB rule: %s" %
+                                                                lb_rule.id)
+                policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule,
+                                                          method=method,
+                                                          paramDict=params)
+                policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+                self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+                self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+                self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method, 
+                self.debug("Deleting the stickiness policy for lb rule: %s" %
+                                                                lb_rule.name)
+                self.delete_Stickiness_policy(policy, lb_rule)
+            self.debug("Deleting the LB rule: %s" % lb_rule.name)
+            lb_rule.delete(self.apiclient)
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    @attr(speed="slow")
+    def test_03_supported_policies_by_network(self):
+        """Test listnetworks response to check supported stickiness policies"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. List networks for the account in advance network mode
+        # 2. List of supported sticky methods should be present under
+        #    SupportedStickinessMethods tag
+        self.debug("List networks for account: %s" % self.account.name)
+        networks = Network.list(self.apiclient,
+                                account=self.account.name,
+                                domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                listall=True)
+        self.assertIsInstance(networks,
+                              list,
+                              "List network should return a valid response")
+        network = networks[0]
+        self.debug("Network: %s" % network)
+        self.assertEqual(hasattr(network, "SupportedStickinessMethods"),
+                        True,
+                        "Network should have SupportedStickinessMethods param")
+        self.assertEqual(hasattr(network, "LbCookie"),
+                        True,
+                        "Network should have LbCookie LB method param")
+        self.assertEqual(hasattr(network, "AppCookie"),
+                        True,
+                        "Network should have AppCookie LB method param")
+        self.assertEqual(hasattr(network, "SourceBased"),
+                        True,
+                        "Network should have SourceBased LB method param")
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    @attr(speed="slow")
+    def test_04_delete_lb_rule(self):
+        """Test LB rule before/after stickiness policy creation"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Create a LB rule with roundrobin, leastconn and source.
+        #    listLoadBalancerRules should show newly created load balancer rule
+        # 2. Delete the loadbalancer rule. Delete loadbalancer rule should be
+        #    successful
+        # 3. Configure the Source based, app cookie and lb cookie based policy
+        #    with custom parameters listLBStickinessPolicies should show newly
+        #    created stickiness
+        # 4. Delete load balancer rule. Delete should be successful
+        lb_methods = ["roundrobin", "leastconn", "source"]
+        configs = {"SourceBased": {"tablesize": '100k'},
+                   "AppCookie": {"request-learn": "true"},
+                   "LBCookie": {"nocache": "true"}}
+        for lb_method in lb_methods:
+            for method, params in configs.items():
+                self.debug("Creating load balancing rule on IP %s & algo %s" %
+                            (self.public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress, lb_method))
+                services = self.services["lbrule"]
+                services["alg"] = lb_method
+                lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                            network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                            vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+                            services=services)
+                self.debug(
+                    "Deleting the LB rule before stickiness policy creation")
+                lb_rule.delete(self.apiclient)
+                with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                    LoadBalancerRule.list(self.apiclient,
+                                        id=lb_rule.id,
+                                        listall=True)
+                lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                            network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                            vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+                            services=services)
+                self.debug("Creating stickiness policy for the LB rule: %s" %
+                                                                lb_rule.id)
+                policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule,
+                                                          method=method,
+                                                          paramDict=params)
+                policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+                self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+                self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+                self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method, 
+                self.debug("Deleting the LB rule: %s" % lb_rule.name)
+                lb_rule.delete(self.apiclient)
+                with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                    LoadBalancerRule.list(self.apiclient, id=lb_rule.id)
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    @attr(speed="slow")
+    def test_05_error_alerts_after_create(self):
+        """Test error/alerts after creating stickiness policy"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. Create a LB rule with round Robin/Least connections/Source
+        #    listLoadBalancerRules should show newly created load balancer rule
+        # 2. Configure the Stickiness policy to above created LB rule.
+        #    listLBStickinessPolicies Api should show newly created stickiness
+        # 3. update & delete stickiness policy see error related to stickiness
+        # 4. No errors should be shown in the logs and alerts
+        lb_methods = ["roundrobin", "leastconn", "source"]
+        configs = {"SourceBased": {"tablesize": '100k'},
+                   "AppCookie": {"request-learn": "true"},
+                   "LBCookie": {"nocache": "true"}}
+        for lb_method in lb_methods:
+            for method, params in configs.items():
+                self.debug("Creating load balancing rule on IP %s & algo %s" %
+                            (self.public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress, lb_method))
+                services = self.services["lbrule"]
+                services["alg"] = lb_method
+                lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                            network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                            vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+                            services=services)
+                self.debug("Creating stickiness policy for the LB rule: %s" %
+                                                                lb_rule.id)
+                policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule,
+                                                          method=method,
+                                                          paramDict=params)
+                policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+                self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+                self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+                self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method, 
+                self.debug("Deleting the LB rule: %s" % lb_rule.name)
+                lb_rule.delete(self.apiclient)
+                with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                    LoadBalancerRule.list(self.apiclient,
+                                        id=lb_rule.id,
+                                        listall=True)
+                alerts = Alert.list(self.apiclient, keyword="stickiness",
+                                listall=True)
+                self.debug(
+                    "Create/update/delete should not produce any alert/error")
+                self.assertEqual(alerts, None,
+                    "Create/update/delete should not produce any alert/error")
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    @attr(speed="slow")
+    def test_06_release_ip(self):
+        """Test release public IP with stickiness policy"""
+        # 1. Configure load balancing rule. Listloadbalancerrule should list
+        #    valid list
+        # 2. Create stickiness policy. liststickinesspolicy should return valid
+        #    response
+        # 3. Release public Ip. liststickiness policy should return a valid
+        #    response
+        lb_methods = ["roundrobin", "leastconn", "source"]
+        configs = {"SourceBased": {"tablesize": '100k'},
+                   "AppCookie": {"request-learn": "true"},
+                   "LBCookie": {"nocache": "true"}}
+        for lb_method in lb_methods:
+            for method, params in configs.items():
+                self.debug("Setting up environment - acquire public IP")
+                public_ip = self.acquire_Public_Ip()
+                self.debug(
+                    "Creating a load balancing rule on IP %s and algo %s" %
+                                (public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress, lb_method))
+                services = self.services["lbrule"]
+                services["alg"] = lb_method
+                lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(public_ip,
+                            network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                            vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+                            services=services)
+                policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule,
+                                                          method=method,
+                                                          paramDict=params)
+                policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+                self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+                self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+                self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method, 
+                self.debug("Releasing public Ip: %s" %
+                                            public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress)
+                public_ip.delete(self.apiclient)
+                self.debug("Checking the response of liststickiness policies")
+                with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                    lb_rule.listStickyPolicies(self.apiclient,
+                                                     lbruleid=lb_rule.id,
+                                                     listall=True)
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    def test_07_delete_account(self):
+        """Test Delete account  and check the router and its rules"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. create an account
+        # 2. using that account,create an instances
+        # 3. select the Source NAT IP  and configure the stikiness policy
+        # 4. Delete account
+        # 5. The corresponding stikiness policy should be removed
+        # listLBStickinessPolicies Api shouldnot show deleted stikiness policy
+        self.debug("Creating LB rule for account: %s" %
+                                                self.account.name)
+        lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                                      network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                                      vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+        policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method="LbCookie")
+        policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+        self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+        self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+        self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, "LbCookie", 
+        # removing account from cleanup list as we're deleting account
+        self.cleanup.pop()
+        self.debug("Deleting account: %s" % self.account.name)
+        try:
+            self.account.delete(self.apiclient)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Failed to delete account: %s" % e)
+        self.debug("Checking the response of liststickiness policies")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            lb_rule.listStickyPolicies(self.apiclient,
+                                       lbruleid=lb_rule.id,
+                                       listall=True)
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    def test_08_create_policy_router_stopped(self):
+        """Test verify create stickiness policy when router is stopped state"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. stop the router
+        # 2. create stikiness policy from UI
+        # 3. start the router. listLBStickinessPolicies Api should show created
+        #    stikiness policy
+        self.debug("Creating LB rule for account: %s" % self.account.name)
+        lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                                      network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                                      vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+        self.debug("Fetching routers for the account: %s" %
+                                                    self.account.name)
+        router = self.get_router(self.account)
+        self.debug("Stopping the router: %s" % router.name)
+        Router.stop(self.apiclient, id=router.id)
+        policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method="LbCookie")
+        policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+        self.debug("Starting the router: %s" % router.name)
+        Router.start(self.apiclient, id=router.id)
+        self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+        self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+        self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, "LbCookie", 
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    def test_09_create_policy_router_destroy(self):
+        """Test check the stickiness policy rules after destroying router"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. create an account
+        # 2. using that account,create an instances
+        # 3. select the Source NAT IP  and configure the stikiness policy
+        # 4. destroy the router.
+        self.debug("Creating LB rule for account: %s" % self.account.name)
+        lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                                      network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                                      vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+        self.debug("Fetching routers for the account: %s" %
+                                                    self.account.name)
+        router = self.get_router(self.account)
+        policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method="LbCookie")
+        policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+        self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+        self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+        self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, "LbCookie", 
+        self.debug("Destroying the router: %s" % router.name)
+        Router.destroy(self.apiclient, id=router.id)
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    def test_10_create_policy_enable_disable_vpn(self):
+        """Test enable/disable the VPN after applying sticky policy rules"""
+        # Validate the following
+        # 1. create an account
+        # 2. using that account,create an instances
+        # 3. select the Source NAT IP  and configure the stikiness policy
+        # 4. enable /disable the VPN. It should not impact the ceated rules
+        #    listLBStickinessPolicies Api should show created stikiness policy
+        self.debug("Creating LB rule for account: %s" % self.account.name)
+        lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                                      network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                                      vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+        policies = self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method="LbCookie")
+        policy = policies.stickinesspolicy[0]
+        self.debug("Policy: %s" % str(policy))
+        self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy")
+        self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, "LbCookie", 
+        self.debug("Enabling VPN on Public Ip: %s" %
+                                        self.public_ip.ipaddress.ipaddress)
+        self.create_VPN(self.public_ip)
+        self.debug("Validating the stickiness policy after enabling VPN")
+        self.validate_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, "LbCookie", 
+        return
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "advancedns"])
+    def test_11_invalid_params(self):
+        """Test verfify functionality syncronous and asyncronous validations"""
+        # Validate the following
+        #  verify the validation  while creating or attaching stikiness policy
+        #    by doing the following scenaios
+        # * by passing the Invlaid parameter
+        # * Invalid method name
+        # * required parameter not present
+        # * passing invalid values to valid paramters.
+        self.debug("Creating LB rule for account: %s" % self.account.name)
+        lb_rule = self.create_LB_Rule(self.public_ip,
+                                      network=self.get_Network(self.account),
+                                      vmarray=[self.virtual_machine, 
+        self.debug("Creating stickiness policy with invalid method")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method="InvalidMethod")
+        self.debug("Creating stickiness policy with invalid params")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.configure_Stickiness_Policy(lb_rule, method="LbCookie",
+                                             params={"Test": 10})
+        self.debug("Passing invalid parameter")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            cmd = createLBStickinessPolicy.createLBStickinessPolicyCmd()
+            cmd.lbruleid = lb_rule.id
+            cmd.method = "LbCookie"
+            cmd.name = "LbCookie"
+            self.apiclient.createLBStickinessPolicy(cmd)
+        self.debug("Creating stickiness policy not passing required param")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            cmd = createLBStickinessPolicy.createLBStickinessPolicyCmd()
+            cmd.lbruleid = lb_rule.id
+            cmd.name = "LbCookie"
+            self.apiclient.createLBStickinessPolicy(cmd)
+        return

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