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gabriel pushed a commit to branch python3-vr
in repository

commit 1a9402d568a80afbd96cff53344e96f634d824a3
Author: Gabriel Brascher <>
AuthorDate: Mon Aug 10 11:30:49 2020 -0300

    Fix pycodestyle 'errors'
 systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/   |  6 +++---
 systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/ | 10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/ 
index 20b5653..08b73df 100644
--- a/systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/
+++ b/systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def main():
         data = entries[0]
     if "maxMemoryUsage" not in data:
-        print("Missing maxMemoryUsage in health_checks_data " + \
+        print("Missing maxMemoryUsage in health_checks_data " +
               "systemThresholds, skipping")
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ def main():
     if pout.wait() == 0:
         currentUsage = float(pout.communicate()[0].strip())
         if currentUsage > maxMemoryUsage:
-            print("Memory Usage " + str(currentUsage) + \
+            print("Memory Usage " + str(currentUsage) +
                   "% has crossed threshold of " + str(maxMemoryUsage) + "%")
-        print("Memory Usage within limits with current at " + \
+        print("Memory Usage within limits with current at " +
               str(currentUsage) + "%")
diff --git a/systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/ 
index b65aca4..3ab33fe 100644
--- a/systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/
+++ b/systemvm/debian/root/health_checks/
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ def main():
         releaseFile = "/etc/cloudstack-release"
         found = getFirstLine(releaseFile)
         if found is None:
-            print("Release version not yet setup at " + releaseFile +\
+            print("Release version not yet setup at " + releaseFile +
                   ", skipping.")
         elif expected != found:
-            print("Template Version mismatch. Expected: " + \
+            print("Template Version mismatch. Expected: " +
                   expected + ", found: " + found)
             templateVersionMatches = False
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ def main():
         sigFile = "/var/cache/cloud/cloud-scripts-signature"
         found = getFirstLine(sigFile)
         if found is None:
-            print("Scripts signature is not yet setup at " + sigFile +\
+            print("Scripts signature is not yet setup at " + sigFile +
                   ", skipping")
         if expected != found:
-            print("Scripts Version mismatch. Expected: " + \
-                  expected + ", found: " + found)
+            print("Scripts Version mismatch. Expected: " + expected +
+                  ", found: " + found)
             scriptVersionMatches = False
     if templateVersionMatches and scriptVersionMatches:

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