This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

dahn pushed a change to branch marvin3
in repository

 discard dffaf34  syntax (suerfluent '.')
 discard 38af40e  no importing of False in python3 (or in sensible code)
 discard b245b33  cleanup fir ip tests
 discard 9cf3d17  format and cleanup internal lb tests
 discard b748fb2  write as byte[]
 discard 924eb85  read files in vr as list(byte[])
 discard 04bd7d5f cleanup hygiene
 discard 50b5189  further cleanup of resource heavy test
 discard 54554c8  test tag removed
 discard 74c2a3d  cleanup imports
 discard 2e69408  cleanup, indent, taberrors
 discard 2a89995  another indentation issue identified
 discard 9a7b18a  another network for cleanup
 discard e6a7e25  cleanup incosistent passing test
 discard f5ebc69  rigorous cleanup discipline
 discard 791d7f5  cleanup and indentation
 discard 9bd6e75  artifact tag removed
 discard 5af0652  message attribute not available on exception
 discard 749005e  endodestring can't consume a string, needs bytes
 discard 43de80d  remove false copy-block
 discard dc9b0d7  encodestring() instead of b64encode()
 discard 3eed87d  cleanup and fix autoindent issues
 discard a32376f  Revert python version change from 3.8 to 3.9
 discard cfd84f8  Upgrade pip
 discard a5e3eab  Change python version due to cryptography
 discard 236241e  setuptools upgrade
 discard 1d89a85  nose to install (from before_install)
 discard 874a142  skip lifemigration for centos
 discard aa4f328  just to see
 discard 028af7b  Update
 discard f4e908e  svm to p3
 discard 5ef1902  str f'ormat'
 discard 786d3a9  pylint issues
 discard 0d30014  replace mock with unittest.mock
 discard cb89159  pylint cmd debug
 discard ead6147  Fix indentation issues and use python3 when running 
pycodestyle checker
 discard 14c87dc  Make Virtual Router '.py' scripts Python3 compatible
 discard e1dbe36  reformat because of indentation problems
 discard e0f4c16  cleanup and feedback from internal version
 discard 1996f3f  retries on ssh verification
 discard 36dc3f4  redundant braces removed
 discard d520f28  cleanup
 discard 82e3142  cleanup of setup() (not sure why this would help)
 discard e96875cc socketserver take bytes
 discard 7ff64d8  inherritics
 discard f3d185f  2to3 artifact/remnance removed
 discard a5cef933 exception assert fix
 discard 3017943  remove superfluent parentesis
 discard ce5aef2  str() when str() due
 discard 41fc44a  foutje bedank: None vs 0
 discard 1499fa5  unittest method rename assertItemEqual to assertCountEqual
 discard 30eee15  awkward encode-decode of userdata
 discard 710c1a7  only fetchall for select statements
 discard bb221b4  Revert "add dep for python browsing in IDE"
 discard 4834013  mysql connector does not properly defend against index out of 
 discard cb8c857  add dep for python browsing in IDE
 discard 4900f88  start on tabs in component tests  :'(
 discard f140c30  license exclude for pyenv
 discard 429743a  certificates as bytes arrays
 discard 51889a4  pylint/travis trouble
 discard 3ad890c  version output in svm tests
 discard fe6a9a2  Revert "travis systemvm tests"
 discard 3a6b540  separate python for systemvm (tests)
 discard 2b4daf6  travis container does not inherit pylint either
 discard 994cd60  travis container does not inherit before_install stuff??
 discard bf15c09  travis prefered python version
 discard 22eaef1  travis systemvm tests
 discard 7099a5e  remove nose-json
 discard b633e3e  run py checkers as modules
 discard 62461a5  backquote error calling pyenv
 discard bbed4da  fix tags on test
 discard d0f2fd7  channel result decode
 discard ba3569d  no decode on str in python3
 discard 46fcd42  string checks in the nose plugin
 discard e041867  pycodestyle2 and -lint2 in travis
 discard 5ba7646  marvin deps on nose
 discard 4e29543  python3 in marvin rpm
 discard 685e215  pyenv the right/requested version
 discard 4d12263  pyton 3.9.1
 discard d724ef5  pyenv/travis alignment
 discard 955c725  travis scripts
 discard 7c3afff  None check
 discard b1070b7  add urllib3 to requirements in egg
 discard 043efa7  call codegenerator with python3
 discard 6958926  python3 output on code generator
 discard b247700  urllib3
 discard 6699cac  version3
 discard 02b81b7  travis on python 3
 discard ef2fa11  env run of python3
 discard c6abc0f  remove redundant member value
 discard 853d1ec  expect explicit exception
 discard 797266f  explicit import of unittest
 discard feecfdc  init and sign
 discard b60c2ab  2to3tests
 discard 54290ee  2to3marvin
     add f893c5c  cks: fix token TTL, set it to never expire (#4747)
     add 6e7516c  kvm: Fix get_bridge_physdev where it returns "device:" 
instead of just "device" (#4740)
     add 709ebf6  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.13' into 4.14
     add 97c1b72  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.14' into 4.15
     add b7f86a6  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.15'
     add 370d3f2  build: deprecate and remove md5 from releases (#4751)
     add 0a401eb  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.14' into 4.15
     add 01d7b0e  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.15'
     add 81dfcbb  server: Use ACPI event to reboot VM on KVM, and Use 'forced' 
reboot option to stop and start the VM(s)  (#4681)
     add cdc3b08  novnc: Accept new novnc client and disconnect old session 
     add df4103f  novnc: Add source IP check (#4736)
     add f511bab  api: remove account from listProjects API response (#4743)
     add 03bfe9a  ui: FIX error in "Port forward" and "Load Balancing" (#4746)
     add 41c2e94  ui: Remove make redundant option for isolated networks
     add 58a3f90  server: fix failed to remove template/iso if upload from 
local fails (#4626)
     add 3a82392  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.14' into 4.15
     add a1be9b0  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.15'
     add 59fba49  Fix npe when migrating vm with volume (#4698)
     add 54853aa  UI: Fix upload SSL certificate failed in the project view 
     add 5d36724  UI: German translation corrections (#4759)
     add 843dfaf  Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/4.15'
     add 066702e  2to3marvin
     add 6819c23  2to3tests
     add f0e99ff  init and sign
     add 657c431  explicit import of unittest
     add b210eac  expect explicit exception
     add 36f9a97  remove redundant member value
     add d21a7e9  env run of python3
     add 13be55b  travis on python 3
     add 4b9c97a  version3
     add f7729e6  urllib3
     add 3439bb0  python3 output on code generator
     add a524b48  call codegenerator with python3
     add 255bac1  add urllib3 to requirements in egg
     add 1be94e0  None check
     add bf10f09  travis scripts
     add 92c08a7  pyenv/travis alignment
     add b5a1438  pyton 3.9.1
     add 3d5abd0  pyenv the right/requested version
     add cd7bdba  python3 in marvin rpm
     add c2e3863  marvin deps on nose
     add dcd4e36  pycodestyle2 and -lint2 in travis
     add cfabfd5  string checks in the nose plugin
     add 7e817a5  no decode on str in python3
     add 182991c  channel result decode
     add 0931354  fix tags on test
     add 1cf4f82  backquote error calling pyenv
     add 9afa00e  run py checkers as modules
     add d1400b5  remove nose-json
     add 1db2b31  travis systemvm tests
     add 06329f8  travis prefered python version
     add 483a07c  travis container does not inherit before_install stuff??
     add 2ec3a84  travis container does not inherit pylint either
     add 3de1ff3  separate python for systemvm (tests)
     add 39f0029  Revert "travis systemvm tests"
     add e589b68  version output in svm tests
     add f4c9be5  pylint/travis trouble
     add e5197fc  certificates as bytes arrays
     add cb357c8  license exclude for pyenv
     add 1191804  start on tabs in component tests  :'(
     add 6a8c815  add dep for python browsing in IDE
     add 1ded87a  mysql connector does not properly defend against index out of 
     add 62643b9  Revert "add dep for python browsing in IDE"
     add a4a1030  only fetchall for select statements
     add 7a11abd  awkward encode-decode of userdata
     add 9048981  unittest method rename assertItemEqual to assertCountEqual
     add a1fe05e  foutje bedank: None vs 0
     add d496385  str() when str() due
     add 4b1dfd1  remove superfluent parentesis
     add b351ff5  exception assert fix
     add 442e4f0  2to3 artifact/remnance removed
     add 1bbec82  inherritics
     add 07cc2a5  socketserver take bytes
     add e86d43d  cleanup of setup() (not sure why this would help)
     add 95a7a4b  cleanup
     add 193f6e5  redundant braces removed
     add ec13d78  retries on ssh verification
     add 88b4229  cleanup and feedback from internal version
     add d816774  reformat because of indentation problems
     add 28ff962  Make Virtual Router '.py' scripts Python3 compatible
     add 23472e8  Fix indentation issues and use python3 when running 
pycodestyle checker
     add 7c97896  pylint cmd debug
     add 33bc9ac  replace mock with unittest.mock
     add 42b50ba  pylint issues
     add 86ffc1e  str f'ormat'
     add 6216a3c  svm to p3
     add e561b19  Update
     add 8ffb0a1  just to see
     add 56b5912  skip lifemigration for centos
     add c308ac5  nose to install (from before_install)
     add 6b23cd0  setuptools upgrade
     add a62c0d4  Change python version due to cryptography
     add 69d72bd  Upgrade pip
     add f3a670a  Revert python version change from 3.8 to 3.9
     add d17360c  cleanup and fix autoindent issues
     add 73f5ff2  encodestring() instead of b64encode()
     add d4432d4  remove false copy-block
     add dd1f3ae  endodestring can't consume a string, needs bytes
     add 64c4538  message attribute not available on exception
     add 82ffd02  artifact tag removed
     add 5d25d49  cleanup and indentation
     add 9d21efd  rigorous cleanup discipline
     add 587c8ac  cleanup incosistent passing test
     add cddd321  another network for cleanup
     add 0fa8e71  another indentation issue identified
     add c5b028a  cleanup, indent, taberrors
     add 3265df3  cleanup imports
     add 76d67d1  test tag removed
     add d5cba75  further cleanup of resource heavy test
     add 3f24df8  cleanup hygiene
     add 65bc352  read files in vr as list(byte[])
     add 0a2c2f3  write as byte[]
     add 7f4fa43  format and cleanup internal lb tests
     add 6e2c4d2  cleanup fir ip tests
     add 406c069  no importing of False in python3 (or in sensible code)
     add 8705a1f  syntax (suerfluent '.')
     add 14e7e87  more cleanup for test_accounts

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.
That is to say, some revisions that were in the old version of the
branch are not in the new version.  This situation occurs
when a user --force pushes a change and generates a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O   (dffaf34)
             N -- N -- N   refs/heads/marvin3 (14e7e87)

You should already have received notification emails for all of the O
revisions, and so the following emails describe only the N revisions
from the common base, B.

Any revisions marked "omit" are not gone; other references still
refer to them.  Any revisions marked "discard" are gone forever.

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .../consoleproxy/         |  10 +-
 .../network/    |   2 +-
 .../api/command/admin/router/  |   9 +-
 .../command/admin/systemvm/  |   7 ++
 .../api/command/user/vm/           |   7 ++
 .../cloudstack/api/response/   |   8 --
 .../  |  10 ++
 .../com/cloud/vm/    |   6 +-
 .../    |   2 +
 .../motion/    |  25 ++++-
 .../       |  22 ++++
 .../kvm/resource/     |  31 +-----
 .../src/main/resources/conf/k8s-master.yml         |   2 +-
 server/src/main/java/com/cloud/api/ |   2 +-
 .../java/com/cloud/consoleproxy/ |   1 +
 .../cloud/consoleproxy/    |   3 +
 .../consoleproxy/      |   2 +-
 .../router/ |   6 +-
 .../com/cloud/server/     |  35 ++++--
 .../com/cloud/servlet/ |  10 ++
 .../com/cloud/servlet/     |  15 ++-
 .../com/cloud/template/    |   8 ++
 .../main/java/com/cloud/vm/  |  40 ++++++-
 .../vpc/ |   2 +-
 .../java/com/cloud/consoleproxy/  |  26 ++++-
 .../consoleproxy/      |  10 ++
 .../             |   2 +
 .../consoleproxy/     |  27 ++++-
 .../consoleproxy/      |   4 +
 .../resource/      |   6 +
 test/integration/smoke/            |  41 ++++---
 test/integration/smoke/             |  43 ++++++++
 test/integration/smoke/                | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 test/integration/smoke/       |  34 ++++++
 tools/build/                           |   5 -
 tools/marvin/marvin/lib/                    |   8 +-
 ui/public/locales/de_DE.json                       |  40 ++++---
 ui/src/config/section/compute.js                   |   1 +
 ui/src/config/section/infra/routers.js             |   1 +
 ui/src/config/section/infra/systemVms.js           |   3 +-
 ui/src/config/section/network.js                   |   2 +-
 ui/src/core/lazy_lib/components_use.js             |   4 +-
 ui/src/views/AutogenView.vue                       |  15 ++-
 ui/src/views/network/LoadBalancing.vue             |   4 +
 ui/src/views/network/PortForwarding.vue            |   9 +-
 ui/src/views/network/VpcTiersTab.vue               |   3 +
 46 files changed, 552 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

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