CLOUDSTACK-769 review comments fixed


Branch: refs/heads/disk_io_throttling
Commit: 2f1ed47213014f2462d7add0bec6a2437e336899
Parents: 776301c
Author: Radhika PC <>
Authored: Mon Jun 17 11:08:59 2013 +0530
Committer: Radhika PC <>
Committed: Mon Jun 17 11:08:59 2013 +0530

 docs/en-US/add-loadbalancer-rule-vpc.xml | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/en-US/add-loadbalancer-rule-vpc.xml 
index b7b9e3e..82e8702 100644
--- a/docs/en-US/add-loadbalancer-rule-vpc.xml
+++ b/docs/en-US/add-loadbalancer-rule-vpc.xml
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
     External LB is nothing but a LB rule created to redirect the traffic 
received at a public IP of
     the VPC virtual router. The traffic is load balanced within a tier based 
on your configuration.
     Citrix NetScaler and VPC virtual router are supported for external LB. 
When you use internal LB
-    service, traffic received at a tier is load balanced across different 
tiers within the VPC. For
-    example, traffic reached at Web tier is redirected to Application tier. 
External load balancing
-    devices are not supported for internal LB. The service is provided by a 
internal LB VM
+    service, traffic received at a tier is load balanced across different VMs 
within that tier. For
+    example, traffic reached at Web tier is redirected to another VM in that 
tier. External load
+    balancing devices are not supported for internal LB. The service is 
provided by a internal LB VM
     configured on the target tier.</para>
   <section id="curent-lb-vpc">
     <title>Load Balancing Within a Tier (External LB)</title>
     <para>A &PRODUCT; user or administrator may create load balancing rules 
that balance traffic
       received at a public IP to one or more VMs that belong to a network tier 
that provides load
       balancing service in a VPC. A user creates a rule, specifies an 
algorithm, and assigns the
-      rule to a set of VMs within a VPC.</para>
+      rule to a set of VMs within a tier.</para>
         <para>Log in to the &PRODUCT; UI as an administrator or end 

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