CLOUDSTACK-2914: lbScheme Public should be specified in NetworkOffering

NetworkOfferings now require a mandatory scheme in the
serviceCapabilityList to create a VPC loadbalancer on the public side.
This commit fixes the test for VPC networks. Additionally there needs to
be a fix for making this the default behaviour so as not to hurt the
backwards compatibility.

test still fails because of CLOUDSTACK-2915 however which is a related
network ACL backwards compat issue. See bug for more details.

Signed-off-by: Prasanna Santhanam <>


Branch: refs/heads/disk_io_throttling
Commit: 20c1f2c3466926163ccf0fe1487b3ca61d35da07
Parents: 52f9d5e
Author: Prasanna Santhanam <>
Authored: Mon Jun 10 13:36:38 2013 +0530
Committer: Prasanna Santhanam <>
Committed: Mon Jun 10 13:38:33 2013 +0530

 test/integration/component/ | 271 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 138 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/integration/component/ 
index c321103..a997f43 100644
--- a/test/integration/component/
+++ b/test/integration/component/
@@ -35,139 +35,144 @@ class Services:
     def __init__(self): = {
-                         "account": {
-                                    "email": "",
-                                    "firstname": "Test",
-                                    "lastname": "User",
-                                    "username": "test",
-                                    # Random characters are appended for unique
-                                    # username
-                                    "password": "password",
-                                    },
-                         "service_offering": {
-                                    "name": "Tiny Instance",
-                                    "displaytext": "Tiny Instance",
-                                    "cpunumber": 1,
-                                    "cpuspeed": 100,
-                                    "memory": 128,
-                                    },
-                         "network_offering": {
-                                    "name": 'VPC Network offering',
-                                    "displaytext": 'VPC Network off',
-                                    "guestiptype": 'Isolated',
-                                    "supportedservices": 
-                                    "traffictype": 'GUEST',
-                                    "availability": 'Optional',
-                                    "useVpc": 'on',
-                                    "serviceProviderList": {
-                                            "Vpn": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "Dhcp": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "Dns": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "SourceNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "PortForwarding": 
-                                            "Lb": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "UserData": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "StaticNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "NetworkACL": 'VpcVirtualRouter'
-                                        },
-                                    "servicecapabilitylist": {
-                                    },
-                                },
-                         "network_off_netscaler": {
-                                    "name": 'Network offering-netscaler',
-                                    "displaytext": 'Network 
-                                    "guestiptype": 'Isolated',
-                                    "supportedservices": 
-                                    "traffictype": 'GUEST',
-                                    "availability": 'Optional',
-                                    "useVpc": 'on',
-                                    "serviceProviderList": {
-                                            "Dhcp": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "Dns": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "SourceNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "PortForwarding": 
-                                            "Vpn": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "Lb": 'Netscaler',
-                                            "UserData": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                            "StaticNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
-                                        },
-                                    },
-                         "network_off_shared": {
-                                    "name": 'Shared Network offering',
-                                    "displaytext": 'Shared Network offering',
-                                    "guestiptype": 'Shared',
-                                    "traffictype": 'GUEST',
-                                    "availability": 'Optional',
-                                    "useVpc": 'on',
-                                    "specifyIpRanges": True,
-                                    "specifyVlan": True
-                                    },
-                         "vpc_offering": {
-                                    "name": 'VPC off',
-                                    "displaytext": 'VPC off',
-                                    "supportedservices": 
-                                },
-                         "vpc": {
-                                 "name": "TestVPC",
-                                 "displaytext": "TestVPC",
-                                 "cidr": ''
-                                 },
-                         "network": {
-                                  "name": "Test Network",
-                                  "displaytext": "Test Network",
-                                  "netmask": ''
-                                },
-                         "lbrule": {
-                                    "name": "SSH",
-                                    "alg": "leastconn",
-                                    # Algorithm used for load balancing
-                                    "privateport": 22,
-                                    "publicport": 2222,
-                                    "openfirewall": False,
-                                    "startport": 22,
-                                    "endport": 2222,
-                                    "protocol": "TCP",
-                                    "cidrlist": '',
-                                },
-                         "natrule": {
-                                    "privateport": 22,
-                                    "publicport": 22,
-                                    "startport": 22,
-                                    "endport": 22,
-                                    "protocol": "TCP",
-                                    "cidrlist": '',
-                                },
-                         "fw_rule": {
-                                    "startport": 1,
-                                    "endport": 6000,
-                                    "cidr": '',
-                                    # Any network (For creating FW rule)
-                                    "protocol": "TCP"
-                                },
-                         "http_rule": {
-                                    "startport": 80,
-                                    "endport": 80,
-                                    "cidrlist": '',
-                                    "protocol": "ICMP"
-                                },
-                         "virtual_machine": {
-                                    "displayname": "Test VM",
-                                    "username": "root",
-                                    "password": "password",
-                                    "ssh_port": 22,
-                                    "hypervisor": 'XenServer',
-                                    # Hypervisor type should be same as
-                                    # hypervisor type of cluster
-                                    "privateport": 22,
-                                    "publicport": 22,
-                                    "protocol": 'TCP',
-                                },
-                         "ostype": 'CentOS 5.3 (64-bit)',
-                         # Cent OS 5.3 (64 bit)
-                         "sleep": 60,
-                         "timeout": 10,
-                         "mode": 'advanced'
-                    }
+            "account": {
+                "email": "",
+                "firstname": "Test",
+                "lastname": "User",
+                "username": "test",
+                # Random characters are appended for unique
+                # username
+                "password": "password",
+            },
+            "service_offering": {
+                "name": "Tiny Instance",
+                "displaytext": "Tiny Instance",
+                "cpunumber": 1,
+                "cpuspeed": 100,
+                "memory": 128,
+            },
+            "network_offering": {
+                "name": 'VPC Network offering',
+                "displaytext": 'VPC Network off',
+                "guestiptype": 'Isolated',
+                "supportedservices": 
+                "traffictype": 'GUEST',
+                "availability": 'Optional',
+                "useVpc": 'on',
+                "serviceProviderList": {
+                    "Vpn": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "Dhcp": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "Dns": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "SourceNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "PortForwarding": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "Lb": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "UserData": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "StaticNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "NetworkACL": 'VpcVirtualRouter'
+                },
+                "serviceCapabilityList": {
+                    "SourceNat": {"SupportedSourceNatTypes": "peraccount"},
+                    "Lb": {"lbSchemes": "public", "SupportedLbIsolation": 
+                },
+            },
+            "network_off_netscaler": {
+                "name": 'Network offering-netscaler',
+                "displaytext": 'Network offering-netscaler',
+                "guestiptype": 'Isolated',
+                "supportedservices": 
+                "traffictype": 'GUEST',
+                "availability": 'Optional',
+                "useVpc": 'on',
+                "serviceProviderList": {
+                    "Dhcp": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "Dns": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "SourceNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "PortForwarding": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "Vpn": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "Lb": 'Netscaler',
+                    "UserData": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                    "StaticNat": 'VpcVirtualRouter',
+                },
+                "serviceCapabilityList": {
+                    "SourceNat": {"SupportedSourceNatTypes": "peraccount"},
+                    "Lb": {"lbSchemes": "public", "SupportedLbIsolation": 
+                },
+            },
+            "network_off_shared": {
+                "name": 'Shared Network offering',
+                "displaytext": 'Shared Network offering',
+                "guestiptype": 'Shared',
+                "traffictype": 'GUEST',
+                "availability": 'Optional',
+                "useVpc": 'on',
+                "specifyIpRanges": True,
+                "specifyVlan": True
+            },
+            "vpc_offering": {
+                "name": 'VPC off',
+                "displaytext": 'VPC off',
+                "supportedservices": 
+            },
+            "vpc": {
+                "name": "TestVPC",
+                "displaytext": "TestVPC",
+                "cidr": ''
+            },
+            "network": {
+                "name": "Test Network",
+                "displaytext": "Test Network",
+                "netmask": ''
+            },
+            "lbrule": {
+                "name": "SSH",
+                "alg": "leastconn",
+                # Algorithm used for load balancing
+                "privateport": 22,
+                "publicport": 2222,
+                "openfirewall": False,
+                "startport": 22,
+                "endport": 2222,
+                "protocol": "TCP",
+                "cidrlist": '',
+            },
+            "natrule": {
+                "privateport": 22,
+                "publicport": 22,
+                "startport": 22,
+                "endport": 22,
+                "protocol": "TCP",
+                "cidrlist": '',
+            },
+            "fw_rule": {
+                "startport": 1,
+                "endport": 6000,
+                "cidr": '',
+                # Any network (For creating FW rule)
+                "protocol": "TCP"
+            },
+            "http_rule": {
+                "startport": 80,
+                "endport": 80,
+                "cidrlist": '',
+                "protocol": "ICMP"
+            },
+            "virtual_machine": {
+                "displayname": "Test VM",
+                "username": "root",
+                "password": "password",
+                "ssh_port": 22,
+                "hypervisor": 'XenServer',
+                # Hypervisor type should be same as
+                # hypervisor type of cluster
+                "privateport": 22,
+                "publicport": 22,
+                "protocol": 'TCP',
+            },
+            "ostype": 'CentOS 5.3 (64-bit)',
+            # Cent OS 5.3 (64 bit)
+            "sleep": 60,
+            "timeout": 10,
+        }
 class TestVPCNetwork(cloudstackTestCase):

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