Author: reinhard
Date: 2010-04-20 15:46:26 -0500 (Tue, 20 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 10156

Migrated developer install scripts from Subversion to Bazaar.

Property changes on: trunk/gnue-common
Name: bzr:revision-info
   + timestamp: 2010-04-09 20:46:14.513000011 +0200
committer: Reinhard Müller <>
        branch-nick: common

Name: bzr:file-ids
   + .bzrignore bzrignore-20100409182546-xa0zbayeoj88p9k2-1

Name: bzr:ancestry:v3-single1-dHJ1bmsvZ251ZS1jb21tb24.

Name: bzr:revision-id:v3-single1-dHJ1bmsvZ251ZS1jb21tb24.
   + 3114

Added: trunk/gnue-common/.bzrignore
--- trunk/gnue-common/.bzrignore                                (rev 0)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/.bzrignore        2010-04-20 20:46:26 UTC (rev 10156)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

Copied: trunk/gnue-common/README.bzr (from rev 10155, 
--- trunk/gnue-common/README.bzr                                (rev 0)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/README.bzr        2010-04-20 20:46:26 UTC (rev 10156)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Developer Installation Instructions
+If you have downloaded gnue-common from the Bazaar repository (which you
+most probably have, because you wouldn't see this file otherwise), you can
+install and configure everything like described in the file "INSTALL".
+However, GNU Enterprise supports parallel use of an "installed" version and one
+or several "development" versions by providing a "developer install" script
+that uses different names for the programs.
+After downloading all the tools you want to have from the Bazaar repository,
+you just to run ./ in the gnue-common directory.
+With the developer installation, you have to substitute the commands of the
+gnue-common package as follows:
+gnue-schema  -> gsscvs
+Also, you will find all relevant files and directories in ~/gnue instead of

Deleted: trunk/gnue-common/README.svn
--- trunk/gnue-common/README.svn        2010-04-07 06:51:21 UTC (rev 10155)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/README.svn        2010-04-20 20:46:26 UTC (rev 10156)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Developer Installation Instructions
-If you have downloaded gnue-common from the subversion repository (which you
-most probably have, because you wouldn't see this file otherwise), you can
-install and configure everything like described in the file "INSTALL".
-However, GNU Enterprise supports parallel use of an "installed" version and one
-or several "development" versions by providing a "developer install" script
-that uses different names for the programs.
-After downloading all the tools you want to have from the subversion
-repository, you just to run ./ in the gnue-common directory.
-With the developer installation, you have to substitute the commands of the
-gnue-common package as follows:
-gnue-schema  -> gsscvs
-Also, you will find all relevant files and directories in ~/gnue instead of

Copied: trunk/gnue-common/ (from rev 10155, 
--- trunk/gnue-common/                              (rev 0)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/      2010-04-20 20:46:26 UTC (rev 10156)
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
+# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
+# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
+# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Copyright 2001-2010 Free Software Foundation
+#  NOTE: Nightly cron scripts on
+#        run this script with --auto, which uses the
+#        defaults passed to getInput.  So, each input
+#        MUST have a sane default or various web functions
+#        might just break.
+import sys, string, os, glob
+# Hack for python 2.1 compatibility. With 2.3 we can use the global __file__
+m = __import__ ('setup-bzr', None, None, '*')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit (0)
+# Determine if Windows is used
+BZRDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(m.__file__),'..'))
+BASEDIR = WIN and os.path.join(sys.prefix,"gnue-devel") or 
os.path.join(BZRDIR, '.bzrdevelbase')
+rootCommands = []
+def createShell (script,py,scriptdir="scripts"):
+  script = "%s%s" % (script, SUFFIX)
+  if py:
+    src = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, scriptdir, py)
+  else:
+    src = ''
+  if WIN:
+    dest = os.path.join(BINDIR, "%s.bat" % script)
+  else:
+    dest = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, scriptdir, script)
+  if not auto:
+    print "Creating %s....." % dest ,
+  try:
+    file = open(dest,'w')
+    if WIN:
+      # create batch file at final destination
+      file.write("@set PYTHONPATH=%s;%%PYTHONPATH%%\n" % BASEDIR)
+      file.write("@set SCRIPT=%s\n" % src)
+      file.write("@%s \"%%SCRIPT%%\" %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9\n" % 
+      file.close()
+    else:
+      # create script in repository and 
+      file.write(bzrbase % src)
+      file.close()
+      os.system ('chmod 700 %s' % dest)
+      rootCommands.append ('rm -f %s/%s' % (BINDIR, script))
+      rootCommands.append ('ln -s %s %s/%s' % \
+          (dest, BINDIR, script))
+      rootCommands.append ('chmod go+rx %s' % dest)
+  except IOError:
+    print "Unable to create.  Do you have this package checked out?"
+  else:
+    if not auto:
+      print "ok"
+def createDocs(sgmlfile, destdir):
+  if not willInstallDocs:
+    return
+  sgmlfile = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, sgmlfile)
+  destdir  = os.path.join(DOCDIR, destdir)
+  rootCommands.append("if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir %s; fi" % (destdir, destdir))
+  rootCommands.append("%s --output %s %s" %
+                                                  (DB2HTML, destdir, sgmlfile))
+def getInput(message, default, responseSet=None):
+  if auto:
+    return default
+  print ""
+  while 1:
+    if default:
+      print "%s [%s] " % (message, default),
+    else:
+      print "%s " % (message),
+    val = string.strip(sys.stdin.readline())
+    print ""
+    if not len(val) and default:
+      return default
+    elif responseSet and string.upper(val) in (responseSet):
+      return string.upper(val)
+    elif not responseSet:
+      return val
+_getYesNoAllStat = {}
+def getYesNo(message, default, category=None):
+  if auto:
+    return default
+  if category:
+    try:
+      response = _getYesNoAllStat[category]
+      print "\n" + message + ' ' + (response and 'Always' or 'Never')
+      return response
+    except KeyError:
+      pass
+  response = getInput(message,default,('Y','N','A','V'))
+  val = response in ('Y','A')
+  if category and response in ('A','V'):
+    _getYesNoAllStat[category] = val
+  return val
+def getBinPaths():
+  paths = string.split(os.environ['PATH'],os.pathsep)
+  if not ('/usr/local/bin' in paths or '/usr/local/bin/' in paths) and \
+     os.path.isdir('/usr/local/bin'):
+    paths.append('/usr/local/bin')
+  return(paths)
+# Returns a list containing all Python executables in the user's path.
+# List element 0 will always be the currently running executable
+def findAllPythonExes():
+  results = [sys.executable]
+  for path in getBinPaths():
+    for file in glob.glob('%s/python?*' % os.path.abspath(string.strip(path))):
+      base = os.path.basename(file)
+      version = base[6:]
+      # Do not include python 1.x files
+      if version < '2':
+        pass
+      # Do not include python2.2-popy-config
+      elif len(version)>8:
+        pass
+      # Do not include python??.dll
+      elif base[-3:]=="dll":
+        pass
+      elif os.path.realpath(file)==os.path.realpath(sys.executable):     
+        # If this file is the one being executed, just replace w/full name
+        if results[0] == sys.executable:
+          results[0] = file
+      else:
+        results.append(file)
+  return results
+def findAllGNUePackages():
+  results = []
+  for file in glob.glob('../*'):
+    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file, 'setup.bzr')):
+      base = os.path.basename(file)
+      results.append(base)
+  results.sort()
+  return results
+def finddb2html():
+  for path in getBinPaths():
+    for file in glob.glob('%s/db2html' % os.path.abspath(string.strip(path))):
+      return(file)
+  # Nothing found
+  return "";
+def restartWithExecutable(exe):
+  os.system('%s %s --withNewExecutable "%s"' \
+      % (exe, sys.argv[0], string.join(sys.argv[1:],'" "')))
+  sys.exit()
+def createLink(file, dest, overwrite=0):
+  if WIN:
+    src=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, file))
+    dest = os.path.normpath(dest)
+    if os.path.isdir(src):
+      ret = os.system("xcopy /S /E /Y \"%s\" \"%s\\\" > NUL" % (src, dest))    
+    else:
+      ret = os.system("copy \"%s\" \"%s\" > NUL" % (src, dest))
+    if ret!=0:
+      print "Failed to copy %s to %s." % (src, dest)
+  else:
+    if overwrite:
+      rootCommands.append ("if [ -e %s ]; then rm -f %s; fi" % (dest, dest))
+    rootCommands.append("ln -f -s %s/%s %s" % (CURRENT_DIR, file, dest))
+def linkModule(subdir, module):
+  if WIN:
+    if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (GNUEDIR,module)):
+        os.makedirs("%s/%s" % (GNUEDIR,module))
+    # create link via virtual python module
+    output = open ("%s/%s/" % (GNUEDIR,module), "w")
+    output.write ("# This file was generated by\n")
+    output.write ("\n")
+    output.write ("__path__ = [\"%s\\%s\"]\n" % (CURRENT_DIR,subdir))
+    output.write ("from __init__ import *")
+    output.close ()
+  else:
+    rootCommands.append("ln -f -s %s/%s %s/%s" % (CURRENT_DIR, subdir, 
GNUEDIR, module))
+def createDir(subdir):
+  if WIN: 
+    if not os.path.exists(subdir):
+      os.makedirs(subdir)
+  else:
+    rootCommands.append("if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir -p %s; fi" % 
+restarting = ('--withNewExecutable' in sys.argv)
+auto = ('--auto' in sys.argv)
+if not restarting and not auto:
+  print """
+GNU Enterprise Developer Setup
+This script will install the GNU Enterprise tools to run
+from a Bazaar tree.  This allows GNUe to be run without a
+  """
+# First of all, make sure this is a current enough Python release.
+  if sys.hexversion < 0x02000000:
+    raise AttributeError
+except AttributeError:
+  print "-" * 70
+  print """
+  You are running Python %s.
+  GNU Enterprise requires at least Python 2.0 (recommended: 2.1+).
+  If you have a later version installed, you should run
+  against that version. For example, if you have Python 2.1
+  installed, you may need to run:
+       python2.1 %s
+""" % (string.split(sys.version)[0], sys.argv[0])
+  print "-" * 70
+  exes = findAllPythonExes()
+  if len(exes) == 1:
+    sys.exit()
+  else:
+    # There are better versions of Python installed...
+    exes.pop(0)
+    print "\n"
+    print "I have found the following Python executables. "
+    print "Choose another version of Python to run."
+    print ""
+    validOptions = []
+    i = 0
+    for file in exes:
+      i = i + 1   # Do not change this to i += 1 as that's >= py2.x
+      validOptions.append(str(i))
+      print "  [%s]  %s" % (i, file)
+    validOptions.append ('Q')
+    selection = getInput(
+       "Please enter the number of the Python executable to\n"
+       'use [1-%s] or enter "q" to quit.' % i, '1', validOptions)
+    if selection == 'Q':
+      sys.exit()
+    restartWithExecutable(exes[int(selection)-1])
+if WIN:
+  print """
+Under Windows GNUe data files (like images, settings etc) will NOT be 
+updated by an repository update! For a full update please re-execute
+this script. 
+You are creating a GNU Enterprise developer installation based on a 
+code repository. As Microsoft Windows doesn't support filesystem links
+data files has to be copied from the repository to the installation
+directory. Python source files are instead linked by a specific import 
+method and will be updated by a repository update.
+if not restarting:
+  if not auto:
+    print """
+If you are trying to install GNU Enterprise for production
+use, then answer 'N' to the following question and install
+each tool separately using it's script.
+  """
+  if not getYesNo("Continue installing the Bazaar-runnable tools? ","Y"):
+    sys.exit()
+  exes = findAllPythonExes()
+  PYTHONBIN=exes[0]
+  # Make sure they are running against the version of python they intended
+  if len(exes) > 1 and not auto:
+    print "\n"
+    print "I have found the following Python executables. Please"
+    print "choose the Python installation you would like to use."
+    print ""
+    validOptions = []
+    i = 0
+    for file in exes:
+      i = i + 1   # Do not change this to i += 1 as that's >= py2.x
+      validOptions.append(str(i))
+      if i == 1:
+        print "  [%s]  %s (Current)" % (i, file)
+      else:
+        print "  [%s]  %s" % (i, file)
+    validOptions.append ('Q')
+    selection = getInput(
+       "Please enter the number of the Python executable to\n"
+       'use [1-%s] or enter "q" to quit.' % i, '1', validOptions)
+    if selection == 'Q':
+      sys.exit()
+    if selection != '1':
+      restartWithExecutable(exes[int(selection)-1])
+if not auto:
+  print
+  print "Continuing with the developer installation...\n"
+if not auto and not WIN:
+  print """
+This setup script can install GNUe as either a local (per user)
+copy or a system-wide copy.  If you are unsure, choose the
+recommended 'Local' setting.  Installing system-wide will require
+the root password and may force all users on this machine to use
+your copy."""
+ROOTINSTALL = WIN or getInput(
+   "Perform a [L]ocal/per-user or a [S]ystem-wide install?",'L',('L','S')) == 
+# confirm base path
+while WIN:
+  BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(
+         getInput ("Where do you want to install GNU Enterprise?", BASEDIR))
+  if os.path.isdir(BASEDIR) or \
+      getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
BASEDIR, 'Y','directories'):
+    break
+if WIN:
+  BINDIR = os.path.join(BASEDIR,"bin")
+  CONFDIR = os.path.join(BASEDIR,"conf")
+  DOCDIR=os.path.join(BASEDIR,"docs")
+  BINDIR = "/usr/local/bin"
+  CONFDIR = "/usr/local/gnue"
+  DOCDIR = "/usr/local/gnue/doc/"
+  BINDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/bin")
+  CONFDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/gnue")
+  DOCDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/gnue/docs")
+while 1:
+  BINDIR = os.path.abspath(
+         getInput ("Where shall I put executable files?", BINDIR))
+  if os.path.isdir(BINDIR) or \
+      getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
BINDIR, 'Y','directories'):
+    break
+if not auto:
+  print """
+If you maintain multiple GNUe developer installations, you may
+wish to add a suffix to the script names. For example, if
+are installing the 0.1.x branch as a secondary branch, you
+may want all the executables to be named as <script>-0.1. To
+do this, enter '-0.1' at the next prompt. Normally, you will
+leave the following option blank."""
+SUFFIX = string.strip(getInput ("String to append to script names:",""))
+while 1:
+  CONFDIR = os.path.abspath(
+         getInput ("Where shall I put configuration files?", CONFDIR))
+  if os.path.isdir(CONFDIR) or \
+      getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
CONFDIR, 'Y','directories'):
+    break
+newdirs = [BINDIR, CONFDIR, "%s/etc" % CONFDIR,
+           "%s/share" % CONFDIR,
+           "%s/share/gnue" % CONFDIR,
+           "%s/share/gnue/filters" % CONFDIR,
+           "%s/share/gnue/appserver" % CONFDIR,
+           "%s/share/gnue/forms" % CONFDIR,
+           "%s/share/gnue/images" % CONFDIR,
+           "%s/share/locale" % CONFDIR ]
+willInstallDocs = 0
+DB2HTML = finddb2html();
+if DB2HTML:
+  if getYesNo("Generate and install documentation? (This could be slow.)", 
+    willInstallDocs = 1
+    while 1:
+      DOCDIR = os.path.abspath(
+             getInput ("Where shall I put the documentation files?", DOCDIR))
+      if os.path.isdir(DOCDIR) or \
+          getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
DOCDIR, 'Y','directories'):
+        newdirs.append(DOCDIR)
+        break
+elif not auto:
+  print "Cannot generate documentation, could not find db2html in path\n";
+for dir in newdirs:
+  createDir(dir)
+GNUEDIR = os.path.join(BASEDIR,'gnue')
+bzrbase = """#!/bin/sh
+     SCRIPT="%%s"
+     exec %(PYTHONBIN)s ${SCRIPT} "$@"
+  """ % globals()
+# FIXME: Need to cleanup old files for Win32 install
+if os.path.isdir (GNUEDIR) and not WIN:
+  os.system ('rm -rf %s' % GNUEDIR)
+  os.makedirs(GNUEDIR)
+  pass
+# create
+output = open ("%s/" % GNUEDIR, "w")
+output.write ("# This file was generated by\n")
+output.write ("import os\n")
+output.write ("\n")
+output.write ("lib = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))\n")
+output.write ("scripts = \"%s\"\n" % BINDIR)
+output.write ("data = \"%s\"\n" % CONFDIR)
+output.write ("config = \"%s/etc\"\n" % CONFDIR)
+output.close ()
+if WIN:   
+  # create import for gnue-common
+  CURRENT_DIR = os.path.join(BZRDIR,"common")
+  linkModule("src","common")
+  os.system("copy \"%s\\common\\module\\base\\\" \"%s\"" % (BZRDIR, 
+  # FIXME: add locale support to Win32 developer install
+  rootCommands.append("""
+    cd %(GNUEDIR)s
+    ln -f -s %(BZRDIR)s/common/module/base/ .
+    ln -f -s %(BZRDIR)s/common/src common
+    if [ -f %(BZRDIR)s/common/src/ ]; then rm -f 
%(BZRDIR)s/common/src/; fi
+    rm -rf %(CONFDIR)s/share/locale/*
+    cd %(CONFDIR)s/share/locale
+    for i in %(BZRDIR)s/*; do
+      package=`basename $i`
+      if [ -d $i/po ]; then
+        (cd $i/po; make -s gmo)
+        for j in $i/po/*.gmo; do
+          language=`basename $j .gmo`
+          mkdir -p %(CONFDIR)s/share/locale/${language}/LC_MESSAGES
+          ln -f -s $j 
+        done
+      fi
+    done
+    """ % globals() )
+for CURRENT_TOOL in ('common',
+                     'appserver',
+                     'forms',
+                     'reports',
+                     'navigator',
+                     'designer'):
+  setupfile = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'setup.bzr')
+  if not auto:
+    print setupfile
+  if os.path.isfile(setupfile) and \
+     getYesNo('Setup devloper runtime environment for %s? (Yes,No,All,neVer)'% 
+             'Y','autotools'):
+    execfile(setupfile,globals())
+if getYesNo('Do you have any external/custom packages to setup?','N'):
+  while 1:
+    path = getInput("Path to package's directory containing a setup.bzr file? 
(blank line to end)",None)
+    if not path:
+      break
+    execfile(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR,'setup.bzr'), globals())
+willCreateConf = 0
+willCreateConn = 0
+willCreateFilt = 0
+if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/gnue/etc/gnue.conf') and \
+   CONFDIR != '/usr/local/gnue' and not 
+  if getYesNo('Do you wish to use the current system-wide gnue.conf file? 
+    rootCommands.append("ln -s /usr/local/gnue/etc/gnue.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/gnue.conf" % globals())    
+    willCreateConf = 1
+if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/gnue/etc/backends.conf') and \
+   CONFDIR != '/usr/local/gnue' and not 
+  if getYesNo('Do you wish to use the current system-wide backends.conf file? 
+    rootCommands.append("ln -s /usr/local/gnue/etc/backends.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/backends.conf" % globals())
+    willCreateConn = 1
+if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/gnue/etc/report-filters.conf') and \
+   CONFDIR != '/usr/local/gnue' and not 
+  if getYesNo('Do you wish to use the current system-wide report-filters.conf 
file? (Yes,No,All,neVer)','N','conf'):
+    rootCommands.append("ln -s /usr/local/gnue/etc/report-filters.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/report-filters.conf" % globals())
+    willCreateFilt = 1
+if not willCreateConf and not os.path.isfile("%s/etc/gnue.conf"%CONFDIR):
+  if WIN:
+    createLink("%s/common/etc/gnue.conf" % BZRDIR, "%s/etc/gnue.conf" % 
+  else:
+    rootCommands.append("cp %(BZRDIR)s/common/etc/gnue.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/gnue.conf" % globals())
+if not willCreateConn and not os.path.isfile("%s/etc/backends.conf"%CONFDIR):
+  if WIN:
+    createLink("%s/common/etc/backends.conf" % BZRDIR, "%s/etc/backends.conf" 
+  else:
+    rootCommands.append("cp %(BZRDIR)s/common/etc/backends.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/backends.conf" % globals())
+if not auto:
+    print
+    print "NOTE: Your backends.conf file will need to"
+    print "      be edited to reflect your local setup."
+    print
+if not willCreateFilt and not 
+  if WIN or getYesNo ("Do you want to use a symlinked report-filters.conf 
file? (Yes,No,All,neVer)",'N', 'symconf'):
+    createLink("%s/reports/etc/" % BZRDIR, 
"%s/etc/report-filters.conf" % CONFDIR)
+  else:
+    rootCommands.append("cp %(BZRDIR)s/reports/etc/ 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/report-filters.conf" % globals())
+if WIN:
+  print "Setup completed!"
+  out = open("",'w')
+  out.write("#!/bin/sh\n")
+  out.write(string.join(rootCommands,"\n"))
+  out.write("\n")
+  out.close()
+  print ""
+  print "All the commands that need to be run as root have been written"
+  print "to .  In order for your setup to be complete, this"
+  print "file must be run.  This setup script can run for"
+  print "you. If you choose to run the script now and are not currently"
+  print "logged in as root, you will be prompted for the root password."
+  if getYesNo('Run "/bin/sh" as root?','Y'):
+    os.system('su root -c "/bin/sh"')
+  else:
+    print ""
+    print 'Do not forget to run "/bin/sh" as root'
+    print ""
+  out = open("setup.log",'w')
+  out.write(string.join(rootCommands,"\n"))
+  out.write("\n")
+  out.close()
+  os.system(string.join(rootCommands,'\n'))
+# Save our config settings
+from pprint import pformat
+c = open (os.path.join(BZRDIR,'.bzr-config'),'w')
+for key, val in globals().items():
+  if key[0].isupper():
+    c.write('%s=%s\n\n' % (key, pformat(val)))

Deleted: trunk/gnue-common/
--- trunk/gnue-common/      2010-04-07 06:51:21 UTC (rev 10155)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/      2010-04-20 20:46:26 UTC (rev 10156)
@@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
-# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
-# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
-# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
-# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
-# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
-# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2001-2009 Free Software Foundation
-#  NOTE: Nightly cron scripts on
-#        run this script with --auto, which uses the
-#        defaults passed to getInput.  So, each input
-#        MUST have a sane default or various web functions
-#        might just break.
-import sys, string, os, glob
-# Hack for python 2.1 compatibility. With 2.3 we can use the global __file__
-m = __import__ ('setup-svn', None, None, '*')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit (0)
-# Determine if Windows is used
-SVNDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(m.__file__),'..'))
-BASEDIR = WIN and os.path.join(sys.prefix,"gnue-devel") or 
os.path.join(SVNDIR, '.svndevelbase')
-rootCommands = []
-def createShell (script,py,scriptdir="scripts"):
-  script = "%s%s" % (script, SUFFIX)
-  if py:
-    src = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, scriptdir, py)
-  else:
-    src = ''
-  if WIN:
-    dest = os.path.join(BINDIR, "%s.bat" % script)
-  else:
-    dest = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, scriptdir, script)
-  if not auto:
-    print "Creating %s....." % dest ,
-  try:
-    file = open(dest,'w')
-    if WIN:
-      # create batch file at final destination
-      file.write("@set PYTHONPATH=%s;%%PYTHONPATH%%\n" % BASEDIR)
-      file.write("@set SCRIPT=%s\n" % src)
-      file.write("@%s \"%%SCRIPT%%\" %%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9\n" % 
-      file.close()
-    else:
-      # create script in repository and 
-      file.write(svnbase % src)
-      file.close()
-      os.system ('chmod 700 %s' % dest)
-      rootCommands.append ('rm -f %s/%s' % (BINDIR, script))
-      rootCommands.append ('ln -s %s %s/%s' % \
-          (dest, BINDIR, script))
-      rootCommands.append ('chmod go+rx %s' % dest)
-  except IOError:
-    print "Unable to create.  Do you have this package checked out?"
-  else:
-    if not auto:
-      print "ok"
-def createDocs(sgmlfile, destdir):
-  if not willInstallDocs:
-    return
-  sgmlfile = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, sgmlfile)
-  destdir  = os.path.join(DOCDIR, destdir)
-  rootCommands.append("if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir %s; fi" % (destdir, destdir))
-  rootCommands.append("%s --output %s %s" %
-                                                  (DB2HTML, destdir, sgmlfile))
-def getInput(message, default, responseSet=None):
-  if auto:
-    return default
-  print ""
-  while 1:
-    if default:
-      print "%s [%s] " % (message, default),
-    else:
-      print "%s " % (message),
-    val = string.strip(sys.stdin.readline())
-    print ""
-    if not len(val) and default:
-      return default
-    elif responseSet and string.upper(val) in (responseSet):
-      return string.upper(val)
-    elif not responseSet:
-      return val
-_getYesNoAllStat = {}
-def getYesNo(message, default, category=None):
-  if auto:
-    return default
-  if category:
-    try:
-      response = _getYesNoAllStat[category]
-      print "\n" + message + ' ' + (response and 'Always' or 'Never')
-      return response
-    except KeyError:
-      pass
-  response = getInput(message,default,('Y','N','A','V'))
-  val = response in ('Y','A')
-  if category and response in ('A','V'):
-    _getYesNoAllStat[category] = val
-  return val
-def getBinPaths():
-  paths = string.split(os.environ['PATH'],os.pathsep)
-  if not ('/usr/local/bin' in paths or '/usr/local/bin/' in paths) and \
-     os.path.isdir('/usr/local/bin'):
-    paths.append('/usr/local/bin')
-  return(paths)
-# Returns a list containing all Python executables in the user's path.
-# List element 0 will always be the currently running executable
-def findAllPythonExes():
-  results = [sys.executable]
-  for path in getBinPaths():
-    for file in glob.glob('%s/python?*' % os.path.abspath(string.strip(path))):
-      base = os.path.basename(file)
-      version = base[6:]
-      # Do not include python 1.x files
-      if version < '2':
-        pass
-      # Do not include python2.2-popy-config
-      elif len(version)>8:
-        pass
-      # Do not include python??.dll
-      elif base[-3:]=="dll":
-        pass
-      elif os.path.realpath(file)==os.path.realpath(sys.executable):     
-        # If this file is the one being executed, just replace w/full name
-        if results[0] == sys.executable:
-          results[0] = file
-      else:
-        results.append(file)
-  return results
-def findAllGNUePackages():
-  results = []
-  for file in glob.glob('../*'):
-    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file, 'setup.svn')):
-      base = os.path.basename(file)
-      results.append(base)
-  results.sort()
-  return results
-def finddb2html():
-  for path in getBinPaths():
-    for file in glob.glob('%s/db2html' % os.path.abspath(string.strip(path))):
-      return(file)
-  # Nothing found
-  return "";
-def restartWithExecutable(exe):
-  os.system('%s %s --withNewExecutable "%s"' \
-      % (exe, sys.argv[0], string.join(sys.argv[1:],'" "')))
-  sys.exit()
-def createLink(file, dest, overwrite=0):
-  if WIN:
-    src=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, file))
-    dest = os.path.normpath(dest)
-    if os.path.isdir(src):
-      ret = os.system("xcopy /S /E /Y \"%s\" \"%s\\\" > NUL" % (src, dest))    
-    else:
-      ret = os.system("copy \"%s\" \"%s\" > NUL" % (src, dest))
-    if ret!=0:
-      print "Failed to copy %s to %s." % (src, dest)
-  else:
-    if overwrite:
-      rootCommands.append ("if [ -e %s ]; then rm -f %s; fi" % (dest, dest))
-    rootCommands.append("ln -f -s %s/%s %s" % (CURRENT_DIR, file, dest))
-def linkModule(subdir, module):
-  if WIN:
-    if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (GNUEDIR,module)):
-        os.makedirs("%s/%s" % (GNUEDIR,module))
-    # create link via virtual python module
-    output = open ("%s/%s/" % (GNUEDIR,module), "w")
-    output.write ("# This file was generated by\n")
-    output.write ("\n")
-    output.write ("__path__ = [\"%s\\%s\"]\n" % (CURRENT_DIR,subdir))
-    output.write ("from __init__ import *")
-    output.close ()
-  else:
-    rootCommands.append("ln -f -s %s/%s %s/%s" % (CURRENT_DIR, subdir, 
GNUEDIR, module))
-def createDir(subdir):
-  if WIN: 
-    if not os.path.exists(subdir):
-      os.makedirs(subdir)
-  else:
-    rootCommands.append("if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir -p %s; fi" % 
-restarting = ('--withNewExecutable' in sys.argv)
-auto = ('--auto' in sys.argv)
-if not restarting and not auto:
-  print """
-GNU Enterprise Developer Setup
-This script will install the GNU Enterprise tools to run
-from a SVN copy.  This allows GNUe to be run without a
-  """
-# First of all, make sure this is a current enough Python release.
-  if sys.hexversion < 0x02000000:
-    raise AttributeError
-except AttributeError:
-  print "-" * 70
-  print """
-  You are running Python %s.
-  GNU Enterprise requires at least Python 2.0 (recommended: 2.1+).
-  If you have a later version installed, you should run
-  against that version. For example, if you have Python 2.1
-  installed, you may need to run:
-       python2.1 %s
-""" % (string.split(sys.version)[0], sys.argv[0])
-  print "-" * 70
-  exes = findAllPythonExes()
-  if len(exes) == 1:
-    sys.exit()
-  else:
-    # There are better versions of Python installed...
-    exes.pop(0)
-    print "\n"
-    print "I have found the following Python executables. "
-    print "Choose another version of Python to run."
-    print ""
-    validOptions = []
-    i = 0
-    for file in exes:
-      i = i + 1   # Do not change this to i += 1 as that's >= py2.x
-      validOptions.append(str(i))
-      print "  [%s]  %s" % (i, file)
-    validOptions.append ('Q')
-    selection = getInput(
-       "Please enter the number of the Python executable to\n"
-       'use [1-%s] or enter "q" to quit.' % i, '1', validOptions)
-    if selection == 'Q':
-      sys.exit()
-    restartWithExecutable(exes[int(selection)-1])
-if WIN:
-  print """
-Under Windows GNUe data files (like images, settings etc) will NOT be 
-updated by an repository update! For a full update please re-execute
-this script. 
-You are creating a GNU Enterprise developer installation based on a 
-code repository. As Microsoft Windows doesn't support filesystem links
-data files has to be copied from the repository to the installation
-directory. Python source files are instead linked by a specific import 
-method and will be updated by a repository update.
-if not restarting:
-  if not auto:
-    print """
-If you are trying to install GNU Enterprise for production
-use, then answer 'N' to the following question and install
-each tool separately using it's script.
-  """
-  if not getYesNo("Continue installing the SVN-runnable tools? ","Y"):
-    sys.exit()
-  exes = findAllPythonExes()
-  PYTHONBIN=exes[0]
-  # Make sure they are running against the version of python they intended
-  if len(exes) > 1 and not auto:
-    print "\n"
-    print "I have found the following Python executables. Please"
-    print "choose the Python installation you would like to use."
-    print ""
-    validOptions = []
-    i = 0
-    for file in exes:
-      i = i + 1   # Do not change this to i += 1 as that's >= py2.x
-      validOptions.append(str(i))
-      if i == 1:
-        print "  [%s]  %s (Current)" % (i, file)
-      else:
-        print "  [%s]  %s" % (i, file)
-    validOptions.append ('Q')
-    selection = getInput(
-       "Please enter the number of the Python executable to\n"
-       'use [1-%s] or enter "q" to quit.' % i, '1', validOptions)
-    if selection == 'Q':
-      sys.exit()
-    if selection != '1':
-      restartWithExecutable(exes[int(selection)-1])
-if not auto:
-  print
-  print "Continuing with the developer installation...\n"
-if not auto and not WIN:
-  print """
-This setup script can install GNUe as either a local (per user)
-copy or a system-wide copy.  If you are unsure, choose the
-recommended 'Local' setting.  Installing system-wide will require
-the root password and may force all users on this machine to use
-your copy."""
-ROOTINSTALL = WIN or getInput(
-   "Perform a [L]ocal/per-user or a [S]ystem-wide install?",'L',('L','S')) == 
-# confirm base path
-while WIN:
-  BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(
-         getInput ("Where do you want to install GNU Enterprise?", BASEDIR))
-  if os.path.isdir(BASEDIR) or \
-      getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
BASEDIR, 'Y','directories'):
-    break
-if WIN:
-  BINDIR = os.path.join(BASEDIR,"bin")
-  CONFDIR = os.path.join(BASEDIR,"conf")
-  DOCDIR=os.path.join(BASEDIR,"docs")
-  BINDIR = "/usr/local/bin"
-  CONFDIR = "/usr/local/gnue"
-  DOCDIR = "/usr/local/gnue/doc/"
-  BINDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/bin")
-  CONFDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/gnue")
-  DOCDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/gnue/docs")
-while 1:
-  BINDIR = os.path.abspath(
-         getInput ("Where shall I put executable files?", BINDIR))
-  if os.path.isdir(BINDIR) or \
-      getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
BINDIR, 'Y','directories'):
-    break
-if not auto:
-  print """
-If you maintain multiple GNUe developer installations, you may
-wish to add a suffix to the script names. For example, if
-are installing the 0.1.x branch as a secondary branch, you
-may want all the executables to be named as <script>-0.1. To
-do this, enter '-0.1' at the next prompt. Normally, you will
-leave the following option blank."""
-SUFFIX = string.strip(getInput ("String to append to script names:",""))
-while 1:
-  CONFDIR = os.path.abspath(
-         getInput ("Where shall I put configuration files?", CONFDIR))
-  if os.path.isdir(CONFDIR) or \
-      getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
CONFDIR, 'Y','directories'):
-    break
-newdirs = [BINDIR, CONFDIR, "%s/etc" % CONFDIR,
-           "%s/share" % CONFDIR,
-           "%s/share/gnue" % CONFDIR,
-           "%s/share/gnue/filters" % CONFDIR,
-           "%s/share/gnue/appserver" % CONFDIR,
-           "%s/share/gnue/forms" % CONFDIR,
-           "%s/share/gnue/images" % CONFDIR,
-           "%s/share/locale" % CONFDIR ]
-willInstallDocs = 0
-DB2HTML = finddb2html();
-if DB2HTML:
-  if getYesNo("Generate and install documentation? (This could be slow.)", 
-    willInstallDocs = 1
-    while 1:
-      DOCDIR = os.path.abspath(
-             getInput ("Where shall I put the documentation files?", DOCDIR))
-      if os.path.isdir(DOCDIR) or \
-          getYesNo("Directory %s does not exist. Create? (Yes,No,All,neVer)" % 
DOCDIR, 'Y','directories'):
-        newdirs.append(DOCDIR)
-        break
-elif not auto:
-  print "Cannot generate documentation, could not find db2html in path\n";
-for dir in newdirs:
-  createDir(dir)
-GNUEDIR = os.path.join(BASEDIR,'gnue')
-svnbase = """#!/bin/sh
-     SCRIPT="%%s"
-     exec %(PYTHONBIN)s ${SCRIPT} "$@"
-  """ % globals()
-# FIXME: Need to cleanup old files for Win32 install
-if os.path.isdir (GNUEDIR) and not WIN:
-  os.system ('rm -rf %s' % GNUEDIR)
-  os.makedirs(GNUEDIR)
-  pass
-# create
-output = open ("%s/" % GNUEDIR, "w")
-output.write ("# This file was generated by\n")
-output.write ("import os\n")
-output.write ("\n")
-output.write ("lib = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))\n")
-output.write ("scripts = \"%s\"\n" % BINDIR)
-output.write ("data = \"%s\"\n" % CONFDIR)
-output.write ("config = \"%s/etc\"\n" % CONFDIR)
-output.close ()
-if WIN:   
-  # create import for gnue-common
-  CURRENT_DIR = os.path.join(SVNDIR,"gnue-common")
-  linkModule("src","common")
-  os.system("copy \"%s\\gnue-common\\module\\base\\\" \"%s\"" % 
-  # FIXME: add locale support to Win32 developer install
-  rootCommands.append("""
-    cd %(GNUEDIR)s
-    ln -f -s %(SVNDIR)s/gnue-common/module/base/ .
-    ln -f -s %(SVNDIR)s/gnue-common/src common
-    if [ -f %(SVNDIR)s/gnue-common/src/ ]; then rm -f 
%(SVNDIR)s/gnue-common/src/; fi
-    rm -rf %(CONFDIR)s/share/locale/*
-    cd %(CONFDIR)s/share/locale
-    for i in %(SVNDIR)s/*; do
-      package=`basename $i`
-      if [ -d $i/po ]; then
-        (cd $i/po; make -s gmo)
-        for j in $i/po/*.gmo; do
-          language=`basename $j .gmo`
-          mkdir -p %(CONFDIR)s/share/locale/${language}/LC_MESSAGES
-          ln -f -s $j 
-        done
-      fi
-    done
-    """ % globals() )
-for CURRENT_TOOL in ('gnue-common',
-                     'gnue-designer',
-                     'gnue-dbtools',
-                     'gnue-forms',
-                     'gnue-reports',
-                     'gnue-navigator',
-                     'gnue-pos',
-                     'gnue-integrator',
-                     'gnue-appserver'):
-  setupfile = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'setup.svn')
-  if not auto:
-    print setupfile
-  if os.path.isfile(setupfile) and \
-     getYesNo('Setup SVN environment for %s? (Yes,No,All,neVer)'% CURRENT_TOOL,
-             'Y','autotools'):
-    execfile(setupfile,globals())
-if getYesNo('Do you have any external/custom packages to setup?','N'):
-  while 1:
-    path = getInput("Path to package's directory containing a setup.svn file? 
(blank line to end)",None)
-    if not path:
-      break
-    execfile(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR,'setup.svn'), globals())
-willCreateConf = 0
-willCreateConn = 0
-willCreateFilt = 0
-if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/gnue/etc/gnue.conf') and \
-   CONFDIR != '/usr/local/gnue' and not 
-  if getYesNo('Do you wish to use the current system-wide gnue.conf file? 
-    rootCommands.append("ln -s /usr/local/gnue/etc/gnue.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/gnue.conf" % globals())    
-    willCreateConf = 1
-if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/gnue/etc/backends.conf') and \
-   CONFDIR != '/usr/local/gnue' and not 
-  if getYesNo('Do you wish to use the current system-wide backends.conf file? 
-    rootCommands.append("ln -s /usr/local/gnue/etc/backends.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/backends.conf" % globals())
-    willCreateConn = 1
-if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/gnue/etc/report-filters.conf') and \
-   CONFDIR != '/usr/local/gnue' and not 
-  if getYesNo('Do you wish to use the current system-wide report-filters.conf 
file? (Yes,No,All,neVer)','N','conf'):
-    rootCommands.append("ln -s /usr/local/gnue/etc/report-filters.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/report-filters.conf" % globals())
-    willCreateFilt = 1
-if not willCreateConf and not os.path.isfile("%s/etc/gnue.conf"%CONFDIR):
-  if WIN:
-    createLink("%s/gnue-common/etc/gnue.conf" % SVNDIR, "%s/etc/gnue.conf" % 
-  else:
-    rootCommands.append("cp %(SVNDIR)s/gnue-common/etc/gnue.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/gnue.conf" % globals())
-if not willCreateConn and not os.path.isfile("%s/etc/backends.conf"%CONFDIR):
-  if WIN:
-    createLink("%s/gnue-common/etc/backends.conf" % SVNDIR, 
"%s/etc/backends.conf" % CONFDIR)
-  else:
-    rootCommands.append("cp %(SVNDIR)s/gnue-common/etc/backends.conf 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/backends.conf" % globals())
-if not auto:
-    print
-    print "NOTE: Your backends.conf file will need to"
-    print "      be edited to reflect your local setup."
-    print
-if not willCreateFilt and not 
-  if WIN or getYesNo ("Do you want to use a symlinked report-filters.conf 
file? (Yes,No,All,neVer)",'N', 'symconf'):
-    createLink("%s/gnue-reports/etc/" % SVNDIR, 
"%s/etc/report-filters.conf" % CONFDIR)
-  else:
-    rootCommands.append("cp 
%(CONFDIR)s/etc/report-filters.conf" % globals())
-if WIN:
-  print "Setup completed!"
-  out = open("",'w')
-  out.write("#!/bin/sh\n")
-  out.write(string.join(rootCommands,"\n"))
-  out.write("\n")
-  out.close()
-  print ""
-  print "All the commands that need to be run as root have been written"
-  print "to .  In order for your setup to be complete, this"
-  print "file must be run.  This setup script can run for"
-  print "you. If you choose to run the script now and are not currently"
-  print "logged in as root, you will be prompted for the root password."
-  if getYesNo('Run "/bin/sh" as root?','Y'):
-    os.system('su root -c "/bin/sh"')
-  else:
-    print ""
-    print 'Do not forget to run "/bin/sh" as root'
-    print ""
-  out = open("setup.log",'w')
-  out.write(string.join(rootCommands,"\n"))
-  out.write("\n")
-  out.close()
-  os.system(string.join(rootCommands,'\n'))
-# Save our config settings
-from pprint import pformat
-c = open (os.path.join(SVNDIR,'.svn-config'),'w')
-for key, val in globals().items():
-  if key[0].isupper():
-    c.write('%s=%s\n\n' % (key, pformat(val)))

Copied: trunk/gnue-common/setup.bzr (from rev 10155, 
--- trunk/gnue-common/setup.bzr                         (rev 0)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/setup.bzr 2010-04-20 20:46:26 UTC (rev 10156)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
+# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
+# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
+# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Copyright 2001-2010 Free Software Foundation
+# ********************
+# NOTE:
+# This file is parsed/run by gnue-common's script.
+# If you are attempting to set up a Bazaar install environment,
+# please run that file.  This file is not a standalone script.
+# ********************
+createShell ('gsscvs', 'gnue-schema')
+createShell ('gcvs','')
+createLink ('images/*.*', '%s/share/gnue/images/' % CONFDIR)

Deleted: trunk/gnue-common/setup.svn
--- trunk/gnue-common/setup.svn 2010-04-07 06:51:21 UTC (rev 10155)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/setup.svn 2010-04-20 20:46:26 UTC (rev 10156)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
-# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
-# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
-# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
-# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
-# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
-# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2001-2004 Free Software Foundation
-# ********************
-# NOTE:
-# This file is parsed/run by gnue-common's script.
-# If you are attempting to set up a CVS install environment, please
-# run that file.  This file is not a standalone script.
-# ********************
-createShell ('gsscvs', 'gnue-schema')
-createShell ('gcvs','')
-createLink ('images/*.*', '%s/share/gnue/images/' % CONFDIR)

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