Thanks again Peter!
I have a working solution now (see below). It doesn't rely on the
Accessibility API, whereby AppleScript functions like `set size` or `ser
position` does. However, I am still not sure if I should in fact rely on the
Accessibility API as Apple explains that this API is enabled in most
applications. I don't know if every application support `set bounds`.

At the moment I am happy with my solution, in case new problems bubble up, I
will write a new question. Thanks again!

My solution:

NSDictionary* errorDict;

NSAppleEventDescriptor* returnDescriptor = NULL;

NSString *getBoundsScript = @"\

        tell application \"System Events\"\n\

        set appName to name of the first process whose frontmost is true\n\

end tell\n\

tell application appName\n\

set appBounds to bounds of front window\n\

end tell\n\


NSAppleScript* scriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource

returnDescriptor = [scriptObject executeAndReturnError: &errorDict];

NSLog(@"%@", returnDescriptor);

[scriptObject release];

 NSAppleEventDescriptor *bounds = [returnDescriptor descriptorForKeyword:

NSLog(@"%@", [bounds descriptorAtIndex:1]);

int x1 = [[bounds descriptorAtIndex:1] int32Value];

int y1 = [[bounds descriptorAtIndex:2] int32Value];

int x2 = [[bounds descriptorAtIndex:3] int32Value];

int y2 = [[bounds descriptorAtIndex:4] int32Value];

 NSDictionary* errorDict2;

NSAppleEventDescriptor* returnDescriptor2 = NULL;

NSString *content = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\

                tell application \"System Events\"\n\

  set appName to name of the first process whose frontmost is true\n\

  end tell\n\


  tell application appName\n\

  set bounds of front window to {%i, %i, %i, %i}\n\

  end tell", x1 - 20, y1, x2 - 20, y2];

NSAppleScript* scriptObject2 = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource

returnDescriptor2 = [scriptObject2 executeAndReturnError: &errorDict2];

NSLog(@"%@", returnDescriptor2);

[scriptObject2 release];

Best wishes

PS: The solution using the Accessibility API can be found here:

2011/4/11 Peter Lübke <>

> Am 11.04.2011 um 16:20 schrieb Florian Pilz:
> @Eric: I don't search for a solution in another scripting language,
> but thanks. :)
> @Peter: I want to manipulate the position and size of the window,
> nothing else. Thus I will most likely use the `frame`,
> `setFrame:display` and `setFrameOrigin`.
> I don't see any way to manipulate position or size of a window that is not
> owned by your application with the Quartz Window Services Api or NSScreen.
> The way to do this is via Interapplication Communication, as there are
> AppleScript / AppleEvents and Accessibility.
> @Bill: You are right, I don't intend to write an assistive
> application. Thus I would misuse the NSAccessibility protocol to reach
> my goal (of finding the main window). I just wanted to list all
> possibilities. Thanks for the advice concerning the Mac App Store,
> though.
> @all: As Bill pointed out (and due to the miscomfort for the user),
> using the NSAccessibility protocol is inappropriate. During my
> research how to access the current screen size etc. I found out, that
> historically one would use Quartz Display Services -- nowadays
> NSScreen should be preferred. Therefore I came to the conclusion that
> using the Quartz Window Services is in fact a natural way to perform
> my task. I even found a working solution
> (
> ).
> This leaves my with 3 short questions:
> - Is there another solution I haven't listed, preferably in
> Objective-C and shorter than the solution using the Quartz Window
> Services?
> - Are there reasons to avoid Quartz Window Services, e.g. do they
> require some switch as well?
> See above. Quartz WindowID even doesn't match the application specific
> window id you get with AppleScript, so none of the informations you get
> from Quartz Window Services will be of any use in AppleScript.
> - How well integrates AppleScript into Objective-C?
> I think I don't get this question right. It's just code that is executed.
> It works. Objective-C is calling C functions behind the scenes... I can't
> see any reason not to use a language your computer understands.
> I think using
> AppleScript would make the solution shorter, but I probably want to
> extend the functionality of resizing / moving the window in the
> future.
> You can set any settable property of an application's window. You can find
> out about which properties are settable by dragging the application's icon
> on the ScriptEditor application; ScriptEditor will then show the
> application's scripting terminology.
> Thus the question: Can I return the main window found by
> AppleScript to my Objective-C code?
> You store an object specifier ( the window you received from sending an
> AppleScript command or an AppleEvent ) in an
> NSAppleEventDescriptor. NSAppleEventDescriptor is the Cocoa wrapper class
> for AppleEvents. You can send AppleEvents or AppleScript commands to this
> object specifier.
> Is it fast enough?
> AppleScript is based on AppleEvents, it's very simple to use and you can
> easily test your commands in the Script Editor application, but it's
> considerably slower than directly sending AppleEvents.
> When should one
> try to solve the task at hand with AppleScript and when not?
> If it is an Interapplication Communication task, use AppleScript /
> AppleEvents.
> Consider the following:
> *(**
> *-- Version 1: *
> * First get the front window, so you can store it for later use, i.e. the
> window is no more front when you want to access it.*
> * Also get the window's bounds to restore them later on.*
> **)*
> *--** Get window bounds:*
> *tell application "**<someApp"*
> * set *theFrontWindow* to window *1
> * set *wBounds* to bounds of *theFrontWindow
> *end tell*
> **
> *--** Set window bounds:*
> *tell application "**<someApp"*
> * set bounds of *theFrontWindow* to {*20*, *20*, *420*, *420*}*
> *end tell*
> *
> *
> *(**
> *-- Version 2: *
> * You just want to set the window's bounds but don't need to keep track of
> the window object.*
> **)*
> **
> *--** Set window bounds:*
> *tell application "*Mail*"*
> * set bounds of window *1* to {*20*, *20*, *420*, *420*}*
> *end tell*
> If you want to do this with AppleEvents rather than NSAppleScript for
> performance reasons, let me know. I could send you code snippets if this
> helps.
> Cheers,
> Peter

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