For the records: the dummy view did the trick. Thank you!


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:24 PM, fabian <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Steven Degutis 
> <>wrote:
>> NSStatusItem's -view and -setView: methods are related to your own custom
>> view, and have nothing to do with the view it internally uses. Thus, it
>> initially has no view until you give it one. So, giving it a dummy view via
>> [statusItem setView: [[[NSView alloc] init] autorelease] ] is going to allow
>> you to access that view's -window and thus the -frame of the NSWindow. Keep
>> in mind though that this is a hack, and also usually very unnecessary and
>> bad and against the HIG in the first place.
>> -Steven
> Well, I'm kind of desperate, so I'll give it a try. And file a radar.
> Thanks.
> F.
> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 2:01 PM, fabian <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Steven Degutis 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Right. Have you tried the solution I proposed in the /very first reply/
>>> to this thread?
>>> -Steven
>> Actually, no. I don't have 10.5.8, so I would have to send it to one of
>> the end-users to try, and I feel hesitant to bother a customer without
>> having a clue _why_ the changes made to the code would make any difference.
>> I did send you a reply, though, asking why you think feeding a dummy view to
>> the status item would give better results. I'm not questioning your
>> suggestion, I'd just like to hear the arguments for it before proceeding.
>>> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:05 PM, fabian <> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Steven Degutis <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Are you sure that your NSStatusBar or NSStatusItem instances are nil,
>>>>> and not just what's returned from -view? I see no reason that it should be
>>>>> nil, and no proof that it is. (To be fair, I only skimmed this mess of a
>>>>> thread.)
>>>>> -Steven
>>>> No, I'm not. It just boiled down to this assumption along the way
>>>> somehow. Perhaps to make the thread less messy :)
>>>> But you are absolutely right: all I know for sure is that whatever is
>>>> returned from [view frame] is causing the "unitialized rectangle" assertion
>>>> failure.
>>>>>  On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:05 PM, fabian <>wrote:
>>>>>>  On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Jens Alfke <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On Mar 4, 2010, at 12:42 AM, fabian wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > > Right. But why should it matter? The system status bar is not in
>>>>>> the nib.
>>>>>> > Just curious about what is going on behind the scenes...
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > The status bar is in the menu bar, and the menu bar is in the same
>>>>>> nib as
>>>>>> > your app controller. The status bar probably initializes itself in
>>>>>> an
>>>>>> > -awakeFromNib method. Whether that method runs before or after your
>>>>>> > -awakeFromNib method is completely unpredictable.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > > I can see why it's a bad thing in theory, but I haven't had any
>>>>>> problems
>>>>>> > with this approach.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Are you prepared to have your app crash and burn on launch for every
>>>>>> user
>>>>>> > that installs some upcoming OS revision (perhaps even a minor
>>>>>> update)? I'm
>>>>>> > serious; this happens. Doing things that shouldn't work, just
>>>>>> because they
>>>>>> > do work at the moment, is asking for trouble since the underlying
>>>>>> behavior
>>>>>> > of the system frameworks can change in the future.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > (This is especially painful if you're not on the expen$ive Apple
>>>>>> developer
>>>>>> > plans that get you access to OS betas, because that means you won't
>>>>>> get a
>>>>>> > chance to find any of these crashes before your customers do.
>>>>>> Instead you
>>>>>> > find yourself frantically debugging on the day the new OS comes out,
>>>>>> while
>>>>>> > your mailbox fills up with crash reports and complaints.)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > > Anyway, back to subject. Perhaps a better approach than using
>>>>>> timers,
>>>>>> > guesswork and voodoo, would be to check the validity of the frame
>>>>>> rect and,
>>>>>> > if it's zero or garbage, make my own rectangle.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Um, no. Check whether the status bar is nil before you ask for its
>>>>>> frame,
>>>>>> > instead of working around the aftermath of calling a struct accessor
>>>>>> on nil.
>>>>>> > But doing this is still a hack, for the reason I described above.
>>>>>> It's
>>>>>> > pretty clear that you shouldn't be doing anything with NSStatusBar
>>>>>> in an
>>>>>> > -awakeFromNib method in the main nib.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > —Jens
>>>>>> But this is not in -awakeFromNib. That's the whole problem :)
>>>>>> It's in -applicationDidFinishLaunching. Which works great on all
>>>>>> systems (as
>>>>>> far as I know), except for on 10.5.8 where NSStatusBar is still nil at
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> point. That's what I'm trying to find a work-around for.
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> Steven Degutis

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