Yes, XP and 2003 are in scope—with the caveat that there may be slight 
differences on these platforms due to their lack of NTFS symlink support; but, 
those changes are limited to XP & 2003—we will not build a flawed design for 
Vista and beyond.

MSI offers *a lot* of really useful features that would excessively difficult 
to replicate without using Windows installer. True—XP & 2003 have no other 
method for installing WinSXS assemblies, but in reality, MSI is for a few dozen 
other reasons, still the best idea.

Hmmm.. no matter how I say it, it seems I always end up implying the opposite.

Installing applications is still a primary target for CoApp; the real magic of 
dependency management was to satisfy shared component dependencies… 
applications are trivial after that, and of course will be supported.


From: Conan Kudo (ニール・ゴンパ) []
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:21 PM
To: Garrett Serack
Subject: Re: [Coapp-developers] CoApp FAQ: A few important distinctions.

So... we are going to support Windows XP and Server 2003? Not surprised about 
Server 2003, but Windows XP was news to me...

This also explains why we're using MSI instead of something less painful... 
Thanks. We can now blame Windows XP for that. :P

However, does this mean that CoApp can still be used for installing 
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Garrett Serack 
<<>> wrote:
(cross-posted to my blog)

It’s been suggested a few times over the last several weeks that CoApp won’t 
provide any value for the .NET community. With the emergence of several 
alternative projects to provide a form of package management (NPack, OpenWrap, 
nu-net, and others), I figured I’d better make some time to explain how CoApp 
and .NET get along.

Q: Isn’t CoApp about packaging applications?
A: Well, oddly enough, the original vision for CoApp was less concerned about 
actually installing applications, but rather installing shared components.  The 
ability to install an application comes by virtue that applications tend to be 
collections of components (shared or private), and a decent package management 
system should cover these goals easily.

Q: If CoApp is such a great idea for .NET why is all the work focused on native 
applications ?
A: The reasons that our initial work that we’re doing is focused around native 
shared libraries and applications, is that they require quite a bit more 
adaptation to correctly work using modern C compilers and Side-by-Side 
technology. Once we’ve got the tools to build properly behaving projects to 
produce binaries that are useful in this fashion, we’ll be in a good place to 
actually produce packages themselves.
.NET Assemblies, by their very nature are already beautifully designed to be 
adapted into CoApp packages.  Strong-named assemblies install into the 
GAC—which is really just the .NET implementation of the Windows Side-by-Side 
technology--by design. CoApp .NET packages simply install the assemblies into 
the GAC, where all applications can share them in the way that was intended.

Q: What if I don’t want stuff to be in the GAC?
A: I’d ask you to reconsider.  I can appreciate the desire to maintain control 
over every aspect of building and distributing your application.  On the other 
hand libraries that designed to be shared shouldn’t require the consumer of the 
library to do anything, except for consume them.  The publisher of the shared 
library shoulders the responsibility of maintaining the library and publishing 
security updates as well new versions.  As with native Side-by-Side assemblies, 
the publisher can indicate what version of a library should be used when a 
particular version is requested.

Q: What possible reason should I choose using CoApp over another .NET package 
management ?
A: Well, like I’ve said, a plethora of implementations is always a good thing. 
From what I can see, most of the other package management systems are focused 
on assisting developers in getting simplified access to shared .NET components. 
 CoApp takes a larger scope, hoping to serve developers, end-users, and IT 
administrators alike.  Our design includes the ability to update any components 
without the necessity of shutting down or rebooting processes (or even 
god-forbid, the system itself).  CoApp is designed to apply to software 
regardless of the language it’s written in, from native (C,C++,etc) to managed 
code (.NET; C#, VB.NET<http://VB.NET>, etc) ,to dynamic languages (Perl, 
Python, etc) and web apps (ASP.NET<http://ASP.NET>, PHP, and more).

Q: Why have you chosen MSI files rather than something simpler and more 
convenient (like Zip+Manifest)?
A: Oh, trust me, I really wanted to.  I realize that Windows Installer is 
kindof a bloated beast that has a lot of downsides; we’ve has chosen MSI as the 
packaging format because it is handles so many other situations very well--one 
noteable point, is that on XP & Windows 2003, the only way to install a native 
Side-by-Side components is by using MSIs. We’ve taken steps to lessen the 
burden by deliberately limiting the scope of what we are using in MSI to not 
encumber packages in a painful mess.
As well, by using MSIs we gain the ability to leverage things like group 
policies, Windows Logo certification, transactional installations, and trivial 
adoption by other non-CoApp consumers—there is nothing that would stop someone 
from using CoApp packages for some of their dependencies, and without having do 
anything other than install the MSIs.

[Description: Description: fearthecowboy]<>

Garrett Serack | Microsoft's Open Source Software Developer | Microsoft 
Office:(425)706-7939                                       email/messenger:<>
               twitter: @fearthecowboy<>

I don't make the software you use; I just make it better on Windows.

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