when I have my carpets cleaned at home, I also have sofa cushions cleaned at the same time. Perhaps you can do the same by bringing the boat cushions home and have a carpet cleaner do them there.
Alan On Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 10:12 AM David Knecht via CnC-List < cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > I was going to try to clean the cushion covers on the boat, but not sure > how best to tackle the problem. They have zippers, but the buttons are > sewn in from front to back, so the stitching would have to be cut and > resown to put them in a washer. I am wondering if a small upholstery > cleaner might be simpler to do (something like this: > https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0016HF5GK?linkCode=ogi&tag=ghk-lift-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C10055.g.31104677%5Bsrc%7Cmgu_ga_ghk_md_dsa_comm_mix_us_19785892528%5Bch%7C59ec34d199d1d494e3dfce600376b837%5Blt%7Csale%5Bpid%7Cc8ff1f7d-a968-49d0-a5a4-d92206c15448%5Baxid%7C76995274-bf2e-41b7-b410-32d642f68f4d%5Bofsxid%7Cpushly_notifications_ghk%5Bofsvid%7Cactive&th=1 > <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0016HF5GK?linkCode=ogi&tag=ghk-lift-20&ascsubtag=*5Bartid*7C10055.g.31104677*5Bsrc*7Cmgu_ga_ghk_md_dsa_comm_mix_us_19785892528*5Bch*7C59ec34d199d1d494e3dfce600376b837*5Blt*7Csale*5Bpid*7Cc8ff1f7d-a968-49d0-a5a4-d92206c15448*5Baxid*7C76995274-bf2e-41b7-b410-32d642f68f4d*5Bofsxid*7Cpushly_notifications_ghk*5Bofsvid*7Cactive&th=1__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!ppM0sjM0cmzPHLKhIDTRyBvQJCqMJJ6wRVi3X-R6JnPeXbssdp6A2nLqEKOxmU9vQrFeh5nU-IGJjRzmdDZtq1k$>). > > How have others approached this job? Thanks- Dave > > S/V Aries > 1990 C&C 34+ > New London, CT > > [image: pastedGraphic.tiff] > > Your contributions help pay the fees associated with this list and help to > keep it active. Please help by making a small contribution using PayPal > at: > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/stumurray__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!ppM0sjM0cmzPHLKhIDTRyBvQJCqMJJ6wRVi3X-R6JnPeXbssdp6A2nLqEKOxmU9vQrFeh5nU-IGJjRzm-XZwMO0$ > All contributions are greatly appreciated.
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