That is a cool approach, but if I understand how it was done, the weak link 
IMHO is that tapped aluminum is holding the new winch.


From: CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List <> 
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2024 2:42 PM
To: Stus-List <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Hints on swapping winches?


Hey David,  

That's cool.  You made an adapter plate, so you didn't change the holes through 
the deck.  That's a cool trick. 



Chuck S 



On 03/23/2024 2:33 PM EDT David Knecht via CnC-List < 
<> > wrote: 



When I swapped an old non-self tailing winch with a new Harken winch, I decided 
I wanted to re-use the holes from the previous winch.  So I bought a circular 
aluminum plate the size of the winch base, drilled holes through it in the 
pattern of the original winch, then drilled and tapped holes to match the new 
winch base to secure the new winch base.  I am happy with the result.  Dave 


S/V Aries 

1990 C&C 34+ 

New London, CT 

On Mar 22, 2024, at 8:23 PM, Dean McNeill via CnC-List < 
<> > wrote: 


I'm about to finally replace my old 2 speed Barient 25 primary winches on my 
C&C 34, with Harken 46 Self tailing winches. 
Anyone have experience doing a similar swap? I fully expect I’ll need to fill 
old holes and drill new ones. And probably glass in aluminum or plywood backing 

Any other hints and tips? 

Thanks, Dean 
1980 C&C 34 
Halifax, NS 

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