Listers, Happy new year!
I’m giving away my never-worn C&C Racing polo shirt, size XL. On the front is the C&C logo with “RACING” underneath. On the back are the nautical flags: Alpha Mike Foxtrot (You’ll have to look it up as to what that means, but here’s a hint: C&Cs are so fast that your competition will see this on your back as you pull away.) See: First person to reply that he/she wants it has first dibs. After that. i’ll need $10 via PayPal to cover shipping and for you to make a donation to Stu for the C&C site/list. I’ll leave it up to you if you want to donate $1 or $100. All the best, Edd Edd M. Schillay Captain of the Starship Enterprise Bayliner 3788 | NCC-1701-C Venice Yacht Club | Venice Island, FL
Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help me pay the associated bills. Make a contribution at: Thanks for your help. Stu