I can’t say for sure how the Rudder is supported in an 85 C&C 37 but by
1988, the C$C 37/40 had a bolt through the Rudder Post just above the deck
with two rollers on either end of the bolt that rolled on a plate on the
deck.  Perhaps that bolt is sheared off?

Ken H.

On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 4:19 PM Matthew Wolford via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> Sounds like the quadrant may have prevented it from falling out.  How is
> it supported at the deck?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 7, 2023, at 3:15 PM, Richard Bush via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Hi all; I am in need the collective wisdom of the group for a rudder
> issue; my boat (1985 C&C 37 CB) has been sitting on a trailer since early
> September for repairs to the hull, not rudder related; sometime in the past
> week the rudder has dropped a full two plus inches and no one knows how
> this happened; the hull  has been painted and the painters said they moved
> the rudder by moving the steering wheel and had no issues;  does anyone
> have any ideas or suggests about what could have occurred? and more
> importantly, what needs to be done to make the rudder usable?
> We were hoping to relaunch in the next week or so...I'll be happy to
> provide more information if anyone has questions...Thanks!
> Richard
> 1985 C&C 37 CB; Ohio River...
> Richard N. Bush Law Offices
> 2950 Breckenridge Lane
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/2950+Breckenridge+Lane?entry=gmail&source=g>,
> Suite Nine
> Louisville, Kentucky 40220
> (502) 584-7255
> Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and
> help me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at:
> https://www.paypal.me/stumurray
> Thanks for your help.
> Stu
> Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and
> help me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at:
> https://www.paypal.me/stumurray
> Thanks for your help.
> Stu
Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help 
me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at:
Thanks for your help.

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