I might have tried that, what I paid for new Sunbrella on my genoa more then 
doubled from the last time I had that done.

From: robert fraser via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2023 8:23 PM
To: Stus-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Cc: CHARLES SCHEAFFER <cscheaf...@comcast.net>; robert fraser 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Stus-List Re: Sail Paint

Would like to hear from anyone who has used this paint for uv protection on 
dacron sails

Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows

From: CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List<mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: September 23, 2023 12:04 AM
To: Stus-List<mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Cc: CHARLES SCHEAFFER<mailto:cscheaf...@comcast.net>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Sail Paint

Hey Bill,
That paint test is amazing.  Please try it amd report back.

Chuck S
On 09/22/2023 4:40 PM EDT Bill Coleman via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com<mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>> wrote:

Awhile ago there was discussion about solar leech protection, and sail graphics 
and the inflatable boat paint came up.
I just sawr this demonstration on Hamilton Marine website for their lobster 
buoy paint, and the video on it pretty much sold me. Now I want to remove the 
sticky stuff on my leech and try some of this!

Bill Coleman
Erie PA
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Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help 
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