Joel, Having lived most of my life sailing Long Island Sound, I can share a few recommendations:
Port Jefferson is a great town with wonderful shops and restaurants. Also easy to get in and out of the harbor. Oyster Bay is very protected, but it takes some to get in there. Another great town and Canterbury Ales was a favorite restaurant of mine. On the CT shore, Cedar Island Marina in Clinton is a nice spot with a great restaurant, pool, marine store, laundry, etc. They also have a shuttle to the outlet mall. Greenwich is nice stop, but so close to Port Washington, that you may want to just go the rest. If you do hit Greenwich, Indian Harbor YC is a nice club and it’s a short walk into town. Places to avoid: Bridgeport (industrial), Huntington (very hot - no wind), and Stamford (kinda run down.) So, for Mystic, I would go from Mystic to Clinton, from Clinton to Port Jeff, from Port Jeff to Oyster Bay, then Oyster Bay to Port Washington. All the best, Edd Edd M. Schillay Captain of the Starship Enterprise Bayliner 3788 | NCC-1701-C Venice Yacht Club | Venice Island, FL > On Aug 29, 2023, at 11:54 AM, Joel Aronson via CnC-List > <> wrote: > > We will be travelling from Mystic through LIS next month.Are there any 'must > see' places between Mystic and Port Washington on either shore? > > -- > Joel > Hylas 49 Rule One > formerly C&C 35 The Office > > Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help > me pay the associated bills. Make a contribution at: > > Thanks for your help. > Stu
Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help me pay the associated bills. Make a contribution at: Thanks for your help. Stu