Bill, thanks for the suggestion; and yes, we listened for that, and other 
things, like the Head door banging, but it is clearly coming from the 
centerboard trunk; I can even see the saloon table vibrate when it hits!

Richard N. Bush Law Offices2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite NineLouisville, 
Kentucky 40220(502) 584-7255

    On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:25:33 PM EDT, Bill Coleman via CnC-List 
<> wrote:  
 Are you sure it is coming from the CB and not the stern? We get some pretty 
hard THUNKING sometimes when there is a following wind, even in the slip if the 
little wave hits just right under the stern.
Bill Coleman 
Erie PA  

On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 11:14 AM Richard Bush via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

Joe, thanks; this is a new development, we haven't had this "thump" noise 
before... we did run a line but weren't able to get a result we were sure of: I 
wasn't able to do a dive on the keel, but plan to do that as soon as I can; 

Richard1085 C&C 37 CB: Ohio River, MIlr 584; 
Richard N. Bush Law Offices2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite NineLouisville, 
Kentucky 40220(502) 584-7255

    On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:48:22 AM EDT, Della Barba, Joe via 
CnC-List <> wrote:  
Do you suspect the centerboard is actually down?
Even in murky water, it seems like a 20 second dive would give you the answer, 
unless the murk is caused by something nasty you don’t want to swim in. You 
could always run a line from one side of the boat to the other and walk aft and 
see if you can tell if the board is hanging down.
Assuming it goes up and down as usual, the thunk would be side to side movement 
that the cable cannot change. Some boats just do this, I have heard of people 
swimming down and stuffing a sponge or two in the slot to get a quite night’s 
From: Richard Bush via CnC-List <>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 4:09 AM
To: 'Stus-List' <>
Cc: Richard Bush <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Stus-List Re: Centerboard cable diagnostics or replacement
Hi all; I have a 1985 C&C 37 with a centerboard; with the boat tied at the dock 
(we are at a fixed dock on a river) we notice a thunk sound that seems to be 
centerboard moving side-to-side when there was wave action; however, the 
centerboard cable remains tight and in its usual position (the centerboard is 
normally on the  "up" position, with the cable connected to a rope line which 
is on a cabin top winch. The line was replaced with new line last winter and is 
in good condition).  We were not able to see the bottom of the keel because the 
river water is too murky.
Does anyone have any suggestions or information about replacing the centerboard 
cable; can this be done in the water with a diver? Any other ideas welcome, 
thank you.
1985 C&C 37, CB; Ohio River, Mile 584.
Richard N. Bush Law Offices
2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine
Louisville, Kentucky 40220
(502) 584-7255
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