What is the app you are using?
I use Groceries shopping list for remembering things to take to the
boat/cottage/trip/lumber store/etc
Jeff Nelson
Muir Caileag
C&C 30 - 549
Armdale Y.C.
On 2023-06-07 12:28, CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List wrote:
Does anyone else use checklists on their phone? I find them great for
building better sailing habits and eliminating drama.
I keep my boat 2.5 hrs away from home and I used to get halfway home
before remembering I forgot to close a window or the thruhull for the
air conditioner, or turn off a battery switch. Embarrassed, I would
have to call my friend at the dock to check it for me.
Last year, I found a free app for my phone that let's me make lists.
And I made a list called, "Before leaving boat" and it has about
twenty five items on it so nothing is missed including stowing the
flag and closing thruhulls and wiping down the fridge and leaving the
lid open (to prevent mildew). It helps build better habits and now I
usually perform all the tasks from memory and just check them off
afterward. It's great to ensure everything is done and not have to
worry about it on the drive home. I also made a list, "Take to Boat"
so I don't forget critical parts or tools needed for projects. The
phone is always with me, so the list is too, and the app is free and
so easy to use.
Chuck Scheaffer Resolute 1989 C&C 34R, Annapolis
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Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help
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