I finished my winch project yesterday and am quite happy with the result. I used an aluminum plate as adapter as I had planned which I drilled and tapped for the Harken mounting holes. Then I was able to reuse a number of the old through deck holes plus several new ones to mount the plate (bed-it butyl underneath). I am not happy with the white epoxy I used to fill the 2 exposed old holes (you can see one just to the right of the winch). What do others use to try to match the gelcoat and get a flat or textured surface? Dave
https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/9mkyprjmQSaSBLUrQY4lHw.CzlycRs1-zBDtkut0IoMkz <https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/9mkyprjmQSaSBLUrQY4lHw.CzlycRs1-zBDtkut0IoMkz> S/V Aries 1990 C&C 34+ New London, CT
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