Most people I talk to are disappointed at the direction Defender has been
going after being purchased by a Hedge Fund, or whomever, and West has been
pretty pricey since Randy Repass left years ago, and now that doesn't look
too good -

<<That same day, S&P downgraded
Rising Tide Holdings to SD, which means selective default. “We view the
transaction as tantamount to a default because creditors will receive less
value than originally promised, and we view the exchange as distressed,”
S&P wrote.>>

I guess Rising Tides, dba West Marine, is ebbing.

Does anyone  have any favorites for Parts, like BOE Marine, Go2Marine,
etc?  I can't find my bottom paint for less than $395 A Gallon. Even
Fishermen's supply is not that great anymore.

Bill Coleman
Entrada Erie, PA
Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help 
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Thanks for your help.

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