
I have a similar issue with Calypso’s B&G wind instruments.  I have been 
following several related topics in Sailing Anarchy’s Gear forum where people 
much more familiar with the IT side of connecting a new sensor to an existing 
system.  I have read much about various attempts to connect different 
manufacturers equipment through a NMEA backbone.

My sense is there may not be an easy or simple solution at least for our 22 
year old B&G system.

Martin DeYoung
1971 C&C 43
Port Ludlow/Seattle

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From: Charlie Nelson via CnC-List<>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2022 10:31 AM
Subject: Stus-List Wind instrument conundrum

I have a Garmin 10 series instrument set on Water Phantom with 4 GMI 10 
displays, GWS 10 wind transducer and a Garmin knot-meter/depth sounder all on a 
NMEA 2000 backbone which I installed about 10 years ago (?).

This is connected to my Garmin 547(1?) chart plotter and this has worked fine.

Thanks in advance for any wisdom the list may send my way,

Charlie Nelson
1995 C&C 36 XL/kcb
Water Phantom

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