It is unseasonably cold.

Today, we are at 11/29 (°F) or -11/-1 (°C). The boats are all on the hard, for 
a while, well covered from the snow (though we did not have even close to what 
they got along the shores of Lake Erie or Ontario (3-5 ft/ 100-150 cm of snow – 
that could probably sink a boat if not dealt with).

But we should not complain. The nice fall weather extended for at least two 
weeks longer than normal. Just a week ago I was still riding a bike in my 
shorts (high teens (°C)/ 60s (°F)).

Ottawa, ON

Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 11:21 AM
To: CNC boat owners, cnc-list <>
Subject: Stus-List Thanksgiving Temperatures

Bur-r-r.  It was 21 degrees at my house in New Jersey this morning.  Sadly, I 
winterized my boat on Saturday.  Water temp at the boat near Annapolis, was 
still 49 degrees, but forecast to drop over the next week or so.  She will stay 
in the water this winter, with an automatic bubbler system.  I'm still hoping 
for a last sail some 65 degree day before taking the sails off.  It will cost 
me two gallons of pink stuff to rewinterize the engine, but well worth it.

Forecast temperatures for today, low to high:

Halifax, Nova Scotia: 24/34

Juneau, Alaska:  35/37

Erie, Pa: 26/43

Colorado: 27/46

Annapolis:  30/47

Atlantic City, NJ: 32/49

Seattle:  39/51

Atlanta: 36/56

San Francisco:  51/58

New Orleans:  43/59

Charleston:  43/63

Los Angeles: 60/73

Tampa:  56/76

Nassau: 80/81

Have a happy Thanksgiving,
Chuck Scheaffer, 1989 C&C 34R, Magothy River, Md
Don't forget to show your appreciation and help pay the bills.  Make a 
contribution at:
Thanks for your help.

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