Am more than a little annoyed that it started leaking having just replaced it.  
The original had been in the boat for ~ 30 years… 


Two working theories: 


1] Winterizing the water system last fall I drained the heater tank and 
separated it from the water system [which was filled with antifreeze] but did 
nothing more to the heater.  First time I had not put antifreeze in the heater 


2] The engine was at normal temps when arrived at the dock and began to fill 
the water system – with cold water.  Thought I might have heard a pop from the 
area of the tank.  Could the hot engine coolant running through the empty 
heater  tank heated it sufficiently that the cold water put into the tank 
itself caused it to crack?  Have seen hot glass shatter when cold water drips 
on it…  




From: ssjohnson via CnC-List <> 
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 1:58 PM
To: nausetbeach--- via CnC-List <>
Cc: ssjohnson <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Water Heater?'s


4 years old???   Mine is probably original vintage 1984!!!  6 gal Raritan.

Time for a different brand...


Spencer Johnson 

84 LF 38 "Alegria "

Racine, WI




Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone



-------- Original message --------

From: nausetbeach--- via CnC-List < 
<> > 

Date: 9/10/22 10:19 AM (GMT-06:00) 

To: 'Stus-List' < <> > 

Cc: <>  

Subject: Stus-List Water Heater?'s 


My 4 yr old water heater started leaking as I was filling it for the first time 
this year.  It is a 6 gal. Seaward [Whale] unit and only connected to the 
engine coolant circuit [no A/C on board, just 12 V]  


Planning to replace it with the same unit as that “should” be the easiest / 
quickest. Two questions for the group: 


1] The heater comes in galvanized steel and white epoxy versions.  The latter 
is more $ but is it worth it from a corrosion or other standpoint?   It is not 
visible so aesthetics are not important. 


2]  Found both units on Amazon for less than Defender and other distributors.  
Has anyone bought parts / equipment from Amazon Marine?  Usually Amazon 
delivers when they indicate, but I ordered some ink for a home printer and it 
still has not been delivered after 8 weeks.  





Ps – Very sad news about Rob.  Amazing how a “simple” fall can cause a cascade 
of events.  Not much comfort, but at least it was tangentially boating related… 



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