Problem solved, and thanks for the reference to JohnKelly Cuthbertson's
web page with the builders plate listed. (Just in time for Father's Day
And GMail works fine on the list using Linux and Thunderbird, just have
to remember what folder you sorted the traffic into.
Doug Robinson
Nemesis, C&C29 MkI.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: no traffic from the list?
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 18:14:21 -0400
From: Stu <>
To: Doug Robinson <>
Doug -- traffic from the list has been extremely slow these days. But
there has been emails posted since 5/2/22.
It has been noted before -- Gmail does not work the best with the list
-- and is not reliable. Sorry but I can't do anything to help you out.
Check out this link for builders' plates from JohnKelly Cuthbertson: