Looking for experience on procurement and replacement of the Centerboard
Pendant Tube (or whatever it's called) on 1981 C&C 36-1. This one shows
signs of corrosion and pinhole weeping on the aft facing part of the lower
radius. Is this common?

Going through the list of sources for drawings (Marine Museum, South Shore
Yachts) as a starting point. Likely will have a replacement fabricated
locally and schedule haul out once materials and dimensions are known.

Vessel: 1981 C&C 36-1 KCB
HIN: ZCC36244M81H (36-1 #244)
C&C Design Drawings Prefix: 76-6-NN

Tim Rutherford
S/V Chamamé (CHA-muh-may)
Davis Island Yacht Club
Tampa, FL

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