
Not quite sure what you mean by upgrade, but in my case the OEM winches were 
too small.  Boat came with Barients - #26 primary and #22 secondary and #10 
mainsheet.  I picked up 2 Barient #28 from this list as primary, moved the two 
#26 to secondary and one #22 to mainsheet.  HUGE improvement in trimming sails 
and still working just fine.  FWIW I disassemble, clean, grease and oil on a 
regular basis usually in spring.  All are aluminum drum and not self tailing as 
I do a fair amount of racing.  This list and Ebay are your friends.  Also 
suggest looking at Mass Marine in Quincy MA.  They are yacht salvage and have 
an extensive inventory of winches.  Tell John I said "hi".

John Read
Legacy III
1982 C&C 34
Noank, CT

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