Not so fast.  I'm a fan of 3M, and used to be a fan of 4200.  However, in
December 2021 Practical Sailor reported that after several years, firmed up
4200 reverted back to goop.  Practical Sailor asked 3M about this, but as of
the April 2022 "3M has offered no comment on the cause or global impact of
the product failure."  3M 4000 UV may have the same problem, although
Practical Sailor reported that 3M claims a reformulated product solved it
(at least for 4000 UV).  The recent update in the April 2022 issue is on p.
6 under "Gear Graveyard."


Matt Wolford

C&C 42 Custom 


From: Rod Stright via CnC-List <> 
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 4:40 PM
To: 'Stus-List' <>
Cc: Rod Stright <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Chainplate Sealing.


3M 4200


From: John McCrea via CnC-List <
<> > 
Sent: March-21-22 5:28 PM
To: 'Stus-List' < <> >
Cc: <> 
Subject: Stus-List Chainplate Sealing.


Hello. I have a leak on my port side chainplate that needs addressing. I
pulled both chainplate cover plates and noticed that I had a stainless rod
on starboard that holds the two chainplates pieces together. One on port is
missing. Maybe that is causing excess movement and more adapt to leak? The
covers are original and thin 1/16 aluminum. I am getting them beefed up to
1/8 stainless. 


Looks like the PO had only sealed them with clear silicone. So that will all
be dug out. I am also inspecting the hull tabbing below with the chainplates
etc to ensure that I do not have any issues there. What is the best sealant
to use when installing the new cover plates? Thanks!




John McCrea


1979 36-1

Mystic, CT

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