Curious if anyone else tried this?

My cabin top handrails are bolted to a matching set in the cabin ceiling.  They 
were throughbolted to each other using long bolts and nuts and the holes 
bunged.  I removed them to fix leaks many years ago and want to install them 
now so I can simply remove the screws from inside and remove both for a winter 

They were originally through bolted together, the outside cabintop handrails 
had 3 1/2" long 10-24 screws and the cabin ceiling handrails had nuts holding 
it all together, both fasteners had teak bungs over the fasteners.

My plan is to install threaded inserts into the outside handrails and use 
stainless 10-24 screws from the inside ones to hold them together.  My plan is 
to bung the outer handrails and leave out bungs on the inner set, so I can 
remove the the screws from inside, each winter.  I've already overbored and 
redrilled and countersunk the deck holes, and will use butyl tape for bedding.  
This should provide a way to remove the long screws from inside without 
removing the bungs on the outside handrails.

Chuck Scheaffer Resolute 1989 C&C 34R Annapolis

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