Very good points, Ron.

What's the budget?  That could rule out any Tartan built C&Cs.  

My 34R is tricked out with many upgrades to make her better for shorthanded or 
solo racing on distance races on Chesapeake Bay.  Just added a Selden sprit for 
her two assyms.  I installed a carbon tube through the bow to enable fitting a 
dyneema bobstay to allow flying a code zero in future.  The PHRF rating hit for 
the sprit is offset by the credit for the above deck furler and 139% headsail.  
New windows, new chainplates and maststep, new non-skid on deck, new fuel tank, 
and all deck hardware rebedded. 
Many people don't know that the 34R has removable vee berths and removable 
cockpit seats that lighten the boat considerably in the ends.  We did well 
triangle racing with pickup crew when we scrubbed the bottom before a race.  I 
do well upwind solo in JAM passing several boats on the way to the windward 
mark, but have suffered in some long downwind races when others fly their 
spinnakers and pass me.  I'm hoping the sprit and assym will make her more 
competitive downwind.  Can't wait to try out all the new upgrades next spring.

Chuck Scheaffer Resolute, 1989 C&C 34R, Annapolis

> On 11/29/2021 6:44 PM rjcasciato--- via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> So, Dennis, as you can see already, you may have to narrow (filter) the 
> possible choices.  There those of us who would highly recommend one of the 
> Rob Ball pre 80 37's or 38's....(same hull) and those who favor later Rob 
> Ball models..........and those who favor the Tartan C&C models.
> A reasonable analysis of the "ratings" for most models will turn up several 
> findings.  Most boats do not sail to their ratings unless there is an OCD 
> owner who makes sure the boat is absolutely fitted out for racing.  And 
> further, for that class.  And e.g., I’m not one who would sail with any crew 
> that sailed because of the beer quality..........
> You will also have to define "Handicap" racing.  If you want to sail "every 
> handicap" race......Wednesdays, weekends, etc.  If you pick it too broad, you 
> will get beat in one of those categories by a boat (C&C) specifically fitted 
> for that class and conditions.  
> And then, there is the Testosterone your crew 
> under the age of 40?   Over 65?  Etc.  Has any of them flown an ASYM and won 
> a race (without you doing anything else but driving?)  Is one of your crew 
> (or can you get) a sailmaker on board?  Will you turn over all the other crew 
> jobs to the crew and only drive?  Or get a driver if you aren't the top 
> choice? 
> Then check race results for the C&C winning boats.............. in general, 
> there are not many of them that win on a regular basis.  But those that do, 
> have figured out the best assortment of the above conditions.
> Then I would check in on your local racing venue handicap "allowances".  E.g. 
> Racing or Cruising only??     Usually, +6 seconds for JAM vs Spinnaker.....
> Declare NO spinnaker pole........+9 seconds
> Above deck roller furling.........+6 seconds (recreational adjustment for 
> JAM) Working above deck furling is a condition of the JAM rating.
> I may find an example of one of the best choices.........but I'll have to do 
> some records review.  I will report later this week with any results.
> Best,
> Ron C.
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  Thanks - Stu

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