I going to guess it is coming from the hinge for the lazzerette. Doug Mountjoy sv Rebecca Leah C & C Landfall 39Port Orchard Yacht Club Port Orchard, WA -------- Original message --------From: G Gao via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 10/17/21 16:22 (GMT-08:00) To: Stus-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: G Gao <general.z....@gmail.com> Subject: Stus-List water ingress yet another question for experienced sailors:today I was winterizing my boat, I found sitting water in my compartment under the cockpit storage, not a lot, but there was some. my boat was already out of the water. I found it actually came from the spot in the picture below:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SdYK9pceDLR4bHu6CRPv3fJBszH7C7XT/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQi22w6r1snDEwGHsadC3c4YChVj2seW/view?usp=sharingThere is no water at the top of the storage, or on the deck anywhere; it rained last week a lot but not today; it seems that the water drips when the wind blows a bit harder. I don't think I saw it when the boat was in the water, or it could be that I did not notice it or not as much water.any comments and suggestions?Thx.Bo-- 1974 C&C 35 MK2
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