Hi all, The excellent advise a couple weeks ago on replacing standing rigging led us down a rabbit hole. Long story short, we are now getting ready to have our 25, Sweet Chariot, moved from Washington DC to Solomons MD on the Chesapeake. A much longer drive, but better sailing and boat yard options.
We've never had her moved by trailer, and I'm curious what we should expect of the hauler. One says we should have the boat fully prepped with mast secured to deck. Another said they prefer to do it all themselves (which I also prefer). Any tips for getting her ready for a road trip or dealing with boat haulers? We've checked with a few people in the area, but any recommendations would be appreciated as well! Thanks! Stephen
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray Thanks - Stu