Hi Brian,

My C&C34 bow fitting replacement is shown in photos here:
I got the general concept from the Johanna Rose blog
http://svjohannarose.blogspot.com/2018/06/stemhead-replacement.html but
wanted to keep it lighter (using aluminum rather than stainless steel) and
needed to design around the different features of the C&C34 bow.
It is designed to use a Mantis roller and I extended the bow a little to
provide a tack point for the asymmetrical spin.  I created the design
myself in Onshape
using measurements and a wood moc up and then had Xometry build it for me
including welding and heavy duty black anodizing.  It didn't fit perfectly
and I had to add a stainless steel spacer in front of it so some small
adjustments to the design might be a good idea if you are going to have
another one fabricated.

Since I designed the bottom to be flat for easier fabrication, I had to
fill the deck with thickened epoxy to create a flat mounting surface.  I
was concerned about the added bending moments from the anchor so I extended
it back about 8 inches compared to the original and cut the toe rails
accordingly.  That also gave me room to move the chalks back behind the
forward pulpit legs. I also added an additional 1/4" G10 backing plate
bonded under the existing plywood backing plate underneath it. Fabrication
was ~$2800 and then the stainless steel chalks (Schaefer XCL Model 60-50) and
roller assembly it was closer to a $3500 upgrade all told.  Probably not
the most economical approach in the end and definitely a lot of work
although I do like how it came out.

I did this as part of a full deck repair/repaint/refit project in spring of

Having an anchor all the way out on the bow does weigh the bow down a bit -
I ended up moving my spare anchor out into the aft lazarette to
compensate.  Having the roller definitely makes launching and retrieving
the anchor a lot easier!

Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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