Hi Brian, My C&C34 bow fitting replacement is shown in photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Sd5YJg8rJ5GwGZ8M7 I got the general concept from the Johanna Rose blog http://svjohannarose.blogspot.com/2018/06/stemhead-replacement.html but wanted to keep it lighter (using aluminum rather than stainless steel) and needed to design around the different features of the C&C34 bow. It is designed to use a Mantis roller and I extended the bow a little to provide a tack point for the asymmetrical spin. I created the design myself in Onshape https://cad.onshape.com/documents/87319ac0373461e07d9c3465/w/8092d805cb5db461fce8cc09/e/94229b4df81f5f30af53d096 using measurements and a wood moc up and then had Xometry build it for me including welding and heavy duty black anodizing. It didn't fit perfectly and I had to add a stainless steel spacer in front of it so some small adjustments to the design might be a good idea if you are going to have another one fabricated.
Since I designed the bottom to be flat for easier fabrication, I had to fill the deck with thickened epoxy to create a flat mounting surface. I was concerned about the added bending moments from the anchor so I extended it back about 8 inches compared to the original and cut the toe rails accordingly. That also gave me room to move the chalks back behind the forward pulpit legs. I also added an additional 1/4" G10 backing plate bonded under the existing plywood backing plate underneath it. Fabrication was ~$2800 and then the stainless steel chalks (Schaefer XCL Model 60-50) and roller assembly it was closer to a $3500 upgrade all told. Probably not the most economical approach in the end and definitely a lot of work although I do like how it came out. I did this as part of a full deck repair/repaint/refit project in spring of 2000. Having an anchor all the way out on the bow does weigh the bow down a bit - I ended up moving my spare anchor out into the aft lazarette to compensate. Having the roller definitely makes launching and retrieving the anchor a lot easier! Let me know if you have any questions. Nathan >
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray Thanks - Stu