I got mine from Rig-Rite.  Search for “RR 54-B7-35A” on this page: 
 <https://www.rigrite.com/Spars/SparParts/Reef_Hooks.php#Reef Hook/Tack 

They’re proud of the damned things.  I’m embarrassed to say what I paid for it. 
 They know they’ve got you by the short hairs.

Randy Stafford
S/V Grenadine
C&C 30 MK I #79
Ken Caryl, CO

> On Aug 2, 2021, at 10:58 AM, Alexander Netherton via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Hello all , 
> Recently purchased CnC 30 Mk 1 does not have any reefing hooks.  A 
> neighbouring similar CnC does.  Do  you know where I could purchase this 
> fitting, or failing that, make an alternative reefing solution.  The previous 
> owner said it was always on his to do list, but alas, he did not do it. 
> Thanks, Alex,  Dulcibella, Nanaimo. 
> Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with 
> the costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use 
> PayPal to send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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