FWIW, I think solar fans make more sense than opening ports. Opening ports are nice to have but when the breeze stops, the air stops moving. Rain and spray can enter an opening port easily while the new model solar fans protect from rain and they will work automatically when the boat is closed up and keep it smelling fresh.
I have four solar fans on my 35 footer. Some solar fans like my Nicro fans have a rechargable battery and run all night. My Nicro fans have an On/Off switch and a damper to close in rough weather. I couldn't find them anywhere so they may be out of business. I have two off-brand chinese model fans that don't have batteries and only run when it's sunny. I had Marinco fans but they stick up three inches above the deck and caught the sheets too often. The cheaper chinese fans work better for my purposes as they stick up only 1 inch and lines roll right over them. Chuck Scheaffer, Resolute 1990 C&C 34R
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