A week or so ago we had discussed vector files for the commonly seen
four-pointed star which approximates that at the aft end of the sheer stripe of
our older c&cs.
Had some graphics done for Windstar - details here
As part of the process, My son created an image of the compass star, and I’d
be happy to share the vector file.
Stu, i‘d happy to send to you for the website.
Email me directly if you’d like the .eps file.
Dave - 33-2 Windstar
Legal Disclaimer:
In a nautical context, the four pointed star of this type is typically used
the represent the cardinal points of the compass. It has done so for
centuries. It is therefore unsurprising that C&C incorporated it in their
sheer stripe. Many Similar images are easily found with a google search.
Sent from my iPhone
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