Hi Lee, To my ear, the 2nd video is a normal sounding A4. They sound like a sewing machines. The first time I heard mine run, I had the same reaction. The first video, sounds like a normal A4 but there seem to be some kind of movement of some kind. My first thought was that it was in gear and the prop was spinning maybe. However, as someone mentioned, that could have been a loose or aging engine mount. I didn't notice any engine movement though. The coils on the A4 can be a bit delicate and crack when they over heat. That could also be the source of difficult starting. Especially, if it started easier cold and got more difficult when it was warmed up. I kept a spare coil, spare carb and spare fuel pump on board because these were always causing me trouble. Well, not the fuel pump really but, I figured it was good insurance. I would try to swap out the coil if I had an overheat. As has been mentioned, these are very durable engines and don't die easily. Danny
---------- Original Message ---------- From: Lee Goss via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> To: Stus-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: Lee Goss <leewg...@googlemail.com> Subject: Stus-List Even More Atomic 4 Troubles Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 14:03:58 -0500 Ahoy! When our C&C29 MK.1 was taken out of the water last season the engine was left running... until it eventually just stopped. We've just tried starting it for the first time using a bucket of water, and whilst we did get it running; it doesn't sound like it use to! Could anyone familiar with Atomic 4's please listen to these videos and let me know your thoughts? Link to videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19oxLLMBcHKWucEAp5QbH19TYT_PR7eEn?usp=sharing Many thanks in advance for any help. Lee C&C 29 MK.1 Lake Michigan
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