How deep is the lake. Sent from my Android. Please forgive typos. Thank you.
________________________________ From: Danny via CnC-List <> Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2021 8:51:26 AM To: Stus-List <> Cc: Danny <> Subject: Stus-List Re: C&C 40 CaptainQ refit Whoa... On Mar 27, 2021 8:33 AM, Joel Delamirande via CnC-List <> wrote: As a new boater What is the important things to check so you end up at the bottom of the lake Like your pictures On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 8:30 AM Joel Delamirande <<>> wrote: Hopefully you didn’t pay too much that more than me for my refit Do u have updated pictures I wish on this email list we could send pictures to show my progress On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:14 PM Richard Bush via CnC-List <<>> wrote: Adam, I'm impressed! What did you have to do to get the boat back to usable condition? Richard s/v Bushmark4; 1985 C&C 37 CB; Ohio River, Mile 596; Richard N. Bush Law Offices 2950 Breckenridge Lane<>, Suite Nine Louisville, Kentucky 40220-1462 502-584-7255 -----Original Message----- From: Adam Hayden via CnC-List <<>> To: Stus-List <<>> Cc: Adam Hayden <<>> Sent: Fri, Mar 26, 2021 9:33 pm Subject: Stus-List Re: C&C 40 CaptainQ refit Joel Here is how I bought our boat. We'll technically it was 5 days later once it was on the hard. It was certainly a big project/refit. :) that was 7 years ago.<> Adam C&C 36 Sent from my Bell Samsung device over Canada’s largest network. ________________________________ From: Joel Delamirande via CnC-List <<>> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021, 10:13 p.m. To: Stus-List Cc: Joel Delamirande Subject: Stus-List Re: C&C Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- <> Thanks - Stu Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution --<> Thanks - Stu -- Joel Delamirande []<> -- Joel Delamirande []<>
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- Thanks - Stu