I am partway through a similar project, I removed a half dozen stereo components and replaced with what is probably an RV style receiver, a Jenson JWM90A that has HDMI in and out and 3 zones, etc – I am planning on using a 1080 Computer Monitor, with a Motorola Digital recorder for the TV tuner, which I already use at home. Hoping to find a monitor that runs on a 14 or 12V power supply. Curious what 12V TY Joel found.
Have several other projects to get through before I finish this one up. Bill Coleman Entrada, Erie, PA On Thu, Mar 18, 2021, 15:33 WILLIAM WALKER via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: Looking at installing 12 volt tv with built in dvd player and digital antenna to entertain spouse with movies in the evening. Anybody tackled this? Issues I haven't thought about? Bill Walker CnC 36
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