I would look to replace the “plastic” sides with Azek (sp??) and cut out the 
lips and ledges with a good dado saw.

Neil Andersen
20691 Jamieson Rd
Rock Hall, MD 21661
From: Tim Rutherford via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 12:50:59 PM
To: cnc-list <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Cc: Tim Rutherford <tim.rutherford.m...@gmail.com>
Subject: Stus-List Galley/Nav Drawer Parts Source

Looking for a source of the parts to repair a drawer from the Nav Station, 
specifically the plastic corner pieces that join the front to the sides.

Photos linked below:
Photo 1 - the corner piece that is not broken, I need a piece like this on the 
Photo 2 - back 
Photo 3 - drawer 
Photo 4 - drawer construction 

PSA - if you put too much hardware in a drawer and the boat heels in heavy 
seas, it can all slide at once and break out the front of the drawer and spill 
everything out onto the cabin sole. /end PSA

Cheers y'all. Any help you can offer is appreciated.
Tim Rutherford
1981 C&C 36-1 KCB Chamame'
DIYC - Tampa
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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