It has taken a while and quite a few man hours, but we may have found the
source of some of our problems.
It’s called MICROSOFT. This company has designed it’s own spam filter to
“protect” their customers from unwanted spam. The problem is that their
database is totally different than any of the other 100 or so popular spam
Once their computer programs determines some so-called spam coming from a
specific email address, Microsoft blocks ALL emails coming from that domain
addressed to their customers which include MSN, Outlook, Hotmail and others.
For some unknown reason, Microsoft blocked our list. We contacted Microsoft
through their web page to have the block removed. From reviewing comments from
others having the same problem, the request is automatically rejected – 100% of
the cases reported this. Next you have to get in line to talk to a real live
person who may or may not speak English (that we can understand) and may not
even be in North America.
They confirm they will look into the matter and the block should be removed in
the next 24-48 hours but there is no guarantee that email will get through.
We are at the waiting stage right now and may see some improvements by the
If you are one of many that have reverted to other methods to receive our list
emails, and you have a Microsoft email account, it is possible they have
blocked other senders to your address.
At least we are getting somewhere.
Stay safe & healthy – Seasons’ Greetings
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to
send contribution -- Thanks - Stu