Is everyone ready for Zeta? The last one through here if memory serves was 
Isaiah (sp?). That was forecast to be not much more than some rain, but I had a 
funny feeling and unrigged my canvas and genoa. We ended up with water so deep 
on the island I could not drive out of my driveway and I could literally cruise 
around my yard in the dinghy which was home for the storm. I had to keep it 
from cruising off down the road and we had winds over *80* knots here too.


So for Zeta max wind for us is maybe 20 knots – I hope that is right. I pulled 
the Whaler out this time, its slip is where the drain pipe is and that caused a 
huge problem last storm including dumping me off the Whaler to the amusement of 


Have we ever gone through 2 alphabets before?


Joe Della Barba

Coquina C&C 35 MK I

Kent Island MD USA



October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to this 
list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  Thanks - Stu

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