Hi Mark- Thanks for posting the link to the eWincher.  I had not heard of it 
but the reviews I have read so far are very positive 
(https://www.yachtingmedia.com/magazine/ewincher-test.html#).  I have been 
getting concerned about when age will limit my genoa cranking power and have 
been keeping an eye on electric winches.  This looks like a great alternative.  
Not cheap, but you only need one of them.  If anyone gets one, please report 
Related to this- I have spent the entire season racing single handed with my 
110% genoa.  I decided I would be single handed due to Covid and did not want 
to spend the summer winching in the larger (145%) sail myself.  My experience 
has been that the boat is remarkably fast and competitive with the smaller 
genoa, especially given the PHRF rating change gives some compensation.  Even 
in light winds, my overall results were comparable to my 140% genoa.  The big 
difference is being able to easily tack the boat in heavier air.  I will have 
to think hard about what to do next year (or whenever) I begin to sail with 
crew again.  Dave

S/V Aries
1990 C&C 34+
New London, CT

> On Oct 25, 2020, at 9:33 PM, Dr. Mark Bodnar <drbod...@bedfordchiro.ca> wrote:
> Another option is the Ewincher - https://www.ewincher.com/en/ 
> <https://www.ewincher.com/en/>
> I've read an extended review of it on AAC (no personal experience or any 
> links to the company)
> Far cheaper that installing even a single electric winch (not counting the 
> electrical required for the install) and able to move from winch to winch
> Mark
> -----------------------------------------
>     Dr. Mark Bodnar, BSc, DC, FCCPOR(C)
>   Chiropractic Rehabilitation Specialist
> Bedford Chiropractic  www.BedfordChiro.ca <http://www.bedfordchiro.ca/>
> -----------------------------------------
> There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
>   - George Santayana
> On 2020-10-25 12:57 p.m., Hoyt, Mike wrote:
>> Hi Fred
>> Persistence used to have Lewmar 43 electric winches.  We replaced with 
>> Lewmar 40 non electric winches.  Peter Drillio traded me for the electric 
>> winches but never installed them and may still have them (he since sold his 
>> boat).
>> If interested contact me off list and I will reach out to Peter
>> Mike Hoyt
>> Persistence
>> Halifax NS
>> From: Fred Hazzard <fshazz...@gmail.com> <mailto:fshazz...@gmail.com> 
>> Sent: October 24, 2020 8:41 PM
>> To: Stus-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> <mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
>> Subject: Stus-List Winches
>> As I get older, I think more and more of replacing my primaries with 
>> electric winches.
>> With the cost of about $6000 each for my 44,  I wonder if it is possible to 
>> find used winches salvaged from a storm damaged boat. Of course I also worry 
>> about if doing this would just be asking for trouble. 
>> I will appreciate your thoughts. 
>> Fred Hazzard
>> S/ V Fury 
>> C&C 44
> October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to 
> this list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use 
> PayPal to send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray 
> <https://www.paypal.me/stumurray>  Thanks - Stu

October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to this 
list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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