This is interesting Marek, Once again, this list is going to cost me more $$ as I find out about more cool hi-tech gadgets on this list. Fortunately , I was able to walk away from the WeatherFlow for a few days, and the feeling went away for a bit.
As Matt may have mentioned, our club has a Davis, which, as you mentioned, is the Cadillac of the non professional systems, and it does seem to have the best software. This link with the Davis really gives you pretty much all you need as a sailor, but they are pricy. Also, it seems every time we have a weather issue here, like a squall or something, the Davis goes down for several days until the person tasked with its maintenance goes down and fixes it. I was tempted by the WeatherFlow tempest, and I see they are now back in stock. However, I would really miss the dedicated display that I currently have with my Acurite. The Weatherflow only displays on phones and PC's, which may be fine for club use. The Acurite models are fairly disposable, which is why I figured it would be a good starter. (I'm on my second) Unfortunately, they stopped supporting my model and software, so I cannot get back on WeatherUnderground. When my current Acurite quits, I will be buying the Weatherflow, and report back, but probably too late for your use. All the reviews I read on it were quite positive, tho - Bill Coleman Entrada, Erie, PA From: Marek Dziedzic [] Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2020 7:16 PM To: Stus-List Subject: Stus-List weather station Hi, This is not C&C related, but certainly sailing-related. I have a general question to anyone who is involved in running a weather station for the sailing club (or similar). Our Club had various weather stations over the years, but the last one failed about a year ago and we did not have anything this season. I was asked to investigate what we could use. I have two options already: Davis Vantage Pro 2 and WeatherFlow Tempest. Davis w/s is reasonably high-end, but it also has a rather high-end price. WeatherFlow is very new, has very attractive pricing and no moving parts. If I correctly remember someone on the list was involved with the WeatherFlow initial KickStarter action. If this is correct, any comments or experience would be of great value. This will be a Sailing Club w/s, so the most important parameters are wind speed and direction; anything else is a bonus. If you have any suggestions, comments, ideas, recommendations for or against, I would greatly appreciate it. Since this might not be of interest to all listers, potentially use a direct email. Thanks Marek Dziedzic Ottawa, On
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